Forum Chit-Chat

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Aug 27, 2011
The ECF forum is a great source of info, for newbies and old pros alike. My beef is with threads on popular mods and other products that sometimes get to thousands of pages. When you access these threads for product info and opinions, you soon find the majority of the content is basically social media: "morning everybody!....Sally, great pic of your dog!.....Jeff, you back from vacation yet?..." etc. I've got nothing against people socializing on forums and ECF folks seem like a great bunch. But, couldn't the forums be organized so that posts relating to the topic are in one place and the social stuff somewhere else? For example, the REO thread is over 15,000 pages! I would guess more than half of it is chit-chat among REO lovers. It's a lot to wade through to get relevant info. Maybe there could be two official REO threads, one allowing only info about the product, the other for REO fans to socialize. Just sayin....


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Rhode Island
Joc, in theory it's a great idea, but in practice it won't work. People make friends on those threads, so it's natural for them to greet one another and have conversations. Having to move over to the "chit chat" thread, would be impractical and it would be an extra burden on the ECF staff, to have to monitor those threads, to make sure that they don't go off topic.

My suggestion is that if you are looking for specific information or have a question, just post a message, I'm sure that it will be answered.
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Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
This is a major problem for us but we have chosen, in the main, to ignore it. This is because of the scale of the task, and due to the fact that if we tried to enforce on-topic posts only, the nature of the forum would change.

There are so many posts per day (4,000) and the forum is so big (hundreds of thousands of pages) that trying to enforce this would need 50 staff.

If we did try to enforce it the flavor of the forum would change from one where discussion is free-form and open except for personal attacks, to one where a moderator intervenes on almost every page. Even stopping the spam and personal attacks has resulted in our Moderators being accused over over-zealousness - imagine what would happen if they also started trying to keep threads on topic.

It's nice if members can maintain some sort of self-discipline, some of the time, but that's all that can be hoped for as any more than that is probably going to be too difficult and resented too much.

As far as the hard facts go, we decided instead to create a new site section with this type of material only - the InfoPages. It's in its first iteration at the moment but is about to be completely rebuilt in version 2. Gradually, we will incorporate more hard info so that it can be found quicker. Probably, at some stage, we will ask each manufacturer to host an info page on there with all their basic details. There is a lot that can be done with the new section when it stabilizes.


Senior Member
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Aug 27, 2011
OK, you're probably right, it's unsolvable. My frustration is that I often have to click "next" 50 times to get to a post that's actually about the stated topic of the thread. Just be aware you may be losing some traffic that's looking to ECF as a source of information/opinion and not necessarily looking to be part of a social media community.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
We are well aware of that and it is the main reason we created the InfoPages. But ECF is just too big to control in the way you mention, and it would change the forum too much. It's better to leave it as-is and bring in new resources.

Probably the most important fact to take away from this is that it is impossible to please everyone, and there are so many groups with so many different agendas using ECF that even to try is a recipe for failure. What we have to do is choose the best compromise and then add in features to address any shortfall.


Ultra Member
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May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
Sounds like the thread would need to be closed then no? If it's getting that far off topic, to what I've seen in previous posts, it's time for it to be closed.

Yep. Plus it was becoming a Lounge thread

So, it seems this only applies to some, but not all threads? :)
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Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
Also you need to take into account that a large part of ECF is not moderated by ECF Mods, it's under the control of, and moderated by, people who 'own' those sections. So in some cases when somebody says, "ECF did this... or that..." in fact it was nothing to do with 'ECF'. We would probably agree with many of those actions though since the actions were taken to keep those specific areas running along the lines preferred by their 'owners', and that is entirely up to them after all.

There isn't any solution to many issues on ECF as there are too many people pulling in too many different directions. That's why it's a forum - a place for debate. Fixing things often can't be done, because it fixes it for one group and makes it worse for others.

The Wiz

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Feb 14, 2009
Whiskeyville USA
now i am afraid to post ,:(
Don't be afraid old friend! I'll protect you! I can understand the Op's fustration when getting lost within a thread on product specific and having to dig through endless posts of social banter. I also believe there are not enough moderators on this site to patrol and remove posts that get in the way of information.

I try and stay in the social forums where greets and chit-chat is welcomed and allowed. Jerry said it best, When you have been around here for as long as some have been you do make some friendships.



Reviewer / Blogger
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Feb 2, 2011
I agree with the OP 99%.....
The REO forum is well organized. The main thread the OP speaks of is pretty much dedicated for "chit chat", that's why the name was changed to "The Reo Lounge". I just wish there was a single thread in the Reo forum for sale dates ONLY. This probably needs brought to Rob's and/or Rhaps' attention though. Nothing the MAJOR MODS can do about it.

However the problem is when you go to the small scale suppliers forums..... The small scale suppliers are unable to update the OP of their thread to add new products, so they end up buried somewhere in their thread (due to chit chat, etc). One small scale supplier has basically "given up" on emailing the mods the new products, & instead just lists them in the thread...(which makes it difficult for someone wanting to follow all the new stuff she has).

Another small scale supplier has about 100 pages per day of ALL chit-chat. I've resorted to not purchasing from that seller until he can take control of his own thread.

So, to the OP...........if you REALLY want something..........then you gotta wade through tons of BS to find it. If you would rather speak with your money (like I do), then don't buy from vendors, or suppliers that don't keep a handle on their thread/sub-forum.

~~~~~ I've made ALOT of friends here on ECF, but I keep the social stuff to PM/cam/email.....NOT in a supplier's thread. It's just rude IMHO.

Also, the PIF group has a fabulous handle on their sub-forum. It's the best regulated forum I frequent. All chit chat is deleted, & even though we are all "friends" there............we know to keep the chat OUT so that business can be taken care of :)
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Feb 2, 2011
Haha, classwife, you read my mind, I was just coming here to post a link for the OP. Like I said, I'm FINE with the REO forum. It's the small scale supplier threads that end up as total trainwrecks.

I was also thinking.......I belong to a few tanning forums, & some car forums, & we don't have the "chit-chat" problem there. It's kept in a "chit-chat" area.........(sorta what the OT/social forums are made for here :) ) All of the threads are neatly organized, & if someone gets OT.........someone will remind them that they just "hijacked" the thread.......& to get back on topic, that way business can be carried out as usual. (like you are trying to fix something very specific on a specific year,model BMW...........well, you don't want to have to sift through BS to find what you are looking for)

This is the 2nd straight forward complaint I've seen in 2 days regarding the "chit-chat" thing, (& one complaint is from a well versed forum member). This to me sounds like an issue. Can't the "chit-chat" be taken to a thread in the social groups/OT area??? Are they allowed to start a thread for themselves to "chit-chat" in there? Currently the one complaint thread regarding "chit-chat", & not being able to find useful information has been once again, "chit-chat". To me it's sad that we are all adults, but cannot respect another's need to FIND hardware/juice/specific product. Some people on ECF are new, & having to sift through a ton of BS to find something may completely turn them off to the community or the concept of E-cigs altogether. It's plain rude. Take your chit chat to the live chat, OT/social groups, or skype, cam, text whatever. There are those of us that don't have ALL DAY to play online, sifting through pages of chat to find exactly what we are looking for. Like I said, even the search function pulls up a bunch of crap most of the time.

Personally, I enjoy frequenting forums that are well organized, threads are on topic, trolls & hijackers are booted. If i'm looking for specific tanning bulbs for a specific tanning bed, when I open that thread.............voila, there is my info...not a bunch of "goodmorning", "I need coffee", "how was your day?"

...........and yes, on tanning forums & car make friends too :)



ECF Guru
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May 15, 2010
NW Washingtion
The ECF forum is a great source of info, for newbies and old pros alike. My beef is with threads on popular mods and other products that sometimes get to thousands of pages. When you access these threads for product info and opinions, you soon find the majority of the content is basically social media: "morning everybody!....Sally, great pic of your dog!.....Jeff, you back from vacation yet?..." etc. I've got nothing against people socializing on forums and ECF folks seem like a great bunch. But, couldn't the forums be organized so that posts relating to the topic are in one place and the social stuff somewhere else? For example, the REO thread is over 15,000 pages! I would guess more than half of it is chit-chat among REO lovers. It's a lot to wade through to get relevant info. Maybe there could be two official REO threads, one allowing only info about the product, the other for REO fans to socialize. Just sayin....

Hi joc! Yes there are separate threads were created to keep the relevant information separate from the mega thread that is now called the REO Lounge. We understand how difficult it can be to sort through all that chatter. Believe it or not, that big thread was all we had for about 9 months. But once Rob was given the opportunity to have sub-forum, we as a group have now organized a lot of information to make it more easily accessible for newcomers. Here is the link to the REO sub-forum Reos Mods The most sought after information is in the sticky section at the top. I hope this helps. :)


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Miami fl.
Don't be afraid old friend! I'll protect you! I can understand the Op's fustration when getting lost within a thread on product specific and having to dig through endless posts of social banter. I also believe there are not enough moderators on this site to patrol and remove posts that get in the way of information.

I try and stay in the social forums where greets and chit-chat is welcomed and allowed. Jerry said it best, When you have been around here for as long as some have been you do make some friendships.


we need to teach them not to read more than 2 pages, usually the answers are on the first one :D


They call me 'Tibs"
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Feb 23, 2010
not necessarily true, corazon - the burning carto thread has much evolved since its inception and the first pages are now vastly outdated. and even though there is some light chit chat it's never more than a few posts and then it's back on topic. no newcomer with a question has ever been ignored.
as to bmwjen's mention of the other complainant - why would he/she have opened a thread with that topic on the outside? to me that practically guaranteed the hijacking .....
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