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Finally understand why SG banned e cig

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Full Member
Aug 15, 2014
1) I have notice some VERY young boys sucking on their ego under the void decks blowing out smoke as if it's very cool. VERY young 12-15 years old. Not once but a couple of times at different areas in Singapore with different groups of young boys! I asked one of them what juice he had and he was smoking some brand less juice with 12mg nicotine. Wow. 12mg... I only do 6 or 9 and I have smoked for 8-10 years.

2) govt is unable to regulate the e cig sales as people will be able to purchase their mods online (back to the first point, underage vapers) and of course their tax $$$ but I'm sure everyone knows about the $$$ part.

Just sharing. As this is one of the reason I am not really ...... about the ban. Of course if it's lifted, good for me (and us) but I do see some valid reason to be banning it. I also expect to see stricter rules on vaping as it seems really common now. Sooner or later. But sooner I predict. It's almost everywhere (ego).

U guys can flame me, hate me, or even delete this thread. But I really do see why vaping could lead to smoking. Thanks to those underage people. Wonder how do other countries deal with this.. Hmm?

I know sg vapers love sharing information with other sg on where to get their stuffs, how to get etc etc (sharing is good) but I would suggest verifying their age before sharing any information with them. vaping may be a good alternative to quit smoking. BUT would u allow your underage child to pick up vaping if he haven't started smoking analogs? I know there will be many hating on this but surely there will be some that agree with me. What are your thoughts?
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Full Member
Aug 15, 2014
Also, in sg we have this duty stamp printed on every cigarette sticks. Don't think there's anyway to identify our mods and liquids to ensure they are duty paid. Too much trouble.

So, sg will never lift the ban. Which is a good and bad thing. As stated at the start of this thread. Also, this makes it harder for young people to get. No car, no credit card (u understand what I mean).


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Feb 22, 2013
Forbidden fruit tastes sweeter, especially for those in their teens. Banning ecigs might just have the opposite effect to what the government intended. The rebellious ones will always find something different/"cool"/unlawful to do. If not vaping, it would be smoking, or worse yet, drugs.

As far as I can tell, there is only one minister in your government cabinet who considers the human psyche when formulating laws. So you can hope and pray that the particular doctor will head your helath ministry some day.

The amount or number of years you smoked has little correlation to the nic level you vape. Not saying there isn't, but the jury is still out on this one.

I haven't heard or read of anyone who started vaping and then turns to smoking. Rather, it's the other way. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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Nov 16, 2013
The Land of ERP and Pee-A-Pee
Thread topic aside, I like the OP's nick. Well played, Father's Milk. :D

I'm probably the one of the youngest, if not the youngest vaper that is actively on SGVapers. But believe me so, quite a few of you know my story.

I'd rather kids Vape than smoke. Given that it's easier to disguise the smell of a ecig, I'm not surprised why so many of them would try it. Not to mention the flavors and the likeness of it to sheesha. But then again, yes, they're raising alarms and it's indeed something to be concern about if we don't want the authorities up our .....
The amount or number of years you smoked has little correlation to the nic level you vape. Not saying there isn't, but the jury is still out on this one.

I haven't heard or read of anyone who started vaping and then turns to smoking. Rather, it's the other way. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Agreed on both points... i smoked for close to 22 years... and only do 6mg nic, for some flavours i cut furthur w 0mg reduce th


Full Member
Aug 15, 2014
I am not stating that vaping is bad. I love to vape and I am really happy to have found out about vaping as it has helped me to quit smoking. Of course vaping is better than smoking analogs. But the main point is, young kids (very young) will want to smoke them.

As we all know
1) vaping smells much better than smoking. Thus, those people that were put off by the cig smell will not be deterred. (remember shisha hype/incident? well this will attract more people, better flavour and vapor production especially to us singaporean as we are not expose to this sort of stuff and it will be very exciting/cool to do it)
2) the rebel/cool factor
3) not knowing how much nicotine is too much. (Overdose or get too hooked on nicotine) <<not sure if it makes sense. But most of us don't know how many hits is equivalent of a stick of Marlboro. I don't know too. Lol.

That is why i stated in this thread, i kinda understand why is it banned. As long as there is a reason for SG to ban them, she definitely will.

But anyway, authorities is going to be stricter (soon, very soon) and this is a bad thing for us. Not them.

p/s i've seen another group of youths (probably overage) smoking their e cig at town IN THE OPEN. :facepalm:


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May 13, 2014
Bangalore / India
Banning vaping because kids are doing it is no logic its the most dumb thing Ive heard in a long time.

I started smoking when I was 12.

A lot of kids I know all smoke. All do the Hooka / Shisha thing. How is that ok ?.

We are expecting a ban in India soon.

From what I hear. WHO is behind shutting down vaping. As long as that is the case. We have a problem and its only a matter of time before its baned world wide. The Yanks would like to think it wont happen int the USA. But I am 100% sure its just a matter of time.

What will happen is that Vaping is just going to get crazy costly.

How do you guys vape if its banned ?.


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Aug 1, 2013
red dot
Seriously i think.. the Gov can only do so much.. (for us vaper) as for now.. Gov make it hard but not super hard for serious vapers. They ban sales of juices & MOD as to prevent young kids from getting them easily. (But if you are a serious vaper u know how/where to get them) As for own consumption... dun vape in public dun end up in newspaper (gov still close 1 eye).

But have you asked yourself? Where the hell these kids got the money/cards to order the mod/juice? Why arent the parents doing anything about it?

I am also a young smoker before.. How did i started? Simple.. parent not at home all the time. So i went down n play with the kids below... started out as try for fun, then became a cool thing to do, n ended up addicted.

So it all started with the parents,.... they have no time for the kids, so what they do? they give money to compensate. Some just simply bo chap.. .. how the hell you think gov can lift the ban..?


Lim Peh
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Oct 19, 2011
North Korea with Disneyland
Banning vaping because kids are doing it is no logic its the most dumb thing Ive heard in a long time.

I started smoking when I was 12.

A lot of kids I know all smoke. All do the Hooka / Shisha thing. How is that ok ?.

We are expecting a ban in India soon.

From what I hear. WHO is behind shutting down vaping. As long as that is the case. We have a problem and its only a matter of time before its baned world wide. The Yanks would like to think it wont happen int the USA. But I am 100% sure its just a matter of time.

What will happen is that Vaping is just going to get crazy costly.

How do you guys vape if its banned ?.

90% of vape gear is made in China and no one shuts down China..... China is trying to be the Chuck Norris of the world bro.
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