Getting a back up...

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Dec 6, 2012
Vancouver, BC
Hello again! First I'd like to thank everyone who replied to my first few post, made me feel very welcomed and compfortable here. Also a few of my thoughts were answered. Since I have only been vaping for a few weeks now I figured it was not very practical to purchase another ecig right away, (its been killing me "just looking") lol.. but as one person said u should have back ups for your back ups cuz life does happen and things break down so that being said, can anyone make a couple recommendations on a few different ecig's? I have the ego-c right now. I have been looking on line at different sites for different products but i dont know what might be good or what is junk. I am super stoked to buy another ecig cuz I just love em! I can't get enough! It sucks cuz there r no shops up here in Canada (at least none that i know of) that supply anything to do with ecig's so everything for me will be done online. I am open to trying anything. Since i have been reading this site I have discovered that there is alot more out there than what I originally thought and I don't know that much about any other types of ecig's besides my ego, but I guess that will come with time and experience but until then can u all give me some of your thoughts or experience with different products? Variable voltage sounds like something I would be interested in, and what is dripping on an atty all about? What else is out there that I don't know about?
And hey..maybe this back up will end up being the ONE!!!
Also...if there is anyone that knows of a good website (preferably Canadian) to order off of for ecig's and juice's I would really appreciate the info.
Thanx for ur time!! Hope u all have a great day! :vapor: :2cool:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    For where you are right now, probably an additional eGo type battery, a box of cartomizers, and possibly an extra charger are all you need to have set aside for back ups.

    For down the road as you advance IMO a back up should be as simple and unbrakeable as possible. So the mechanical mods are tops in my opinion. My choice was the Mako, but there are other very good choices.

    Like what's to brake or go wrong


    Unregistered Supplier
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    Aug 31, 2010
    OK USA
    look at possibly getting a VV type mod..there is one out called a gripper,I think it runs about $50 or so..its not the top of the line VV mod,but it would give you a chance to try out other LR attys,HV attys,and just about anything you would want to try and run..again,its not the best quality,but some people are happy with them,They are made by smoketech..

    BUt none-the-less,I would say find a decent VV mod and go with that for a back-up..I have mechanical mods,but they are my back-up..

    For top of the line,(this is depending on who you ask) you could look at a provari..BUt very pricey..$150+


    Full Member
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    Dec 6, 2012
    Vancouver, BC
    Hi Soul T - before you get 50 different options a couple of questions for you.
    1. What are you looking at spending?
    2. Of the pvs you've looked at, what most interested you? Something Ego size with variable voltage, or something bigger?

    The ego is the only one I have seen up front and been able to touch and try out cuz there is no where around here that sells them except online and I am pretty much the first one out of my friends and fam to get one... And that being said the only thing I can recommend them is the ego cuz its all I know... Price isnt much of a concern for me at this point but obvously I like to save money but compared to what I spent on smokes its easily justified. Its not an urgency that i get something new but it would be nice to have the option to choose, u know? N E ways, I like the ego cuz i can fill it up and charge it and it will last me all day at work, but when i get home its a different story, I can do anything and dont have to worry about the charge or refils or anything so dripping and other things interest me there...
    Maybe for work adding on vv would be best, i think i like that idea. But first how exactly does vv work? what r the benefits compared to what I have now?
    And as for home, i am open to some thoughts on what might make me happy, lol... I love a good hit and thick vapor but dont we all.. and of course nice flavor.
    and do u know of any websites that may be able to help me make a desision as well?
    Thanx for reply!

    ATV rider

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    Dec 4, 2012
    New Jersey
    I really think the ViVi novas and a Variable Voltage mod is the way to go. The EGO really did not have much of a battery life for me, went through 3 batteries a day, with a 18650 battery I can vape all day. The Lava tube and a ViVi nova with batteries and charger can be had for less than $100. The head on a ViVi can be switched in minutes and that is a ++++++++.


    Unregistered Supplier
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    Aug 31, 2010
    OK USA
    Do a google for madvapes.... Provape..
    Crystal clear vaping....

    Provape has the provari, madvapes has a few different vv as I believe does crystal clear vaping..

    Those are just a few off the top of my head..

    Don't forget you will need 2-4 batts and a charger...

    "I'm a man, I can change,if I have too,I guess"
    Red Green


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 24, 2012
    Seattle, WA
    Variable voltage really opens a lot of doors. You don't have to worry about the resistance of what you put on it, because you can adjust your voltage to get the vape you want. The voltage change can give you a warmer or cooler vape, more or less vapor, even the flavor of your juice can change with different voltages. I started with an Ego Twist. But I got into rebuildables at the same time, and the twist doesn't have an ohm checker. Depending on size, form factor, battery life, cost that you want, there are tons of options. I have a Vamo, a Lavatube, and a VV Gripper and all have pluses and minuses. I love the small size of the VV Gripper, but it's pretty cheaply made. The Lavatube, at least the latest version I have (Lambo 4) is a solid PV and will stay in my collection for a long while. The Vamo is new, pretty inexpensive, versatile in that you can change the size with different battery configurations. The Vamo is my new favorite. Search around the forums for discussions, especially the Variable Voltage forum.

    As for dripping, you can drip with any 510 atomizer on the ego. I like the flavor and the fact I can try different juices without filling up an entire tank. I started dripping with the Ego atomizers that came with my starter kit, since I hated filling up the cartridges. I currently drip with a Phoenix rebuildable, but you can find atomizers with almost every vendor for ~$5.

    Lots to learn about, lots you can buy, but it really is half the fun.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Catatonic State, USA
    tj99959 said it best. Get more pieces, for whatever you're using now. An Ego was a good first choice, it uses the 510 threading (the most popular one). You can experiment with other atty/carto combinations, but starting out, make sure you can put together at least two (maybe three) complete devices. Additional chargers are cheap and helpful as well.

    When I started out, I had two battery failures a couple of days apart (and only two batteries). I had to smoke while I ordered online, and felt bad.

    Edit: Be sure to check out the Canada forum section here, you can find a lot of good localized info there.
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    Vaping Master
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    Jul 14, 2012
    New Zealand
    The ego is the only one I have seen up front and been able to touch and try out cuz there is no where around here that sells them except online and I am pretty much the first one out of my friends and fam to get one... And that being said the only thing I can recommend them is the ego cuz its all I know... Price isnt much of a concern for me at this point but obvously I like to save money but compared to what I spent on smokes its easily justified. Its not an urgency that i get something new but it would be nice to have the option to choose, u know? N E ways, I like the ego cuz i can fill it up and charge it and it will last me all day at work, but when i get home its a different story, I can do anything and dont have to worry about the charge or refils or anything so dripping and other things interest me there...
    Maybe for work adding on vv would be best, i think i like that idea. But first how exactly does vv work? what r the benefits compared to what I have now?
    And as for home, i am open to some thoughts on what might make me happy, lol... I love a good hit and thick vapor but dont we all.. and of course nice flavor.
    and do u know of any websites that may be able to help me make a desision as well?
    Thanx for reply!

    Hi SoulT. I think if you wanted to try variable voltage a Vision spinner would be a good starter. Its Ego size with variable voltage, and has proved quite popular. Those don't cost too much and if you liked it you could move on to a mod later.
    Mad Vapes have the Vision Spinner for $25:
    Vision eGo Spinner 1300mAh Variable Volt Battery, Blue

    Discount Vapers have it for the same price too but are out of stock.

    I think having a Vision Spinner would be a good move - you can try out variable voltage, it will be a good second pv, and then later on if you want an inexpensive mod that performs well and is sturdy you could try a Vamo, they have them here, or a more expensive mod than that if you wanted.
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