from whis

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They call me 'Tibs"
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 23, 2010
I want to Thank ALL who have participated along the way and Especially Thank those who have been a permanent fixture in helping this run as smoothly as possible. There's just no words for this close knit, creative, responsible set of people who make this work every day and no matter what time a day a turning takes place - you're there! Your contributions to this thread - the pictures, ideas, jokes, and conversation has made this a joy to many people who pass through here and to the ones who have stayed to help and to me, too. I'll miss each and every one of you greatly, and some of us will stay in touch. I wish it wouldn't have ended for me like this, but I am not perfect. I'm just whiskey. And always remember: It was the fun you had getting to where you found your fireworks, your welcome threads in the Veterans forum, on your day and for those who are still to come on their special day, too. That's what kept me going for 2 1/2 years. Yes that's what its all about!!! I love you all :wub:


They call me 'Tibs"
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 23, 2010

but first let me make one thing clear - the reason i decided to stay on was 1. for whis, 2. for the prevets

a good portion of blame for whis' ban lies, i believe, at jj's feet. the constant bickering and power struggle did not go unnoticed (i realize whis' attitude did not help). when peace returned and we were doing well without jj, she couldn't rest until she stirred something else up, i.e. the pms trying to sabotage pvt.
much to my surprise, i found jj extremely active on the pvt thread today. that is ok with me, i can ignore her.
BUT if there is any indication of her joining our group again, i'll be gone
no ifs, buts or whatever
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