First Rebuildable - Have Questions

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Jul 23, 2012
Austin, TX
I've decided I'm going to give rebuildables a try and have some questions in regards to the right type/size wire & wick that I need to get started.

After doing a little research, I've decided to go with the IGO-L to start out. I don't want to spend a ton of money on an RBA/rda until I know that it's something I can & will stick with and the IGO-L appears to be a pretty good starter piece. I have both a Provari & a Poldiac that I use for dripping but I'm not really interested at this point in building sub-ohm coils. To start, I'm looking to be able to use the rda on either device.

My questions, for now anyway, are in regards to what type/size wick & wire I need to fit my needs. I'm totally new to this and don't know how the different types/sizes of wick/wire will impact the resistance on an atomizer. Based on what I'm looking for, can anyone give suggestions to help me get started?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2012
Buffalo NY
Start out simple. Find some 2mm or 3mm silica and some 30 gauge wire at your local Vape shop. Silica will not burn, so that will help you learn when its dry without any issues. There are tons of videos on how to wrap the coil on youtube. I have found 30g is a good starting point to play with. Its thick enough wire to get good vapor from but not too think that it's tricky to work with. Also as a first coil you should try and make it so the ohms turn out to be about 2.0. This way both devices can fire the coil and you can still up the power if you wanted more warmth. Also post up if you have any problems. The people here are great with help (at most times)

Jazzi Mike

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Jun 3, 2013
Personally I use 32 gauge Kanthal. It is easier to bend. Considering you have a Provari, which I definitely think you should use for your first device to fire on (extra protection).

The 30 gauge Kanthal only has 0.7 ohms per inch. You will have to use more wraps to get something like 1.5 or 1.8 ohms.

I use 2 or 3 mm silica and would recommend it to you for your first RDA


Vaping Master
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May 31, 2013
Wayland, New York, United States
Maybe someone can help me here. As my coils get an ohms reading, does that mean there could be not shorts. I am using a Radioshack digital multimeter right now. In the booklet it says that you get the short beep alarm if you have a short or it is low ohm. I guess what you do not want to see is an open circuit that correct?
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