GLV2 cap stuck.. I mean REALLY stuck.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2009
Montana, USA
So, My GLV2 has been working great for over a year now, almost a year and a half.

It has been working so well, in fact, that I haven't had a reason to remove the upper part (where the atty goes) from the GLV2 body, for quite some time... Probably haven't taken it off in over 6 months.

I used to get a bit of leakage of eliquid from the top part, and my batteries would end up covered in a bit of the liquid. Those occasions were the only time I had to remove the upper cap. Haven't had a leak in a long time, and so haven't removed it.

Had a little leakage today and tried to get the cap off, and to my surprise, it will not budge. I've tried everything. I have pretty strong hands, but even my tough-as-nails neighbor can't get it to budge. So I've had to do my best to clean the interior with long Q-tips and bits of paper towel.

Is there ANY way I can get this cap off, or is it most likely fused shut permanently?



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2009
Key West,Fl.
I always twist mine a bit just to keep it moving.Seems like you have it stuck on there. Ive never had leakage in any of mine,but maybe the juice got in there and stuck the threads together somehow. You can always call Jay and ask if he has an answer or if you need to send it in. I cant imagine having it stuck like that.Its weird.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
I use a anti-seize compound on all my GLV's such as a Aluminum Paste Anti-Seize Lubricants to prevent this from happening. I would not use WD-40 because of the smell and residuals the spray leaves behind.
Yeah i for got , you need to clean it off if you use WD40. We use little soap. You should only use the WD40 If it gets stuck as well.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2009
Montana, USA
I have no idea how you can get leakage on your batteries on a GLV since the atty connector is to the side.

the 810 atty's I use have holes in the bottom... the 510 to 810 adapter I use on the GLV also has a hole. the 510 connector on the GLV2 leads down into a chamber where the wiring connects to the battery contacts. The spacing between wires and the metal housing leave a bit of a gap in there for the juice to leak from the atty into the battery chamber. This happens very slowly, obviously, but it does happen. The GLV2 (at least the one I got in Feb of last year) is not air- or water-tight inside, and the juice gets through.

My cap is still stuck, but I've messed around in there enough with long Q-tips and other small things that it's pretty clean in there now... so getting the cap off isn't any kind of emergency. I'll use this time and some of the suggestions here to see what I can accomplish.

I'd hate to have to send it in, as I have no backup. Haven't needed a backup since getting the GLV2, lol!!

Guess I may have to buy a backup one first, in the next few months... :p
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