General question about SI cartos and juice quantity

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Jun 8, 2012
I'm still pretty new to the vaping game, but I love it! Haven't even craved a cig in 2 weeks or so.

I just got my X2 in the mail today and am absolutely loving it so far. But I have some basic questions. I never seem to know when to refill my cartos and how much juice to put in (how many drops)?

1- how do you know when to fill the carto?
2- how many drops do you put in on a refill? And how long does a carto last the average (non-chain) vapor?
3- how many times can you refill a carto?
4- does the X2 burn more juice then the standard battery?

Thanks in advance to everyone, and I can't wait to try the new clearos!:vapor:


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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
I'm still pretty new to the vaping game, but I love it! Haven't even craved a cig in 2 weeks or so.

I just got my X2 in the mail today and am absolutely loving it so far. But I have some basic questions. I never seem to know when to refill my cartos and how much juice to put in (how many drops)?

1- how do you know when to fill the carto?
2- how many drops do you put in on a refill? And how long does a carto last the average (non-chain) vapor?
3- how many times can you refill a carto?
4- does the X2 burn more juice then the standard battery?

Thanks in advance to everyone, and I can't wait to try the new clearos!:vapor:

i will be as brief as possible since I know I can be long winded.

1> its a learning process. Usually when the vapor production goes down or the draw gets airy. You can also pop the end cap and see how dry it is. Best thing to do is top off when you can. Do not wait until it tastes burnt

2> between 20-25 on a new carto, let sit and then see. You want it to be slushy but not pooled. Make sure you blow through after you are done to make sure there is no juice in the airhole.

3> depends on the juice. I get about 20-30 refills with Si juice and 70%pg. Thick juices will make it go bad quicker.

4> Not in my experience, but maybe someone else has a different experince.

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Ultra Member
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Mar 4, 2012
Well there is also the Taryn spin using an ecig lanyard, or the TK spin using a surgical/steril glove. Depends upon your patience.

Numbers 1 through 3, I agree with Outlaw.

Number 4, you can use the standard cartos, the XL cartos, the clearomizers and the new tank cartos soon to hit the shelves with your X2 and with the standard batteries as well. I think the standard carto is not as good on the X2 as on the regular batteries, the XL carto is a bit better and holds a little bit more liquid. The clearomizers and tank carto are where the X2 will shine with flavor, but at the same time, you'll probably vape more liquid. Until the new CE cartomizer tanks are out (very soon now - an image has been posted), I'm using the XL cartos on my X2's. I'll probably interchange between the two. YMMV (your mileage may vary).
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Jan 3, 2012
St. Louis, MO
20 to 30 refills on the carto - no way!! How??:ohmy: I am lucky if I get 3 or 4 before it stops performing or I just burn it.

Anyways, my opinion

#1 - agree with others, feel it out, look at the top and judge by dryness
#2 - Usually I can get 10 drops in a refill without flooding. I usually go thru 2 or 3 cartos per day, 2 if I am busy.
#3 - See above :)
#4 - in my experience yes but only because the cutoff time is longer and I take larger puffs versus the small batts


Vaping Master
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Jan 1, 2011
I've heard of people refilling the same carto 20-30 times. Maybe their juice is less 'damaging' or they clean them after so many refills more effectively, or just aren't too picky about how the performance is after the 15th refill....

For me, I refill them maybe 10 times. That's a total refill, not just topping off. I put 18-20 drops in on a refill, just depends on when it looks like it's had enough without pooling. Let it sit, then blow out the excess.

I don't use any more juice with the X2. The battery doesn't burn any hotter or anything, just lasts longer.
Juice consumption is more of a carto or clearo issue.


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May 13, 2012
Deerfield Beach, Florida
20 to 30 refills on the carto - no way!! How??:ohmy: I am lucky if I get 3 or 4 before it stops performing or I just burn it.

Anyways, my opinion

#1 - agree with others, feel it out, look at the top and judge by dryness
#2 - Usually I can get 10 drops in a refill without flooding. I usually go thru 2 or 3 cartos per day, 2 if I am busy.
#3 - See above :)
#4 - in my experience yes but only because the cutoff time is longer and I take larger puffs versus the small batts

Like I said, it depends on the juice. That is my experience. I had 3 cartos that were used with SI juices. They all lasted about 4 weeks and one went through an entire bottle on mint juice.

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Aug 25, 2011
Rochester, NY
I'm using clearos on the X2 so that I can see my juice. No matter what I did, I always seemed to get to the point where I was burning my cartos. (My own fault, I'd just vape it dry). With the clearos, I can SEE when my juice is getting low. I don't think I'm using any more juice with the X2, I'm just more aware of what I'm going through. (A LOT 3-4 mls a day. sometimes more).


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Jun 8, 2012
Thanks for all replies! And let me say that I am LOVING my X2. I don't even want to reach for my "standard" batteries anymore.

I think I know why I love it and why I am burning more juice though. 1- no 5 second cutoff on the x2. 2- my hits off the X2 are MUCH less airy. On my standard batteries I can actually hear the whistle of air when I puff on it. I tried once using the "toothpick" trick on my regular batteries, but didn't have success. I guess I will have to try again or just order more X2's tomorrow.
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