Failure: dealing with the opposition.

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Ultra Member
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Mar 16, 2014
I often have to explain family and friends about vaping. Sure it is easy to say it is less harmful than cigarettes. Where I have a hard time is when I have to explain to new vapers and non vapers that some e-liquids are could be dangerous to breath and how to choose e-liquids that are as 'safe' as far as we know.

We know from the recent study of Dr. F. that over 70% of the 150 of the e-liquids tested had diketones in them and 40% of those were over the regulated maximum daily inhale intake and that many of them were even way over what is present in cigarettes.

We also know that diketones can affect lungs in a irreversible way and even cause death.
We know that most cream, custard and sweet e-liquids on the market have diketones.
We also know that it is still hard to find 'clean' vendors although they seem to be on a slow rise.

As far a second hand e-liquid vapors, I certainly can not convince non vapors by telling them that the right to choose and vape known dangerous and already regulated substances is part of my freedom, (as Suicide bunny is telling their customers). At least not without them telling me to go vape outside out of their sight in the smoker corner.

To be logical and honest, I feel completly stupid to ask non vapors to breath my vapor and to share in the risks I am taking to quit smoking. I do not vape indoors or in the presence of non vapors.

In the mean time, if we are serious about lowering the risks of vaping, we should all insist on getting rid of diketones of e-liquids. Please, let's not accept the ridiculous excuse that 'it taste so good' . It only feed the antz and make us all look stupid.
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ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
My sister once tried something similar butting in on a vaping discussion between my mother and I. I basically asked my mother (in front of my sister) if we could continue the conversation when this ill informed idiot (pointing at sister) wasn't able to muddy the waters and cloud judgment with bad information. Then I asked her to try to remember all the garbage that was spewing from the human disposals orifice so we can go over each point that concerned her.

Mom is now a dual user. She's stubborn so may never quit smoking. Though at least she's cut back some.

Sent from my device.


Super Member
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Sep 27, 2014
If it's any consolation, I JUST had a conversation with a family member on the phone about my vaping. I could barely get a word in edge wise. "You don't know what's in that stuff. You're still smoking. You can just quit smoking if you put your mind to it." When they finally took a breath, I asked, "Have you stopped smoking?" The answer, "No But if YOU would quit smoking, I would quit."

I think tobacco has "jumped the shark".
It is very "yesterday". People just don't know it yet.
Vaping is "today" and is the future.

This e-cig invention is a "miracle" for mankind. All the naysayers are just unable to deal with it.
World leaders, governments, and ignorance can deny this all they want. Money related or not.
All that matters is that in the meantime, millions of lives are saved. Thank God!
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