Global Smoke?

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Full Member
Dec 21, 2010
Yes.. I am a victim of impulse buying.. darn mall kiosks!! They had a smoke-51 kiosk in our mall here in Texas and I opted for the cheaper bigger e-cig that simply says "Global Smoke" on the battery.. the boxes look the same but I can't find ANYTHING around on "global smoke" in general.. go figure. The lady that WAS running it up and left (after many customer complaints about the Smoke-51) and I've tried returning it after it wouldnt charge and they swapped the charger, battery, and gave me 5 cartomizers, PLUS a smoke-51 duo charger, battery, and 5 cartos.. seemed like an ok deal for $80.. REALLY wish I would have done my homework tho.. *face palm* at least I'm on my way into the vaping world and out of the stinky analog ;) Anyone have info or seen a "global smoke" and where I can get cartos? I bought some ejuice.. another cheap mistake I'm sure.. VaporPure (apple and vanilla) in 30ml for 8.99 each.. 16mg strength.. hopefully they dont taste like PUKE like the vanilla cartos for the duo.. HOW DO YOU GET THE TASTE OUT!!!


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Jul 22, 2010
Herrin, Illinois


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Dec 21, 2010
I tried adding French Vanilla extract to one just to see if it tasted LESS like puke.. now I feel like I just smoked super vanilla puke.. is there a way to rinse these bad boys out just to refill them with something else? I'm really hoping I dont have to vape them dry and refill them just to have a lingering pukey taste.. it's AWFUL!

Also, where can I find things "okay" to vape flavor wise? Kinda skiddish on the imitation flavors at walmart.. made sure they didnt have oil but the safety of them? Trying to stay away from buying online if possible.. I'm more of a hands on type person. Anyone have any general-ish stores they can aquire such strange things from?

Phil McRotch

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Nov 2, 2010
Carson, CA
Welcome to ECF, Meeka.

I assume the one you bought is like the one on If that's the one, it looks like a 510. It's definitely overpriced for $80 at the mall. Hell, it's overpriced on their site too.

If you need cartridges/cartomizers/atomizers or any other replacement parts, it would be heavily suggested that you choose from one of the ECF approved vendors. It's unfortunate you can't return it for a refund since you could have easily spent half, or less, on a genuine starter kit. Just know that a brand new battery+atomizer or cartomizer put together, pretty much = a brand new e-cig that could potentially replace the model you are currently using.

Edit: Just read your 2nd post. I would stray away from adding typical kitchen ingredients to your flavors, since you never know what may ruin your atomizer and/or entire unit. There is a DIY thread here on ECF. Also, from what I know, buying parts or e-cig products tend to be overpriced when you try to buy them from a storefront vendor (like the mall). The approved online vendors here are guaranteed to give you quality products and service.
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Full Member
Dec 21, 2010
Doesn't look anything like the ones :( It looks similar to the Duo on the smoke 51 but it's longer and fatter.. Comparable to a Camel-wide if they came in 100's.. It's a heavy beast haha but I really like that one MORE than the Duo that I have as well now. Not as much vape but less "real" looking I suppose. My wishlist DEFINATELY has the Volcano Magma on it.. Read nothing but good reviews.. and if I would have done my homework, I could have been happier for the same price if not less since I got next to nothing for my money and their kits have LOADS of goodies with it.... *sigh* Now to spend MORE money on stuff I dont like to get me through till I can afford the one I want!! Wasn't forseeing the expense when I bought it for sure ;)


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Jul 22, 2010
Herrin, Illinois
Lorann is a brand of flavoring used in lots of suppliers juices, there are a few others too like Flavourart. I get it at walmart for $2 for a pack of 2 drams. Avoid any with oils, of course. Craft stores like Hobby Lobby and Steven's also have the Lorann's in the candy making section, however its a tad bit more expensive usually.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Smoke51's prices are ridiculous. $50 for a battery.
I pay $10-15 for batteries, maybe $18 for a hard to find color. I think Smoke51 is an E9, a Chinese wholesaler model that sells for about $11 per kit from China.

The larger Global might possibly be a KR808D-1 aka "Vapor King" at Vapor4Life. if so, KR808D-1 is actually a popular model. if you get filled cartos at Vapor4Life, I think their Coolcarts are more pleasant (their Premiums burn my lips)
Brand and Model Compatibility Chart - E-Cigarette Wiki

re getting the taste out of a carto - you have to wash it. Look on Youtube for Wash Cartomizer videos. I say one method with near-boiling water and a modified turkey baster to push the water through the carto.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2010
Go to the DIY section about mixing up your own juices.
You HAVE to have some basic supplies, not everything will "vape" correctly.

Regular flavoring in the spice ile at the grocery store, do NOT work.
You have to have a particular type of flavoring which can be bought locally,
BUT, you need to spend a little time learning first!!

Buying some basic supplies online, for your DIY thing, is a must for it to be somewhat
safe and work for you!
I read in another one of your post, that you were mixing with about 50% water and
it wasn't working either....

If you cannot order online for a any reason, please do not continue to do this
in the kitchen, using things that you "think" will work or "try" to make work.

You are inhaling this into your PV and your body and you are kinda getting
your vaping off to a rocky start and no one wants you to fail at this.

Read and learn here, especially in the DIY section and this will help you alot!
Take care...
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So sorry to hear that you bought the product made by SMoke 51. I know the products on are way overpriced but if you google search the website discount codes for up to 40% off pop up and with the lifetime warranty they offer it does turn into a fair deal. I personally love the e-liquid flavors the produce.
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