Flavorless, nicotine vaping

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Dec 14, 2013
Walmart sells Humco brand. For unflavored, zero-nicotine, that's really all you need. Depending on what kind of tank or atomizer you use, you really can just put it in your tank and vape it straight or, if the pure VG is too thick/viscous to wick properly, you can add one or both of the following to thin it out some:
Straight VG is dang thick. I'd definitely suggest thinning it some, especially for someone who wants to minimize risks. 10% distilled water is will do that, and just as important, it will dramatically decrease the boiling point, thereby helping keep temps lower, which is good if a person wants to avoid thermal decomposition products.

Alien Traveler

Vaping Master
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Jul 3, 2014
United States
Can you vape with no flavor or nicotine? I'm a non-smoker so I don't need nicotine and I haven't made up my mind regarding the dangers of flavored juice, but I would love to exhale huge clouds of vapor. The few time I've tried cigarettes, my favorite part is exhaling the smoke. Just wondering if it's possible.
It's a dumb thing to vape for non-smoker. Stop and think.


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Aug 2, 2017
Suffolk UK
"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired." - JS 1721

"Stupid is as Stupid does" F.Gump

The most basic principle to being a free American is the notion that we as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions. We do not have the right to rob our neighbors to make up for our mistakes, neither does our neighbor have any right to tell us how to live, so long as we aren’t infringing on their rights. Freedom to make bad decisions is inherent in the freedom to make good ones. If we are only free to make good decisions, we are not really free.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
It's a dumb thing to vape for non-smoker. Stop and think.

Dumb is requiring people to get addicted to smoking before allowing them to use vaping to attempt to quit.
People will smoke. Not every smoker can quit with vaping.
I'm betting that if people who want to smoke vaped instead of ever smoking the percentage of them who are happy with vaping is higher than the percentage of smokers who succeed in quitting with vaping.
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Ultra Member
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Jun 28, 2017
In Partibus Infidelium
Here's the Nicotine River spiel on VG:

Vegetable Glycerin is a plant-based derivative of palm oil. This Kosher, USP certified, viscous liquid glycerin provides a thick cloud of vapor when used in vaping and e-cigarette devices and has a light, sweet taste. Nicotine River stocks Vegetable Glycerin, which has a purity of 99.7% and is preserved in HDPE plastic bottles. HDPE plastic kept this pure vegetable glycerin fresh and protected from environmental degradation until it is ready to be opened and blended. We offer competitive pricing and the highest quality in the vaping industry all products are bottled in and shipped from the U.S.A. If you are wondering where to find USP vegetable glycerin, Nicotine River is the trusted choice. E-juice producers sometimes vary the ratio of ingredients in their products. When reading descriptions of different e-juice preparations, one might come across the terms “pg”, “vg”, or “pg/vg”. These are abbreviations for the most common carriers in e-juice and e-cig liquids and refer to Vegetable Glycerin (VG), and Propylene Glycol (PG). VG gives a thick sensation to the vapors, and the hit is smoother than that from high-PG blends. PG and VG ratios vary across the industry.

Product Name: Vegetable Glycerin USP EC number: 200-289-5
Origin: Malaysia Derivative: Palm Based
ISO Certification: 2001-14001 Chemical Formula: C3H8O3
CAS#: 56-81-5 Color: Clear Colorless
Purity: 99.7%
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2017
In Partibus Infidelium
Product Name: Vegetable Glycerin USP EC number: 200-289-5
Origin: Malaysia Derivative: Palm Based
ISO Certification: 2001-14001 Chemical Formula: C3H8O3
CAS#: 56-81-5 Color: Clear Colorless
Purity: 99.7%

So it looks like Nicotine River imports Palm-based glycerin from Malaysia. They ensure that purity guidelines are met and then store their Kosher, certified USP, 99.7% pure VG in special containers designed to prevent contamination or spoilage. Their method of doing this follows Good Manufacturing Practice regulations that have the force of law and have oversight from the USFDA. I'm not sure what all of that means but they shipped me the highest quality VG I had ever had. I went back to them later and bought a gallon of unflavored 50/50@18nic juice. I have been using it for about four months and I'm happy with it.

PS: If you order more than $50 you'll get free shipping. I grabbed a couple of chubby bottles to hit the free zone. My gallon of ejuice cost me $49.
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