Gift for the Wife Advice

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Vaping Master
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Jan 24, 2014
Tomball Texas
Kanger Subtank Mini is a good tank for mouth to lung on the 1.5 ohm coil or 1.2 ohm. Plus the ability to dial in the airflow to make it more like a cigarette draw. I agree that she needs some 24 mg juice. check your local vape shops for a taster bar and let her pick out some new flavors, then pick up something like the subtank mini or nano with the higher occ coils and designate it for the higher Nic juice. That should take care of the cravings and she can toodle puff on it whenever she feels the need. The other tanks with new flavors will attract her for the taste and she will eventually be able to wean herself off the need for a cigarette. I have been vaping since 2011 and once I picked up my 1st ego T, I put cigarettes down for good.


Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2015
Northern Arizona
First of all, I am at the moment celebrating 4 weeks analog-free after 21 years of PAD abuse. I've been lurking n' learning for a bit, and I feel it's time to officially join up. The community here seems pretty knowledgeable and courteous, and I have come to appreciate this resource as much as my favorite youtubers.

We tried out the Blu ecigs a couple of years ago, and after a valiant effort, fell right back into the old analogs. They just didn't cut it. Then, about a month ago, we decided to give these "ego-t cartomizer kits" a try (you know, the ones with the wicks hanging down in the tank?). They were quite an improvement over the Blus, and it led us to each getting Aspire Mini Nautilus/ Aspire 1600 VV within a few days. I haven't looked back. No interest in cigs at all after discovering this set-up. The wife OTOH...

She's on day 18 at the moment, and even after an upgrade to the eleaf istick 50 watt and a growing library of flavors that she likes, she is still dealing with the cravings. Her birthday is coming up, and I'd like some advice for a possible upgrade over the Nautilus Mini. Here are the criteria:

1) Flavor production.
2) Low maintenance type of tank. She has no interest in building coils and such.
3) Preferably something that can take advantage of her higher powered battery, a 50 w device.
4) Oh, and she's a mouth to lung hitter- it has to mimic her old habit.
5) Tank capacity doesn't really matter since she likes to change flavors constantly anyways.

I have been looking into the Atlantis, since we already like the Aspire products we own, but some opinions leave me less than sold on it. I get that it is all subjective, etc, etc. However, I'd greatly appreciate a few other avenues to do some research on. Thanks to any and all who chime in :)

I would say the Kanger Subtank Mini or Nano. I use the Nano. The Nano and mini uses organic cotton wicks so the flavor is better.

About her cravings either bump up the nicotine. If that doesn't stop the cravings try black note or some other full spectrum nicotine ejuice.

Angry Bird Eater

Full Member
Jun 25, 2015
Southport, NC
Looks like the Kanger subtank mini is a hit. She is happy to have it in rotation with the Nautilus Minis, and keeps her favorite ejuice in it. It's just different enough to be a separate type of vaping experience. So far she has only used the .5 coil.

35 days for her and she has thrown out the "emergency" cigs and now claims that she isn't craving them any more :) Thanks for the help, everyone!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Jan 24, 2014
Tomball Texas
Now pick her up the new Subox Mini or Subox nano when it is released later this month. They come with the subtank and she will need a back-up mod anyway in case of failure, White and Black options for the mini and the nano comes in Pink and Purple. She will love either one.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2015
My wife and I just got the eVic VT made by Joyetech. We find them rather enjoyable. They come with a built in 5000mah battery which lasts me all day and I chain vape. I set my temp to 490 degrees and get virtually no throat hit but I blow huge clouds. The starter kit comes with a ego one mega tank that holds 4ml which is really nice. I would certainly recommend it. You could pic one up online for 60 or 70 bucks.

EDIT: Sorry I hadnt seen you already foud one


Full Member
Jun 27, 2015
First of all, I am at the moment celebrating 4 weeks analog-free after 21 years of PAD abuse. I've been lurking n' learning for a bit, and I feel it's time to officially join up. The community here seems pretty knowledgeable and courteous, and I have come to appreciate this resource as much as my favorite youtubers.

We tried out the Blu ecigs a couple of years ago, and after a valiant effort, fell right back into the old analogs. They just didn't cut it. Then, about a month ago, we decided to give these "ego-t cartomizer kits" a try (you know, the ones with the wicks hanging down in the tank?). They were quite an improvement over the Blus, and it led us to each getting Aspire Mini Nautilus/ Aspire 1600 VV within a few days. I haven't looked back. No interest in cigs at all after discovering this set-up. The wife OTOH...

She's on day 18 at the moment, and even after an upgrade to the eleaf istick 50 watt and a growing library of flavors that she likes, she is still dealing with the cravings. Her birthday is coming up, and I'd like some advice for a possible upgrade over the Nautilus Mini. Here are the criteria:

1) Flavor production.
2) Low maintenance type of tank. She has no interest in building coils and such.
3) Preferably something that can take advantage of her higher powered battery, a 50 w device.
4) Oh, and she's a mouth to lung hitter- it has to mimic her old habit.
5) Tank capacity doesn't really matter since she likes to change flavors constantly anyways.

I have been looking into the Atlantis, since we already like the Aspire products we own, but some opinions leave me less than sold on it. I get that it is all subjective, etc, etc. However, I'd greatly appreciate a few other avenues to do some research on. Thanks to any and all who chime in :)

congrats on the 4 weeks, Heres my suggestion, its a great begginer/vet setup.

For the mod, stick with the Eleaf Istick 50w. I've been using mine for quite sometime now. Pros: 4400 mah battery, mine lasts 3-4 days locked in at 25 watts; spring loaded 510 connection, ensures steady, stable connection; variable from 7 watts to 50 watts. powerful enough to run drippers, or subtle enough for a kanger evod.

Now for your tank, if she is a heave smoker as well, go for sub ohm, I own both a delta II and a kanger subtank mini. the .5ohm atty of the subtank has organic cotton, massive airflow, and hits like mike tyson. the delta is good, but my issue with it is the wicking, its a fiberglass like ribbon bonded together with a silica material. That holds back on your flavor. so deff go with the subtank mini.
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