Glad I found you!

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Vape Suzette

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2011
Hi all:

On the 13th of January it will be exactly nine months since I quit analogs! I don't know what I would have done about my 2-3 pack a day habit without this forum. I found you all by accident when an article on e-cigs caught my eye and a link from the article led me here. I read several posts here and was astonished that so many people had successfully quit. I had tried almost every traditional and untraditional method to help me quit, but nothing had worked until I purchased my 510 starter kit. I was able to give up analogs in less than a week after my batteries arrived. I am still pleasantly shocked --- as is my husband. I have already saved almost four grand!

My health has improved so much since I started vaping! This is the first time I have been free of cigs and I know with great certainty I will never return to analogs. I have not even craved or thought of a cig! I am so glad I found this forum -- wow! Happy new year, everyone! Happy vaping!

---<-@ Vape Suzette

Vape Suzette

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2011
I was so excited to finally post that I forgot to ask my question. Is there any way to clean an atomizer? I purchased a liquid that I wound up disliking intensely and it left a sickening odor and taste behind that I just can't get rid of. Luckily, I have extra atomizers, but I would love to know if there is a way to get the smell and taste out. I tried cleaning it with q-tip and alcohol but I may have made it worse. Oops! Any advice? Many thanks. Also, thanks for the welcome! There is just sooo much to learn!

Vape Suzette


Full Member
Dec 4, 2010
Congrats!!! I too was a 2-3 pack a day smoker. My 1 year anniversary of being smoke free was December 4th. This is my first post but I have been lurking a while and the info from this site has been invaluable in helping remain smoke free. There is so much info on this site that this is the first place I go before purchasing a new kind of e-cig. Also it is encouraging to see other success stories such as yours.

Congrats again and May 2012 be a totally analog free year!

Della Cirque

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 1, 2011
Deep East Texas

Vape Suzette

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2011
Happy Friday the 13th! Anyone here have friggatriskaidekaphobia? Today is my nine-month anniversary. I am going to celebrate tonight.

Thanks, Whitetortuga. Nice place to be! Everyone is so helpful. Congrats to you for making it as well!

CMC: thanks for the welcome. I never thought it could be so easy and change my entire life like this.

Bigtiime: Thanks! This is indeed a very cool place.

Retriever: Thanx!

Dandelionwings: Thank you!

DaveP: What a great Les Paul gold top! Is that the original 1950s issue? Wow, beautiful! I have four guitars and I am currently working on the styles and techniques of Jerry Reed. Reedology is keeping me up at night! What a genius he was. I play fingerstyle, stride guitar and also lots of bottleneck. Before my husband and I moved to Denver we lived in Boston for 16 years and studied and played there. We are now enjoying a slower, more contemplative musical mountain life.

Cactusgirl: That is a great link and just what I was looking for. Thanks!

PaperCoyote: Congrats on your year! Wonderful to be free of such an all-consuming habit.

Della Cirque: Thanks! Congrats to you, too!

Vapoor eyes er: Oh, "Vaporizer!" (I almost didn't get it -- lol!) I agree -- that link should be a sticky. Thanks!

Mooreted: Thanks -- I feel very lucky!

Dieseler: Yes, I smoked for 38 years and I took to vaping like a duck to water. I just never dreamed it could be so easy. It still feels like a miracle.

Iffy: Yup, I went right out and bought the cheap, rotgut vodka! Cool!

Shamruck: YES! I can finally breathe again! I notice that I feel better with every passing day. Thanks -- and congrats to you, too!

The thing of it is -- I had a heart attack several years ago and I kept on smoking because I just couldn't quit. It really is inspiring to read the success stories here. If I had not found this forum I know I'd still be smoking. I think about that a lot and it really strikes me. I often think of the cigarette companies and wonder if they lurk here. I hope their days are numbered. I feel my days were numbered by my incessant smoking. Hopefully I can reverse much of the damage cigs have caused me. I know the body is remarkable at healing itself. I am now doing all I can for my cardiac health and this is truly the best I have felt in decades. All the lurking I did was invaluable. I hope many more lives will be transformed through this forum.

This forum is so huge and has such heavy traffic that it took me a while to find this post! It's like a city. You are my inspiration!

--Vape Suzette
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