Finding a disease to fit the drug, instead of a drug to fit the disease?

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Unregistered Supplier
Nov 16, 2009
When I was younger, I was encouraged by family and dr's to take psychotropic drugs. My family's intentions were good, but they were strongly influenced by a new and well marketed industry. I was told that I had a chemical imbalance. Even in my teen years, I was smart enough to know that there was no way of knowing this without doing some kind of testing. I had no blood tests, no urine samples taken, only a 20 minute conversation with a shrink. I took the drugs for a about a week and noticed some severe changes in me and from that point on refused to take them.

Today, I am happy, married, have children, own multiple business', and have an amazing lease on life. Not that it was easy, but I found a way to live without inducing serious amounts of dangerous drugs.

Through research of the FDA and electronic cigarettes, more things have come to light than ever before. With the new age of internet brewing, common people such as myself, have the ability to gain more power and education than ever before. It's time that we are no longer in the dark.

This is a long and riveting video so please make sure you have the time before starting.

Making A Killing: The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging - - Motore di ricerca video Truveo
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