Get your FREEBIE - FACES of VOLT Smokeless Image

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2013
Richmond, Va
2013-06-26 17.18.11.jpg 2013-06-27 00.29.12.jpg

Just Like you drikkso,
i have started with other batteries and carts. After finding this forum i saw how well reviewed the volt was. Now i know why the volt is held in such high regard. Getting ready to try out my nano clearomizers now... cant wait!
Smokless Image made a new customer out of me! Only been vaping for 2 months so far and I also haven't had an analog since i started using my new volt.
Keep it up guys!

ps. Its hard to get a pic were you can read volt on the red batteries lol.


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Full Member
Jul 14, 2013
Chicago, IL
2013-07-14 18.29.40.jpg I was a pack and half 20 year smoker and didn't really want to quit smoking cigarettes but knew I had to. I tried a few ecigs purchased at local stores and gas stations, they were ok but they didn't take away my cigarette cravings until I found the Volt. I purchased the Volt pro starter pack and haven't touched a regular cigarette since which has been over a month. Thank you Smokeless Image for helping me quit smoking, saving money and also feeling great!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2011
a picture is required for the freebie
I was a pack and half 20 year smoker and didn't really want to quit but knew I had to. I tried a few ecigs purchased at local stores and gas stations, they were ok but they didn't take away my cigarette cravings until I found the Volt. I purchased the Volt pro starter pack and haven't touched a regular cigarette since which has been over a month. Thank you Smokeless Image for helping me quit smoking, saving money and also feeling great!


Full Member
Verified Member
Jul 26, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Just received my Volt kit yesterday and so far I'm very happy with it. It beats the pants off the Blu I was using and is still close enough to a regular cigarette that I don't feel like I'm not smoking. Out of the sampler pack I'm loving the 555 with the Country coming in a close second. Would definitely recommend this to anyone who actively likes smoking and is looking to replicate that with an e-cigarette!
2013-07-28 10.24.55.jpg


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2011
sure you can :)
Hey :) Posted my pic a year or so ago (it's currently up there in the real customers banner on the site, which I just noticed the other day when ordering some stuff), but testimonial was not a desired thing at that point. Could I throw in a testimonial now? I'm not asking for another freebie, I just like supporting products I like!


Full Member
Verified Member
Apr 24, 2013

What can I say about Smokeless Image and Volt? Oh there's a lot. By far one of my favorite vendors for batteries and accessories. As you can see from my photo! ;) Used these to curb the cravings. Love both the auto and manual batteries, the volt case is perfect and along with the carto case holds everything I need, including a little USB charger. The products themselves are fantastic, have not had 1 problem yet. In fact I loved them so much I bought another case + carto case and a few batteries for a friend to help her as well. Gotta love a great company that stands by their products. I prefer the blank cartos to the pre-fills. Thank you Smokeless Image & Volt! :)

As a side note I also have the color carto tips, makes it much easier to remember flavors as I love a wide variety LOL


Full Member
Verified Member
Aug 8, 2013
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1376016344.805552.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1376016355.384849.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1376016368.718353.jpg

Here's me with my new Smokeless image volt! I absolutely love this vaporizer, it's slim and a "cigalike" but it produces A LOT of vapor. I bought the mini clearomizers from online shop, along with my other items and I have to say its great. I was an occasional smoker, from time to time I would smoke with my friends, especially if we were out at the bar... But not any more, I have not had the urge to smoke an "analog" when at the bar with my friends. I sit there and puff on my little volt and it keeps me happy. Blowin O's all day! Very happy with my purchase, and I will definitely be a repeat customer. Did I mention that I picked up the CE3 cartomizers as well? I haven't had a chance to use them yet, but judging by the rest of their products I am pretty sure I won't be let down. The colored end caps for the cartos is a nice option. And at about thirty cents for a pack of them, it's definitely worth it. I know which carto has what just by the color! I have a red manual battery but the logo doesn't stand out well on it. :)
Here's a new pic with the volt carto case in the image. I don't have my business cards on me.
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Since finding out about Smokeless Image, I've been coming back to them on a constant basis. All of their products are top notch! Here I am enjoying the wonderful vape of my new Spinner with T3 tank, which by the way goes great together! Every now and again I fall off the band wagon with the analogs, but with this power house, I don't see that happening anymore! I love the new tastes, and reliability of their products. My very first kit I bought 2 years ago is still alive and kicking! Thank you Smokeless Image for the great customer service and products!
I love Smokeless Image and my Volt. In the past week I have converted 3 family members to quit analogs. You guys are my go-to place and I will always use your products. I just bought a pass through and a carrying case! I really hope I am still eligible for the contest! I had an issue when signing up a few days ago!

Photo on 9-2-13 at 1.26 PM #2.jpg Photo on 9-2-13 at 2.48 PM.jpg
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Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
Houston, Tx, USA
Get a Freebie!! Take a picture of you using your VOLT and post it here ALONG WITH A TESTIMONIAL about Smokeless Image or the VOLT.

The VOLT logo on the battery has to be readable - or if you cannot get it in focus just add our business card or kit box in your shot :).

Doing so gives us permission to use your picture/image & testimonial on our website.

If you would like to keep your identity private you can just PM me your picture and I will post it here as an anonymous user. Once the shot is approved by us you will get a PM from us. You can then choose ONE of the following :

1) a free battery (any color size in stock - does not include X2 batts)
2) a free bottle of 30ml of e-liquid (any flavor or strength in stock)
3) a free pack of cartos (any flavor or strength in stock)!!
4) 80 Reward points

* 1 Freebie allowed per screen name
* your head must be in the photo

this thread/freebie is still active - 4/4/13

I got my Smokeless Image Volt kit 8 days ago. I had heard nothing but good things about it, and with the saturation of E-Cig products going around right now it was really hard to figure out what was what. I found the Smokeless Image website helpful and easy to use.

I originally wanted to get into "Vaping" because i have smoked analogs for 15 years and wanted to stop. I had tried in the past, to no avail. This is definitely the longest I have gone with out an analog for 15 years, and the day i started using my Volt, i was sold. The next day I threw away the half of pack of analogs that were sitting next to my Volt and i haven't looked back since. Best decision ever. I recommend Volt from Smokeless Image to everyone and anyone that asks me about it, and even those that don't. Extremely happy.

Thank you,


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Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
United States
Get a Freebie!! Take a picture of you using your VOLT and post it here ALONG WITH A TESTIMONIAL about Smokeless Image or the VOLT.

The VOLT logo on the battery has to be readable - or if you cannot get it in focus just add our business card or kit box in your shot :).

Doing so gives us permission to use your picture/image & testimonial on our website.

If you would like to keep your identity private you can just PM me your picture and I will post it here as an anonymous user. Once the shot is approved by us you will get a PM from us. You can then choose ONE of the following :

1) a free battery (any color size in stock - does not include X2 batts)
2) a free bottle of 30ml of e-liquid (any flavor or strength in stock)
3) a free pack of cartos (any flavor or strength in stock)!!
4) 80 Reward points

* 1 Freebie allowed per screen name
* your head must be in the photo

this thread/freebie is still active - 4/4/13

I hope this is still going on!
I just recently got my Volt Starter Kit and I love it so far! It has good vapor production and with the Strong Sampler pack I haven't found one that I don't like! They all taste great. Safe to say that SmokelessImage will be getting more business from me!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 11, 2012
I ordered my x2,cartos and liquid over Labor Day weekend. I was super surprised when it showed up the day after Labor Day. I cant be more happy with the products and have not even thought about an analog since I started using them. You have gained another loyal customer. Thanks much Smokeless Image.

P.S. This picture reminded me I need a shave. 100_0627.jpg
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