Flavors I hate :>

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Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Dallas, TX
I know everyone has their own fav's... And I mean no offense if I am pick on a flavor you like... I just plan on keeping this as a journal to remind myself which flavors to not order again....

But first my intro... this is my first post, and my first day with my own vape. My wife bought a Green Smoke model, and while it looks just like a regular cigarette, I was instantly disappointed with it. Not enough vapor while exhaling, not enough flavor, and what little flavor I got wasn't good. My wife is happy with it, once she figured out how long (or rather short the battery charge lasted, the carto lasted, when to change, etc)

I found this forum when searching for something better. Yea, lots of choice in a market, looks like new products and technologies, flavors, etc all the time.

I went with a Tornado tank, which is (and anyone with more experience can correct me if I am wrong) basically a 510 model, with a larger battery, and has a tank type cart that hold more juice than the traditional models. I bought it from Totally Wicked. I bought the following flavors to try (each a 5 ml small sampler kind of size)

TW Red Label - M/boro - because I smoke Marlboro Reds, and I want an easy transition

TW Red Label - Blended Tobacco - because I've read that tobacco juice flavors really don't match analog, I better get a few to find one I like the best

TW Red Label - State Express - ditto

TW Red Label - Tobacco - Should be obvious at this point

TW Red Label - Apple - Bought it because I saw a lot of posts about how you may think you want a traditional cig flavor, but really you don't... and hey might as well be crazy, plus it is way more manly than cherry

TW Red Label - Menthol - I smoked a few before, and maybe the flavor would help give a throat hit, and still more manly than cherry

TW Red Label - Cherry - Whatever, don't judge me. :>

TW Red Label - Cigar - Really bought it for a cigar smoking friend of mine, just in case he wanted to try it. We are both gadget guys and I know when he sees my new toy he will want to check it out. (I hate the taste of real cigars, but I may try the juice just to see...)

TW Red Label - Coffee - I don't know why, I hate the flavor of coffee, I don't drink coffee... really I have no idea why...

Ok, so I also am three days into a cold and my taste and smell are all messed up, but I've got my new toys so I am bound to give it a try....

Guess which one I tried first, cherry... (whatever, shut up)... But it does not taste like Cherry, I am not sure it taste like anything - except maybe throat burn... Is that a flavor, "Throat Burn"? The taste you have in the back of your throat after a day of smoking more analogs than you usually do. I don't notice a smell either, but I do have a cold.
Hmmm, maybe I didn't clean out all the priming stuff from the new atomizers..., take them off again, blow like mad, back on, Nope still taste like throat burn. I can see why someone in Marketing would want to change the name of that. Throat Burn (TM) is likly not a huge seller.

Ok on to State Express. Pull out Throat burn flavored cart, put in new cart... Inhale... More throat burn... ok, well the atmoizer still must have some "cherry" flavoring on it, so I decide I'll just take like 10 drags and see if it changes. On drag 5 it starts to change.... drag 7, yes not the same at all, this taste is less gross, but it is more like I want to wash the taste from the back of my mouth.

Once again I don't think "Wash the taste from the back of my mouth" (TM) is going to make it past marketing... So we will call it State Express...

Ok, now I think it has to be priming fluid on my atomizer. I have another new atomizer. I huff and puff and blow like mad from the battery end and a few drops of something go flying out....

Put the new atomizer in, and try flavor three... coffee... why.. don't know... I was on a roll of flavors I didn't like, and this seemed the most likely candidate to keep the trend rolling. Take a drag and wait for grossness to begin. Hmmm, that wasn't bad, and a lot of vapor. Hmm I must not have taken enough in to get the gross flavor going yet. Over the next few drags, no gross... but I don't taste any coffe flavor, I don't know what to call it... I'll call it "Hmmm, that wasn’t bad" (TM)

Ok next, Menthol.... "Throat burn with a hint of Menthol" (TM)

Really.... Am I doing something wrong here? I put the Hmmm (TM) flavor back in... after 3 or 4 vapes, the throat burn flavor is gone, and back to Hmmm, with its non-offensiveness...

Recheck Throat burn (TM), with this new atomizer... Yuck, back to Hmmm...

Recheck Wash (TM) , blech, back to Hmmm..

Well I have more to try tomorrow... Maybe its due to my cold, maybe due to new equipment, maybe due to user error.... But I have my fingers crossed that I can move up from "Hmmm" (TM), to "Hey that tastes like something I would like in my mouth" (TM) in the next few days

TW Red Label Flavors
Cherry = “Throat Burn”
State Express = “Wash the taste from the back of my mouth”
Menthol = “Throat Burn with hint of Menthol”
Coffee = “Hmmm, that wasn’t bad”


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
Though I have never ordered from TW. I sympathize with your plight. I have read on here that no juice is going to taste like an analog but I have found a "tobacco" flavor from Freedom Smokes that is close and I like very much. It's 555 and has a slight nuttiness to it. I have only been vaping a little over 3 weeks and what I've found is most of the juices I've tried are just too sweet, especially the fruit. I need something with a sour/tartness to it. I have yet to find that. I've found some juices I love but I'm just needing a little bite/sour/tart flavor to vape once in a while when I'm tired of the sweet stuff. I know my tastes are changing because when I first started vaping, I loved the fruit flavors. Not so much now. One thing you might try is to order a juice flavor you like. An example would be a vanilla, coffee, fruit and add that to the tobacco flavors you don't like to see if you can come up with something you enjoy more. Don't be afraid to do a little mixing of your own especially if there is a juice you hate.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2011
I have one sample bottle that is supposedly key lime. It taste like the primer crap that comes on a new atty. I kid you not, it is that bad. It can't be all in my taste buds, as other flavors come through fine - like lemon. If I can taste lemon, I should be able to taste key lime!

Loch - swapping the flavors back and forth like that blends them all up in the atty, obscuring things even more.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I think you need to find a balance with ejuices. Too much TH (or vaping too much) sort of dulls my perception of a juice, as does not letting myself smell some vapor - if you just start sucking away and not letting your nose get any vapor, there will be little perception of flavor. Most of flavor is the aroma. All the tongue can sense is sweet, salty, bitter, sour and some savory msg flavor the Japanese proved the tongue can detect. The aroma is what makes a particular sweet/tart on the tongue be cherry. Etc

I find I do best on a moderate TH and a flavor with a good aroma and a bit of something for the tongue (like a bit of sweetness). At first I could only do tobaccos - I like a pungent one I could smell. But then I started mixing in a bit of vanilla, chocolate, peach or caramel just to sweeten or change up the flavor of the tobacco and keep it "new". Then I go back to the original flavor. I can always taste/smell what's new. I actually got seduced by a nice non-icecreamy vanilla and now use that as my basic ejuice, and add other flavors to change it up.

Try dragging slower, let some vapor waft out where you can smell it, change your juice when the attraction fades. Then change back.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
NL Canada
It's amazing how much of "taste" is actually perception. Many of our senses dictate what we perceive as taste, and removal of one of these senses reduces or even eliminates "taste" altogether. Sight and smell contribute to our perception of "taste" moreso than the "taste" sensors on our tongue. Try blindfolding your partner and asking them to "blind" taste certain everyday edibles (slices of apple pear carrot potato etc). I will be surprised if they get 50% correct. There is little or no aroma with vaping and as mentioned before, your tongue only registers sweet sour etc.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
We were made to try that in junior high school (on a volunteer basis) - we had to close our eyes and hold our noses and the teacher fed us a bit of apple which tasted and crunched like apple. But when you looked and smelled it you realized it was onion. Amazing.

I also recommend you try some other companies' juices. Different companies use different brands and amounts of flavoring and sweetener. Different atomizers and cartomizers do different things to the flavor - some make it airy, some dense, some with more flavor and aroma, some with less. Try some where you can buy smaller bottles cheaply. FreedomSmokeUSA has $2.25 samplers but only in 24mg and fixed PG/VG and only for some of their flavors. Code freedomsmokeusa usually gives 10% off. Their normal juice section sizes start at $4 with configurable PG/VG on most. Gourmet Vapor has cheap 5ml bottles - I think they tend to flavor a bit more heavily and in my opinion some creamy flavors can be a bit flowery but that will wear off. Velvet Vapors you can get 5 3ml bottle for $12.00 - I like their Velvet Blend PG/VG and I've really enjoyed some of their flavors - they seem to sweeten a bit more on some flavors - I adore their Vanilla Almond Tobacco which is mostly a sweet vanilla, and their Raspberry (or plain) Ginger Ale is a fun juice that tastes and feels to me like the real thing. And I like Backwoods Brew for its complex hand-mixed flavors.
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Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Dallas, TX
So, today I stuck with Cherry and State Express, as they were the worst (IMO), I ran around and found a few LorAnns flavorings that were deemed safe to use in the e-juice DIY forum. I bought Cherry, Apple, and English Toffee.

I mixed Cherry with the TW Cherry, and added English Toffee to State Express.

What a difference... I don't know if these are flavors I will stick with, but suddenly went from things I hate, to me smoking on the two all day long. (using two different atomizers, one per flavor)

So yea ECF, you guys keep on helping me.

I also went to tastyvapors and bought 6 different flavors from them, one some I upped VG, just in case I don't need throat hit as much as I thought... and I do enjoy blowing out tons of smoke.

So all in all a good day... (But nasty flavor beware... I will be trying a few additional flavors tommorow that I have from TW, and if you taste gross, I will be mean to you and call you out, and then drop a ton of Apple flavoring all over you)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2011
Taste is such a subjective thing that there is really no way to accurately rate any juice other than to decribe whether YOU like it, dislike it, or anything else in between. The only true test is to buy a sample and vape it. Sure, there are plenty of opinions out there on all sorts of flavors and vendors but like I said...ya gotta just dive in and try them. Not only will taste preferences vary form one person to another, they can vary with the SAME person from day to day. Plus, the type of PV setup can also vary the flavor of a juice. Try a flavor in a prefilled cart on a 2.6v under-load auto and then try dripping the same one straight onto a modded LR atty at 5v and you'll prolly get two different results. Also, I think the base makes a difference and the ratio of PG/VG has an effect too. The vendor flavoring is critical as well. There can be quite a few variables that affect flavor. It's good to get various reviews and opinions on flavors and I do take them into consideration when buying juices. BUT...the only real test is when I vape them myself.

I shall now sit quitely and wait for the storm....while vaping this luscious banana of course.
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Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Dallas, TX
I really haven't tested out very many flavors yet but I'm looking forward to this coffee one that you were talking about originally.
Do you think it would be good for someone who likes the coffee flavor?

Well, out of the TW Red Label juices I have - it was the least offensive. But as I mentioned... I have no idea why I got Coffee in the first place, I don't drink the real stuff, and if I'm forced to I drown it with milk and sugar.

And I hope nobody is taking my reviews to heart, except maybe e-cig sellers...
I am a total newb to this - and from what I've read, my tastebuds just aren't going to get it for a while...
I need to understand my gear and how it affects flavorings...
And I write cynically because I find it funny...

But right now, I wouldn't recommend any of the ones I tasted.... maybe after a few weeks I'll come back to them and see if cleaner tastebuds like them. (But as TW's red label isn't their premier brand, something tells me there are a lot better coffee juices out there).


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
When I first started vaping, I purchased 3 flavors from TW. I don't recall which ones but I couldn't vape any of them. The flavor was horrible. I was lucky enough to have bought from a couple other vendors so at least I had some good ones to vape. TW went down the drain. I've never looked back and don't intend too.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
FreedomSmokeUSA has $2.25 samplers but only in 24mg and fixed PG/VG and only for some of their flavors.

Or for $4 you can get any of their flavors in whatever nicotine level or normally available pg/vg ratio in a 5ml size. For me, that was easily worth the extra $1.75 a sample. Other's mileage may vary.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2011
I find all of the tobacco flavors disgusting, personally.

I have yet to find a good coffee flavor either, but I've not tried too hard.

I have a cappuccino that kicks ...., unfortunately I don't remember were it came from. I have a gold tobacco flavor from L-F that rocks when mixed with a little vanilla. Kinda like the smell of real tobacco with a tad bit of sweetness. In fact, i am vaping it now!
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