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Gendered e-cigarettes?

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Vaping Master
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Jul 16, 2012
I'm ok with being marketed to, as long as it means more colors! I am definitely not into girly stuff (although I do have a purple ACE and an Evod battery, and I was accidentally sent a pink tank once, lol), but I love color and variety. But like most of you, I won't sacrifice performance. The only "woman" ecig I like is the innokin lily. And that's pretty girly, haha. So maybe I am a "little" bit into girly stuff. :laugh::vapor:


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Feb 22, 2011
Indiana, US
I'm gonna drag this back up as I just noticed it.

I know a person who vapes as a weight loss aide. I know 'of' a couple others. Amusingly enough, all of them are male.

As for 'girly' vape gear... Bring it. At a comparative price for comparative performance. I have the 'red' iStick (we all know this is friggin' PINK right?). I have a derringer rda on the way because it is tiny and hits my 'adorable' like. Would I pay the prices in those links purely because they are girly and marketed toward women? No. But I tend to be a neon colors, sugar skulls, and alt-style kind of girly, which is niche enough I doubt much will ever be made and marketed directly toward me.

But... Much like pink tool sets, if it makes a woman happier when they pull 'em out, who does it hurt? If I pay a few more dollars just because I find something visually appealing, I do have the ability to make that decision on my own. No one is saying I HAVE to buy them, or that I have to pay that premium. It actually hits me as more insulting when people say they 'girly' versions of things shouldn't be an option because it's somehow rong to market female versions of things. I have great faith in my gender to be shrewd enough to spot a marketing ploy, and see no reason to 'protect' them ;)


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

I'm bursting with questions. When I bought my first DSE-109 I admit part of the choice was made because it seemed to match my laptop well (oddly enough my most recent Ego purchase purely by accident matches my iPhone and case.)


That's Funny. Because the DSE-109 was My 1st e-Cigarette.

As to being Offended by "Gendered" e-Cigarettes? I don't really even think about it much.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
hehe zoiD...would you like some tea ?

Thanks CW. Don't if I do.

When I first got into vaping, I was really concerned about my first one being girly. I definitely looked at some blinged out ones online, and even called a store and asked did they have anything "gurly" (And the guy on the phone was like, well, we might have a reddish pink one, lol). My first vape pen was a piece of flea market crap that decided to end its life after about two weeks. It was rainbow and pretty but I definitely wanted a better machine for my second go around, so I now have an Evic . . . and let me tell you, there is nothing girly going on with that Evic. The most I've been able to do is put a bunny drip tip on it, lol.

I like the idea of women finding it more approachable, whether it's through different colors or some other means but I have been offended on a few of the websites that are very directly marketed to women. Mostly because of what I think was brought up earlier which is a lot of these websites sell one machine and it's nine times out of 10, one I've never heard of. It's not about getting a woman a quality machine, it's like dumbing down the whole idea. A woman is definitely smart enough to understand a vape pen, and should be empowered to choose the machine that's right for her. I have yet to find a really intelligent website marketed for women.

I used to work in retail and I luved it. If I had enough money, I'd literally open up a store at the mall, stock some good vape pens, some cute / gurly stuff, some just basic stuff, some advanced stuff, and i'd just try to make it a welcoming environment. I wouldn't care what gender you are, but I would definitely be out there smiling in a dress and trying to get women to try it who maybe wouldn't if approached in an off putting way.

My bigger complaint is when I try to walk into a Brick and Mortar vape store, and it's all guys, and this frat like environment. I literally don't feel very comfortable. The last one I went into kept trying to convince me I wanted an unregulated box mod, like, they really thought I wanted a 100 Watt machine . . . Would have been great if I had indicated I wanted that but I was there for a coil for my Evic . . lol.

As for it being used as a weight loss aide . . . if that works for people . . . I guess, go for it? I don't care how much I vape, I'm still hungry when I'm hungry, lol.


optimistic cynic
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Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
you bring up a couple of good points Sonata,

the one we all seem to agree on is that we don't want to sacrifice functionality for looks. Good thing there are lots of ways to make the equipment pretty if we want to.

The second is even more important, and not just to women. The idea that B&M's need to listen to what the customer is looking for, and not assume that everyone wants the same thing. Both men and women can be cloud chasers, but not everyone has to be.
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Feb 9, 2015
Aurora, CO, USA
I am not extremely girly. Yes, I love wearing dresses and doing my make up and nails when I get the chance, but I'm not on the extreme bling or pink everything trains.

I feel fortunate that my local B&Ms seem to listen to my true needs when I come in and they don't stereotype their customers. A couple of the shops even have a good amount of women on their staff. They are now starting to get less of my business not because of how they act, but because I'm finding my needs perfectly online. (Halons represent! ;) )
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Jul 28, 2013
First of all, I just discovered the Womens Room, I never knew this was here, how awesome!

When I first started vaping, and was using nothing but skinny little 808's, I ordered some of the cute Vapor Couture stuff, and boy was that a disaster. To this day, with all the upgrading and equipment I have bought, Vapor Couture is the only gear I have ever had to return because it was just horrible. Wouldn't work half the time, and when it did you barely got a hit. I know now that 808's are a pretty weak system overall, but I also know that there are some good 808's and cig-a-likes out there, if you're into that sort of vape.

I have since upgraded, first to ego's and now to the istick, and I have learned that while the bigger set-ups may not be "dainty", they can certainly be dressed up and look feminine if you like that sort of thing. I'm not a huge "girly girl" but I do like my gear to be esthetically pleasing to look at.
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