FDA: what's wrong with this picture? ;)

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Information Tragedy dOOd
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 4, 2009
The State of Confusion
And this from the same people who think it's cool to inject botulism into their faces!!!

FDA approves Botox Cosmetic to improve the appearance of crow?s feet lines

OMG... Don't get me started on the FDA....

Why of course they did, it's safe.....NOT

And I am really upset this is the second day of the government shutdown! NOT

We still have plenty of government, state & local agencies are still up and corrupt as ever!

Send them all home!

Useless "bag-o-crap" politicians!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
We should fill out the side effects form...
1. I can exercise longer
2. I can breathe so much better
3. I don't smell like an ashtray
4. My cars smell better now
5. I don't wake up in the morning hacking up lung butter
6. etc. to infinity

You really Should do that.

Because I think it is a Given that Many ANTZs are going to use the Online Form to post Negative Feedback on products that they have Never Used.


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Yeah but they will only consider this if you PAY THEM!

They are already getting paid via the humungous fees being charged to tobacco companies. That's one reason why the Center for tobacco Products is not included in the government shut down. We may not be putting money in the pockets of tobacco companies these days, but we gave them plenty of money in the past. Besides, since tobacco companies are getting into the e-cig business, too, they should have no objection to their money being used in this manner.

BTW, if you do contact the ombudsmen, ask for two things:

1. A form for people to report positive experiences with e-cigarettes
2. Consumer representation in the regulatory process.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
They are already getting paid via the humungous fees being charged to tobacco companies. That's one reason why the Center for Tobacco Products is not included in the government shut down. We may not be putting money in the pockets of tobacco companies these days, but we gave them plenty of money in the past. Besides, since tobacco companies are getting into the e-cig business, too, they should have no objection to their money being used in this manner.

BTW, if you do contact the ombudsmen, ask for two things:

1. A form for people to report positive experiences with e-cigarettes
2. Consumer representation in the regulatory process
Wouldn't doing this just piss them off ??!!


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
[....]BTW, if you do contact the ombudsmen, ask for two things:

1. A form for people to report positive experiences with e-cigarettes
2. Consumer representation in the regulatory process.

Am I correct in assuming CASAA has had no reply/reaction from FDA about your urging them (during the listening session) to appoint a consumer rep to the CTB advisory committee?


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
You can just imagine my surprise


Interesting, the person designated as the "representative of the general public" on the TCB advisory committee is an MD, MPH, expertise in public health and epidemiology, and is the Vice President of the Black Hills Center for American Indian Health in South Dakota. I guess that's FDA's idea of the general public...

A person I'd *really* like to see representing the general public is a regular joe/jane, no letters after the name, whose expertise is having smoked for 25 years before switching to vaping and who's been vaping for 2-3 years.

Like that's going to happen...


Information Tragedy dOOd
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 4, 2009
The State of Confusion
This is the kind of crap we have to put up with!

Vaping May be Hazardous to Your Health

I cannot find the date on this article, but it goes on to cite the "impurities" found in e-juice, which from what I read is similar to the first pre-filled cartos that came from "One-Hung-Low'" bath tube facility in China!


Makes me wanna vape!

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Information Tragedy dOOd
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 4, 2009
The State of Confusion
Two years ago I tried Chantix. I didn't get suicidal, I got homicidal. There are some people out there that pi$$ed me off during that period that don't know how lucky they are.

I had a similar reaction to a medication I HAD to take for an illness I won't mention, but it usually causes severe depression and suicidal tendencies....NOT ME, I WANTED TO KILL EVERYONE!

I can relate!


Wes F.

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2013
I went to the form and was writing my true story of when I used Chantix to quit smoking and how it made me depressed and suicidal, and how the depression from it caused me to start smoking again three weeks after I quit. Then I started telling them about e-cigs and how they helped me quit smoking, and how my health has improved, and how it has worked with friends and family. I was writing the last line saying that e-cigs are a miracle device and people should quit smoking using it rather than Chantix. And before I could finish a pop-up window said I was inactive for 20 minutes and that the session is over and erased everything I wrote!!!!!!

You Know, our government really S--ks, I hope the republicans shut down this F---ing effing d-mb_A-- nanny state government for good. Everything they do is a pain in our A--es. They are a worthless bunch of A Holes making $170,000 dollars a year to do what??? Sc--w with us!!!!!!!! I haven't felt this depressed and suicidal since I took Chantix 4 years ago.

Word, I took Chantix for 3 months back in 2010. It worked great, at first... That is if you take being sleepless for 3 months living on nothing more than an hour or two of nightmare filled, psychedelic dreams as great. The part about it that was great was I actually couldn't stand to smoke cigarettes. That was about it, after 3 months of not sleeping I stopped taking it cold turkey, immediately started smoking again and then about a week later I started having SEIZURES... A little background, I'm in the military, I carry a sidearm everyday and I lived 25 miles from base. First seizure I was conscious for, laying on the floor in the fetal position, in a full body spasm that made me ache for a week. Not to mention that I thought I was dying for 3 minutes as my dogs were licking my face barking at me in a house where I lived alone and no one would of known I was dead until I didn't show up for work... So, I went to medical the next day after EMS said I was fine. The medical services provided were what you would expect from socialized medicine, horrible. They told me it wasn't a seizure, blah blah blah... It happened a few more times and they kept on denying it stating that, "there was no witnesses, we can't prove what you are saying" (no crap, I lived alone) until one day I had a seizure while I was driving home from work and plowed through 3 cars going 50 mph, that were stopped at a stop light... Thankfully, it was an absence seizure so my body wasn't seized up, just my brain. Long story short, I was downloaded, driver's license suspended, had to carpool for 9 months almost got kicked out after 8 years of flawless service because of that crap! I'm so glad vaping has evolved into what it has today, I am a month and a half without touching an analog and I feel better than I have in 18 years. And screw Chantix, if anything should be evaluated by the FDA, it should be Chantix. That stuff ruined my life for a year...
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