Flavor West - My Experiences

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Mar 12, 2010
Red Wing, MN
So I have ordered the following flavors from Flavor West

I will be posting my experience with each of them, % strength and my rating 1-10 on flavor.
I will try to do 2-3 mixes per day... That may not happen every day.

fresh mixed: 9/10.. Mixed it today @ 15% vaped instantly at 0 nicotine. 90% on with the flavor of a rock star. Maybe slightly less 'acidic / crisp burn' that a fresh rockstar gives me. I do like it though.

@36 hour steep, hasn't really changed. Adding nicotine seemed to make it slightly better, added a little bit of what was missing. This one I actually have the nic all the way up to 24 mg/ml (above my average) cause I like the extra throat hit on this flavor.


Sweet Tarts




Sugar Cookie
Fresh mixed @10% pretty delicious. Really comes through with the flavor of a cookie, not too sweet.
@48 hours steeped, this one has improved by 5-10% I would have to give it a 9/10. It is delicious, sweet, and has a healthy amount of 'baked bread' taste to it.

Orange Dream Bar




Fresh mix at 10% 0nic. 80% pg / 20% vg. 8/10. It is sour, but barely and only really noticeable on a good 2-3 chain vapes. It has a tiny bit of sweetness. It has a really nice throat hit for being 0 nic. It is pretty darn close to a lemon drop hard candy, but less sweet. On a whole it is mild, but quite good and pretty darn close to a fresh squeezed lemon with a splash of sugar water added.

At 15%, the sour and lemon is to much for me personally. My significant other thinks it is close to biting into a lemon sprinkled with sugar and enjoys it. But couldn't vape it all day.

I am going to do some experiments with sweetner, ethyl maltol and koolada to see if I can get it to my liking at 15%.

With a few % sweetener it is no longer like lemonade. It is like candy lemon, think pez candy / lemon drop candy. It is pretty good, but no longer tastes like 'fresh' lemon, but instead like 'candy' lemon. The sour is pretty much gone.

I'm out of pre-made ethyl maltol solution, so I will have to make a new pg saturated solution (usually let it sit a few days to dissolve...)

Hawaiian Punch



Fresh mix @10% 4/10... All I taste is smooth creaminess. It is like drinking half and half. 0 Cheese flavor coming through.

Fresh mix @20% 3/10... Still no 'cheesy-ness' know it is too sweet for my palate and is like eating a spoonful of cool whip.

Update ~24 hours later it is smelling a little different, maybe a little more like cheesecake. I just split this into 3 separate bottles. One I'm gonna add some graham cracker and the other gonna add a few drops of Capellas NY Style cheesecake.

Update ~48 hours later I added nicotine to all 3 cheesecake creations. Wow 16mg/ml nicotine really seemed to help the flavor of this juice, while I wouldn't say nic has a definable flavor it really cut down on the sweetness and the milk taste.

The one with 5% added Capellas NY cheesecake is really pretty good. I think I prefer the two cheesecakes mixed than one by itself.

The graham cracker 5% added seemed to overpower the 'cheese' aspect, leaving a creamy graham cracker.

Final rating 7/10; a good cheesecake ingredient, does not stand up on its own.


Fresh mix @ 10% 0 nic: 7/10. Very strong flavor. Quite similar to a standard butterscotch candy, maybe needs a little bit less flavor and a tiny bit of added sweetener (initial feelings).

Going to mix up a bottle of 7% butterscotch and 3% sweetener tonight.

Even though a part of me thinks I don't like this, I'm not a big butterscotch fan anyway, something keeps me coming back for a few more puffs, the aftertaste almost reminds me of the aftertaste of crunch-n-munch, something about the lingering after taste drives me to take another drag.

Cucumber Mint

Swedish Fish

Fresh mix @15%: 9/10. Almost spot onto JVs Swedish Fish without any steep time. Maybe has a very light hint of perfume like aftertaste. Hopefully this will be gone with a steep.

Ecto Cooler

Fresh Mix @ 10% = 8/10.

Very enjoyable, note really anything like JuicyVapors ectoplasm... Quite creamy, smooth and orange.
The smooth orange flavor seems to be fading out and know I get primarily a 'lime rind shaving' taste / smell. It is closer to JVs ectoplasm, but still not the same.
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Mar 12, 2010
Red Wing, MN
I do... :D

Somehow vaping seems quite similar to consuming fluids through a straw, at least to me.
Lots of various people buy juice from me in person... (Cause I am a perfectionist on flavor, only let my 6-10 BEST flavors be tasted by others)
and I sell just enough to make my personal juice ~free.

Also I suppose this is relative to my experience with these flavor concentrates...

I do right about 50 PG / 50 VG Lab grade. And I vape primarily my SS mod Vivi Nova Tank @ 4 volts or my CE4 replaceable version also modded to SS wick on a 3.3 V ego device.

And I mix my juices as 0 nic, steep for 2-3 days sampling a tank at fresh mix, and 3 days. If at the 3 day point it passes my approval I will add nicotine, steep another day or two and vape away on it.

I am used to capella flavors. I am only posting about this information because I can't find much Flavorwest information or flavor reviews anywhere on the internet.


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Mar 12, 2010
Red Wing, MN
^ I'll do lemonade and butterscoth next then, as I am just kinda randomly doing this on the side. I'll mix them up tonight, should have time to post about it tomorrow night. I would mix it up right now, but I just washed all my 'mixing' equipment and I like to let it all air dry till bone dry.

Sadly I have not tried ANYTHING from FA. I have tried Capellas, TPA, lorann and tasty puff.

Once I get bored with flavorwest I will give FA a try... I do like comparisons.
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Mar 12, 2010
Red Wing, MN
Sorry I haven't finished this yet! I found out there was a time frame on editing my main post the hard way... Anyway here are the incomplete flavors:

Sour: Very very sour, haven't actually done much measuring with this one. 3-6 drops into my lemonade mix makes it plenty enough of a sour lemonade. By itself, it has little flavor, I get the feeling it is moderately concentrated Ascorbic acid.

Sweet Tarts: Pretty darn good, however nothing like AVEs sweet tarts. This one gives me a lot more 'smarty' like taste. I usually mix this one around 15% and add 2-3% of a sweetener. 8/10

Tequila: It is indeed tequila. It has a strong throat hit, harsh, smells like tequila, tastes like tequila. Almost burns like it @ 20 % by itself. It is not good by itself IMO. If you really like straight tequila it may be for you. Otherwise, it is a great additive in various 'alcoholic' blends. 7/10

Whiskey: Pretty Bad by itself, makes an OK whiskey coke. It really doesn't have the 'captain spice' I'm looking for and reminds me more of a light rum. 6/10

Tangerine: This is a very good orange with a decent amount of 'fresh citrus-ness' to it. This is the least 'candy' orange and the most legit orange I have tried in quite awhile for a vape. 8/10

Sugar Cookie
Update: This flavor seems to be giving atties a nasty taste buildup faster than most flavors, at least at the concentration I was using it as. 6/10

Orange Dream Bar: Pretty close to an orange dream-sickle. Vapor production is kind of light, and throat hit is mellow. The delicious flavor more than makes up for it though. 9/10

Cucumber Mint: It's a little weird and pretty good. With a splash of whiskey/rum/tequila flavoring it makes a much better mojito than the mojito flavor.

Margarita: On its own this is too strong of a flavor and syrupy, even at like 8%. So I've been using this at ~5% and tequila ~5% and it makes a decent margarita. I've been playing with adding a hint of 'saltiness' from a few other ingredients I have around.

Hawaiian Punch: I just flat out don't like this one. I had particularly high hopes for this one to. Its flavor is just not right in my opinion.

Cola: An acceptable cola, comparable with others I have tried around with.

Coffee: This stuff is PITCH black, a few drops into a 30 ml bottle is all it really takes. It isn't really good by itself, just kinda like I don't think straight espresso is 'good' by itself. Otherwise a solid ingredient.


Full Member
Oct 9, 2012
Cheyenne, WY USA
Hi thank you for this thread.

I have recently purchased sugar cookie and Cinnamon Churro I beleive both of those are FW. I haven't played around with those two yet but I do have Cream Soda I am trying by it'self. So far at 10% its a bit light but not bad. I will continue to add a little bit just to see if it tastes like Cream Soda. Then I may add in rootbeer. Any suggestions would be great thank you.
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