first order

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
Valley Head, Alabama
They are the fat "Rope" style. Not the fat "Flat" wicks. Hope that answers your questions.

Thank you for your compliments as they are well received. You have picked a good time to order as we have a surprise for all our customers that will be announced in the next couple of days.


Edit: Be sure to sign up for our Newsletter for monthly coupon discounts and product / site updates. You can sign up through the link at the top of the store.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
well i looked all over and ya'll were the only ones that had the s/s ce2 xls and duel coils so i placed my first order with ya couldn't beleve the price no both, do the ce2's have the fat wick or are they the thin ones?

Timothy, apparently you and I think a lot alike.

I'm retired and have to keep an eye on expenses so I tend to do some shopping for the best prices while getting exactly the vaping equipment I'm looking for. Vapor Junction is where this all comes together for me. And since I've had some first hand experience with their customer service, I can safely tell you that they will always treat you right.

Hope you enjoy the duel coil cartos. I'm puffing on a CE2 right now, but the duel coils have made a big impression on me. I like them!



Ultra Member
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Jan 9, 2010
thanks texas t
what i hate is having to buy one thing here and there and end up paying more for shipping than what i bought, and yep income aint what it used to be either. ce2's are my favorets sofar, and have been wanting to try something a little more high voltage so i hope i will like them sure i will. but i will report back with some feedback in either case


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
Just a suggestion, fill your new duel-coil let it sit for an hour, take a few puffs then top it off. If you have a variable voltage PV (I use a Buzz) start out with it at around 3.2v, use it there for a while, then go up to 3.4v, 3.6, on and on until you get it up to around 4.0v or 4.2v. and use it there for about a day.

By this time you will have it "seasoned" and should be able to take it up to whatever voltage you want. I've used them as high as 6.5v with no problem except that it goes through juice real fast. 4.5v is probably what I've found to be the best with them. Keeping them topped off will give you the best vape.



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
Valley Head, Alabama
Glad you received them quickly. We have not measured ml on how much the dual coils will hold yet for what ever reason. However we did measure 70-75 drops on a new dual coil carto. That was with a 50/50 light blend e-liquid. Good luck and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Vape On!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 9, 2010
well i filled one last night and vaped on it a couple of times let it sit over night, topped off this morning was breaking it in on my lil chuck about noon re topped and put it on my darwin turned it up to 8.3 wats (1/2) way worked good turned it up all the way 12.7 wats not bad i use all pg so vapor is light and it smooths out the cinnicide i used but this seems to have better performance on the little chuck at 3.7 v snap,crackle,pop it does'nt do this yet on the darwin guess it still needs some break in time but they work good i like em. the ce2's work great on the darwin much better than the 2.6 to 2.8's i was useing they dont burn as fast.
thanks dexter will be ordering again soon


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
I'm personally using them on my 3.7V (14650) E-Power and loving them. I am not and have never been a cartomizer person until now. Hope you guy's and gal's get as much enjoyment out of these units as we have been getting here at the office.

LOL, I was never a "dripper," but I attributed that to the fact that I was only born with two arms and two hands and dripping clearly takes three of each. And that y.e.t.c.h taste when the juice ran out in the atty was almost too much excitement for me to deal with at my age and I never could master the knowledge that the juice was about to run out.

A couple of the best things about the duel coil cartos is the amount of juice they hold, the fact that its very difficult to get that burnt taste with them and how long they produce good flavor and lots of vapor. Its been my experience that if you start out with a lower voltage and work your way up slowly that these things will become "seasoned" in a day or two and will give you a few weeks of good vaping.

I don't clean cartos, I toss 'em when their done. But with as long as these last I feel like I'm getting more than my money's worth out of them.

I think their a winner!



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
Only thing your missing now is some Juicy Peach to put in it. mmm mmm good.........

Whoa, juicy peach, now THAT sounds good!

DeXTeR is gonna make me spend more money!

Hey steeldragon, I tried to clean some cartos one time. Mixed me up some vinegar, blue mouthwash, vodka, Draino and a touch of 409 cleaner stuff and about that time blew out the south wall of the kitchen. My wife was HOT and I don't mean in a nice way. Its better to toss those cartos when their finished! And much better on your home life.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2010
Valley Head, Alabama
It IS good. I like the fruit and the fruit / menthol blends and the Juicy Peach is definitely my go to liquid right now. You are correct about just tossing them but I'm on week two with the same 3 cartos. I have one filled with Juicy Peach, one filled with Apple Mint, and one filled with Watermelon Frost. None have died or even diminished in performance yet and when I want to swap flavors I just swap out cartos.


Super Member
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Jan 7, 2011
Orlando, FL
I can usually put 30 ml through a carto no problem. I use the rule of thumb when the bottle is done, I retire the cartomizer. With the prices what they are at Vapor Junction, I just as soon order more. Have to throw some business at my favorite vendor. I am beginning to run out of people to refer to him down in Orlando.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
If we do it won't be any time soon. We cater mostly to 3.7v users and the 2.0 ohm are more suited for high voltage and variable voltage units. If there is enough demand among our customer base then we will most certainly stock them for you all.

Finally someone with intelligence. Right on. Now get or make some 555 and I'll be ordering. I can't find any PG 555 anywhere that's good.
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