General question: Dark brown residue on filler after some juices...

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2010
I disagree, I have a high nicotine, 100% VG juice (cotton candy) that doesn't turn brown at all. That is, not more brown than it's initial color. Except on the coil as gunk or "crude". My experience when my liquid turns brown/black was with juices that are very sweet (carmalization). G-Bear from Gotvapes does it. On the other hand some sweet juices don't change much (IE cotton candy). From my experience I believe it's the sweetner used. If you research Stevia extract, it's know to not carmalize like straight suger does in baking. These are just my musing without science getting involved. I don't believe nicotine staining from analogs is solely from nicotine but more from the burning of plant material as mentioned.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2011
La La Land
Im not using any sweet juices, and its not that the whole juice changes color but for example, in Dual coil carts, its the filler near the coil and on top of the air tube.
In 510T it happens near the around the metal pin, and then it colors the juice near the exit hole in the cart, it looks like small drops (imagine oil drops in water glass), after some time it mixes with juice and whole juice changes color

I disagree, I have a high nicotine, 100% VG juice (cotton candy) that doesn't turn brown at all. That is, not more brown than it's initial color. Except on the coil as gunk or "crude". My experience when my liquid turns brown/black was with juices that are very sweet (carmalization). G-Bear from Gotvapes does it. On the other hand some sweet juices don't change much (IE cotton candy). From my experience I believe it's the sweetner used. If you research Stevia extract, it's know to not carmalize like straight suger does in baking. These are just my musing without science getting involved. I don't believe nicotine staining from analogs is solely from nicotine but more from the burning of plant material as mentioned.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2010
Im not using any sweet juices, and its not that the whole juice changes color but for example, in Dual coil carts, its the filler near the coil and on top of the air tube.
In 510T it happens near the around the metal pin, and then it colors the juice near the exit hole in the cart, it looks like small drops (imagine oil drops in water glass), after some time it mixes with juice and whole juice changes color

hmm, Maybe certain flavorings? Oil extract darking from heat? Most of my juices have some sweetness to them, so I don't have non-sweet experience. Sure it's fine either way.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2011
La La Land
Aha,so its sometime related to nicotine...
And probably there are other types of discoloration, like from sugar, brown juices and so on..

Maybe depending on the liquids? I have some clear Lime liquid in both 0 nic and 10 nic. The 10 nic leaves a brown residue and the 0 leaves none. I also have some very sweet liquids with very low nicotine that leaves a minimal amount of discolorations.


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ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2010
USA - Illinois

I see the brown stain you're talking about. My first tank in my VISION had zero of this effect using 24mg 50/50 fluid. I filled it again, but this time with a different juice. From the same supplier, with 18mg but a different flavor. The condensation and the fluid on the wicks near the coil is a dark brown - similar to tobacco-flavored juices.

The juice that didn't make any brown coloring was tinted just-a-bit yellow, the new juice was clear before it started turning

It doesn't bother me, but it is curious


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ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2010
USA - Illinois
This thread needs pictures


Like I said, the first bottle of juice (24mg) didn't turn color. This is from 1 fill on a previously un-stained setup (second fill of the unit).

This probably happens in our atomizers but we can't see it. I used to see that color on my homemade cart-fillers (memory lane) but always assumed it was a bit of burning. This flavor (honeysuckle) didn't have any pigment but it always formed strange bubbles of more and less translucence that makes me wonder just what's in it.


Also, on that VISION there - It might look like it's about to spill into my mouth and liquid is going into the mouth piece - and it really does look that way. Somehow my mouth stays dry and I stay satisfied :)


  • VISIONbrown.jpg
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Vaping Master
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Mar 20, 2011
Desoto, Mo
ok with that picture right there i would say your discoloration is from the top bit of juice flows back over the coil and into the inside taking the color from the coil with it. I dont have my vision just yet but have several remade clear maximizers and many ce2 tanks and all of them have the mouthpiece against the seal so that extra space at the top does not exist at all for anything to get into. if the tube was shorter and the mouthpiece touching the top seal you might not get that effect.
i am still stumped why bright red cherry juice would turn pink and the kinda orange and then clear. but no change in taste or vape lol


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2010
USA - Illinois
ok with that picture right there i would say your discoloration is from the top bit of juice flows back over the coil and into the inside taking the color from the coil with it.

That's exactly what's happening. It started where the wicks meet the coil.

I've filled my second vision up with new VG juice that's near-clear (a slight orange tint) and it isn't having this effect at all.

if the tube was shorter and the mouthpiece touching the top seal you might not get that effect.

That's actually not what it should look like, there's another seal that goes on top of the one pictured there that I had removed for testing. So far I'm getting much less condensation using VG fluid


Vaping Master
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Mar 20, 2011
Desoto, Mo
oh ok like the little ring in a ce2 that makes sense. on the maximizer it doesn't have that ring and the mouthpiece goes all the way down on top of the cap seal. there would be a tiny bit of condensation inside the mouthpiece but it couldn't build up enough to spit or drip back in and color the juice...


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ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2010
USA - Illinois

I cleaned the VISION in question today, the one with the juice that turned brown. All it took to wash the brown out was repeatedly filling and dumping it with warm water. Then to clean the coil portion I let 'er rip while dripping drops of carbon-scrubbed water on the coil until all the particulates were gone. A nice black/grey fluid came out from the air intake and it looks good as new. I switched flavors and with this juice there's no reaction (my finger distorts the color of the fluid in this picture but it's the same gotvapes VISION clearomizer I posted in this topic earlier to show the lack of brown after a full tank)



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2011
La La Land
Its not hard to clean, the issue is vaping with this brown stuff inside..
I cleaned my attys every day but I usually get the residue after couple of hours of vaping..

P.S. whats the carbon-scrubbed water?

I soak mine in Alcohol, then dry burn and then soak again.


I cleaned the VISION in question today, the one with the juice that turned brown. All it took to wash the brown out was repeatedly filling and dumping it with warm water. Then to clean the coil portion I let 'er rip while dripping drops of carbon-scrubbed water on the coil until all the particulates were gone. A nice black/grey fluid came out from the air intake and it looks good as new. I switched flavors and with this juice there's no reaction (my finger distorts the color of the fluid in this picture but it's the same gotvapes VISION clearomizer I posted in this topic earlier to show the lack of brown after a full tank)


Jimi D.

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2010
Florida Keys
It's the nicotine alright...My teeth were looking good for awhile when i started vaping. Now they have stains from vaping 36 for a year. down to 30mg now. lol
Exactly - the areas affected are in the proximity of the smoke. The teeth obviously should be the worst as the tar (it isn't all captured by the filter) is drawn over them. The first couple pages on nicotine stains and skin suggest the problem is with stains on your hands. This makes sense, second-hand smoke pours over your hands while holding a lit cigarette. It looks to me like nicotine is just a convenient way of saying "tobacco-smoke." *I MAY BE WRONG* Also, it may be that nicotine *also* leaves a brown stain. My point is simply that you're going to get a lot of that brown stain with any plant, not just those containing nicotine

Perhaps it is the nicotine that turns brown in the cartomizers; I just don't want that brown to be equated to the brown that comes from cigarettes because even if nicotine is one of the brown colors it would be only one of many


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2011
La La Land
Do you want to get a heart attack, why Vape 36 or even 30? Even 24 is too much IMO 16 to 20 should be enough..
So the discoloration is not dangerous unless the heated nic is very concentrated.. hmm

It's the nicotine alright...My teeth were looking good for awhile when i started vaping. Now they have stains from vaping 36 for a year. down to 30mg now. lol


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 21, 2010
USA - Illinois
I still doubt that it's the nicotine. Only the lowest nicotine (18mg) of the four juices I've tried had any of this effect

Just my zero point zero two US

I have to take back this statement - One of my visions I've only used with a near-clear peach efluid. The first couple times through it didn't change color. This last fill, though, - and from the same fluid - it's turned a caramel color with the classic coming from the coil syndrome. It happened with the cinnabomb in the other one, too, but that's a whole different mess all together. Note: I never cleaned this cartomizer and it's been through 6-10ml of fluid now


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2010
Im not sure its gunk becuase its all around the air tube, for example in dual coils i see it on the top of the tube (near the mouthpiece, gunk cant go that high) and around the coils, but not on the coils
its not sticky like real gunk, as i said can be cleaned with juice...

maybe its oxidization or maybe its the nicotine, i just hope its not something dangerous LOL

happens more with 100% VG juice
I know this is off topic, but Im see you mention 100%VG juice. Where can I get vg carts, and the best tobacco flavor VG juice? T%hanks


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2010
Do you want to get a heart attack, why Vape 36 or even 30? Even 24 is too much IMO 16 to 20 should be enough..
So the discoloration is not dangerous unless the heated nic is very concentrated.. hmm
Seriously, how often you vape that high of nic.? Like compared to analogs, I often worry about nic. I have smoked 3 pad for like 30yrs before quitting and started vaping and still now I vape anything over 6mg and I get sick.
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