First Extraction and Pleasantly Surprised...

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Uno mas

Vaping Master
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Jan 5, 2013
San Antonio, TX
This little journey into DIY is the direct result of trying to match (or even better) my current absolutely favorite tobacco vape. I was pointed this direction as I posted my desire to clone (as close a possible) Pirate's Booty which I did mention I absolutely love. Anyway I was told it is an extracted flavor and trying to match it with store bought flavors would basically an exercise in futility. So here I am...

I have read 2 outstanding threads on extraction techniques and ended up settling on a hybrid of both, 100% VG in a 160 degree (as best as I could control it) water bath steep for approximately 8 hrs and then left to cool overnight, pretty basic :thumb:

I started with one of my favorite medium-bodied cigars (Fuente Hemingway) by cutting off rings roughly 3/16 in thick for about 3 inches of the cigar. I placed the tobacco shreds (doesn't stay intact) in a clean 1/4 pint (4oz) jelly jar and added approximately 50ml of VG to fully coat the tobacco, placed on a 2-piece lid loosely and then into 4 qt sauce pan with a small spacer (used another ring from a 2-piece lid) to keep it off the bottom (from direct heat) with water. Heated the water up to 160 deg and basically monitored the temperature most of the day, adding some water as needed to keep it near the bottom of the ring not submerged. My intent wasn't to cook the tobacco however, being, ummm, well picky, I did want to get it warm enough to kill-off any possibly contaminants and obviously heat will move the process along faster. Anyway, after roughly 8 hrs turned it off and let it cool over night...

Next morning I turn the heat back on and start putting together my straining concoction, fine mesh jelly strainer over a funnel lined with an unbleached paper coffee filter into a cleaned 1/2 pint (wanted the height, obviously wasn't going to end up with more than I originally put in) jelly jar. I let the it steep for about an hour at 140 deg (just enough to help if flow), removed the jar with my extract from the water bath, removed the lid and using a spoon to hold back the majority of the tobacco, pour off the liquid into the strainer/filter. The warm VG went through relatively quickly, took a couple hours to make it through the paper filter. Really getting excited at this point the juice looks wonderful :)

I ended up with approximately 33ml of extract, the tobacco soaked up quite a bit and I'm sure I lost a little that the filter soaked up. Now to taste, I made up a 10ml batch 16mg/ml Nic 70/30 with 30% flavoring (primary reason I went with VG) just would work out in the ratio I like to vape. My initial taste is the flavor is a little light, definite grass note which I really don't care for, obviously needs some steeping time, BUT I am positive I'm heading in the right direction. I decided to cheat a little and added 1 drop of PA Absolute 50% in my 5ml batch and made a huge difference, I'm liking where this is going...

Pretty cool got my tobacco flavor for Monday morning :cool:
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Uno mas

Vaping Master
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ECF Veteran
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Jan 5, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Did you test it for mg/ml strength ? or was that the 16 stated

Sorry, mathematically it should be 16mg/ml Nic, I start off with 6.7ml of 24mg/ml Nic 100% PG, added (3ml) 30% flavor 100% VG and If I remember right like .3 ml of PG) I am new to DIY and figured till I get a little more experience mixing I'd start off with a Nic level that's pretty much idiot proof and anything added would be decreasing it theoretically :)

Thanks for the input, I am open to help/suggestions, I am here to learn...

Cell phone at work...
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