Fans of throat hits and 0 nic?

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Oct 18, 2008
i have not tried 0mg JC...but i got virtually no throat hit from high nic JC...with the notable exception of British Bulldog-which unfortunatley doesnt come in 0mg...

maybe-like so much else-its down to individual did you try the JC with nic before going 0mg Burn,and if so,did you get a throat hit from that?

Hi Mr D,

I have 24mg JC as well. I got the 0mg to dilute it. The only difference I can taste is the nicotine (surprise surprise ;)) and it provides an edge of bitterness - I wouldn't say anymore throat hit though.

As you mentioned before, it could be perception or maybe even something to do with what we've eaten recently and the reaction of the flavours and the foods on the ol' tastebuds. The food may change the alkalinity/acidy of our mouths. Just a theory you understand... :)

No burn baby

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Oct 29, 2008
Buckinghamshire, England, UK
I have tried various strengths of JC but, to be honest, did not pay that close attention at the time as the throat hit was something I took for granted prior to going 0 nic. This could be a perception thing but I highly doubt it as I have had 4 or so friends sample it. Just the other day a friend who vapes high nic had a try of my new Dura with Janty juice in it and commented that the vapour and flavour were impressive but he couldn't get on with it due to lack of throat hit. I then produced my pen style containing JC NPG 0 nic and told him to tell me his thoughts. Well, he tried it and his eyes opened wide and he said a throat hit like that was enough to make him believe it was high nic. It could be perception but I highly doubt it, this stuff practically waters your eyes. That is what spurred me to ask, I guess I worried slightly with the current green JC issues and wondered what on earth was giving me such a whopping throat hit. I'm keen to hear some of your thoughts on this so please do report back when you get your JC 0 nic! :)

Papa Lazarou

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Nov 15, 2008
I got some 0 nicotine juice from E-cigs but they didn't have any JC flavours that I wanted. In the end just got their own brand original tobacco flavour. Its quite nice, tastes like the cartridges with the starter kits (which I actually grew to like!). I'm using it now and the throat hit is OK. You know its there. I'm using it in a DSE801 on a USB passthrough.


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Dec 15, 2008
Dundalk,Maryland, USA
i can chime in a little on this subject having tasted both the vanillia ice cream Pg and NPG from Jc sampler packs on seprate 901 atomisers fresh and new prime blown out and primed with the juice to be tested.

before i get to the results i should say the PG has a stronger flavor scent from the bottles when compared to the npg of same flavor arcoss the board.

i used a third person to varify my nose along when scenting the flavors.

as well as a base scent which was an analog camel unlite to clear up any smell differences before and after each attempt to nose out a scent.

i then asked a thrd party to confirm which one was stronger to them without telling them my choice. 9 out 10 where agreed on the only one that was unknown was the basic tobacco.

Now when it came to the 9 flavors agreed on the PG smelled stronger when compared to the same nic level NPG

On vaping i vapped the NPG first which had a nice hit but was not harse. the post vapor had a sutle vanilla smell and the vap had a nice sutle taste. (mouth vaping) with direct vaping the hit was harser but still not like any analog which is to be expected.

Third party could not notice the scent post vap unless right on top of me

after some water and bread i vapped the PG

all i can say is the hit was more harse and tasted more like vanilla (mouth vaping) even the post vap had a nice scent that can be smellt a few more inches away. direct vap i also got knocked on my but it hit like a mach truck but i loved it.

so far i have only compared the vanilla in this manner my next new ones will test the cherry i think.

Overall i have to say the NPG has a Strong flavor and taste. so if your 0 Nic a flavour i would use about 60% PG 20% NPG 10% or less flavor and 10% everclear and maybe lemon juice. adjust to taste of course. my cotton candy works well but i only used that on dying atomiser considering i think it have a sugar or something to sweet yes it is the lorann cotton candy.

Forgive me my spelling errors and such typing it at work and dont usally have time to spell check


Full Member
Jan 11, 2009
I'm probably going to get flamed for this but - I think the reason that most manufacturer's 0 nic liquid doesn't give a good throat hit is that it's probably diluted. Think of it from a distributor or a manufacturer's angle, they start with their highest nic juice and just dilute it with their base liquid (I hope!) until they get the nic content they want. 0 nic is probably actually a 'little' nic and not much flavor... Maybe JC is different because they are doing it the legit way (proper batches instead of diluting)?


Full Member
Jan 11, 2009
Actually I'm thinking that they start with a liquid with the highest nic content that they buy from a manufacturer. Then they dilute with a base liquid (PG) because they don't have access to/knowledge about the original ingredients. It would be cheaper for them and they wouldn't have to order all of the grades - only the highest. I'm thinking this because I ordered different grades of the same liquid from one manufacturer and the colors/flavor intensity were very different from high nic to low nic.
Also, in another case a low nic liquid from another manufacturer gave me heartburn whereas the high nic version of the same flavor did not - maybe it was the base liquid that made the difference?
I don't know - just a theory...

Sun Vaporer

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
I'm probably going to get flamed for this but - I think the reason that most manufacturer's 0 nic liquid doesn't give a good throat hit is that it's probably diluted. Think of it from a distributor or a manufacturer's angle, they start with their highest nic juice and just dilute it with their base liquid (I hope!) until they get the nic content they want. 0 nic is probably actually a 'little' nic and not much flavor... Maybe JC is different because they are doing it the legit way (proper batches instead of diluting)?

Pointedob--No flames here, but I double checked with each supplier about wheather there is in fact no--and I mean no--nicotione in the Zero and they all confirmed that Zero Nicotine does in fact contain no nicotine AT ALL. This was important to me as I am a Zero Nicotine user--Hope that helps--Sun:)


Senior Member
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Mar 5, 2009
Sorry to revive a dead topic but I was wondering if anyone else had anything to say about 0 nic JC NPG liquid?

Right now the sampler seems to be only med str, that's not just me right?
Haven't tried it, but I have to say I've been pretty happy with some of the Kick liquid (I think it's Jane's?). By mixing chocolate and vanilla we've come up with a pretty good hit. The best actually seems to come from a mix of cherry and tobacco, but I think I might be the only person who likes the intense cough syrup taste.
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Full Member
Jul 10, 2009
Hi, I am new to the forum. I really enjoy vaping, but want to switch to 0 nic.The 0 and low juice I have gotten so far have hardly no throat hit if any.
I am hoping there is something new out there, maybe some new suppliers that figured out how to make a great throat hit 0 nic menthol. hate to keep wasting money. I am going to try JC next, they have a great return policy so not worried about trying them, but the others don't. Please anyone with new info just in case they don't work out? THANKS!


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ECF Veteran
JC included a 0 nic bottle of JC original in as an "extra" with my sampler order. I'll let you know about TH when I try it.

Recently I've sampled JC 0 mg. reduced PG Arctic Mint, JC Original and Tennessee Cured--in fact, I'm vaping straight Tennessee Cured right now. I'm enjoying the flavors, in fact, the smell of the JC Original out of the bottle is amazingly delicious. Unfortunately, I'm getting no throat kick from any of them--NONE. Is that normal?

I have no experience with JC juice, or 0 mg juice for that matter, except for these three, so I don't know what's normal for JC or for 0 mg..


Full Member
Sep 24, 2009
I actually get a very harsh throat hit from JC juice in my 901. But I get only a little vapor. I'm trying to get used to some of their stuff, but I thought the Tennessee Cured was DISGUSTING. I liked the original better. I guess there's no accounting for taste lol. The vapor should be better when I get my passthrough tomorrow. What PV are you using?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
I actually get a very harsh throat hit from JC juice in my 901. But I get only a little vapor. I'm trying to get used to some of their stuff, but I thought the Tennessee Cured was DISGUSTING. I liked the original better. I guess there's no accounting for taste lol. The vapor should be better when I get my passthrough tomorrow. What PV are you using?

Using 510s. Decent vapor but no throat kick at all.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2009
I use 0mg e-juice from Heaven Gifts (RY4 and Marlboro) and have no throat hit at all. My PV is DSE901. I've tried make my own e-juice with PG and Loran flavors and have no throat hit too.

Some vapers wrote they use vinigar, lemon juice, menthol, vodka, someone Loran flavors and have a throat hit with zero nicotine e-juice. I've tried but I have not throat hit too...

May be I do something wrong. Can someone recomend me how I can get throat hit without nicotine on my DSE901?

Which normal voltage devices have a strongest throat hit with 0mg e-juices?
Which 0mg juices the best here?
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