First post-new member

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Hello Everyone. I have only known about this site for a short time and am so relieved to have found you all.
I'm 65, retired and live smack dab in the middle of Texas with my good friend Shorty. Been a smoker most of my life
and need to quit...I'm also tired of the doctor always asking if I still smoke. So I have decided to start vaping. I
could go on for hours but I really just wanted to say hello and continue to read all your posts. Thank goodness you are here.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum Shortymydog. Glad to have you here!:)

Have you started vaping yet? If so, what are you using? If not, would you like some recommendations?

Have you found this part of ECF yet? => Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

There's are 2 forums for us "old dogs". There's a front porch where vaping talk is located, and a back porch where anything goes. And everyone gets a rocker unless they prefer to bring their own ... watch out for the "whoopee" cushions :laugh: When you get enough posts, pop in and say Hi!

I've been meaning to go there and introduce myself but have been spending to much time in the New Member section. I've been told by Flamingo Tutu that they will even rig up a hot tub for me!:)


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Welcome Shorty (and Shorty the dog!)

Glad you've found the forums. Lots of amazing people out here. Ask your questions - someone along the line likely has gone through what you're going through.

Have you picked up any gear yet? We're always happy to help you spend your money :D

Best wishes - vaping is one of the smarter decisions I've made in my life....


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
About as far as i've gotten is some e-cigs from Walmart:lol:

And if they're helping, then that is PERFECTLY FINE! So many people ask "what's the best this, and what's the best that?" Well, my answer to that question is - if this or that is helping you stay away from cigarettes, then that's the BEST for YOU :)


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2014
Jumbos Cove,On,Can
Hey Shorty--I was born in '49 too. Got in here a couple of weeks ago and have been reading lots--postin little and have learned a lot. In my case that is really nesssesary as the nearest Brick and Morter store is 130 miles away. I work in logging in the bush about 1000 miles due north of you'all.
I've gone from 2 packs a day down to 5 analogs a day--which to my workmates is amazing. This place has been a big help.
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