Extracting Flavors from Tea / Grains / Spices

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Feb 10, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Hey all,

I'm super interested in getting into the DIY juice world. Outside of e-cigs, I'm a huge beer & tea dork. I think I'm so infatuated with those because I can make them myself, control how they are produced and experiment with different flavors and processes. Obviously, the real reason I love tea and beer is because of the earthy, rich flavors that they produce from steeping leaves and grains.

I've read around about steeping tea in PG or VG to make tea juices easily. I'm super interested in trying that soon. I'm also interested in trying out steeping beer brewing ingredients like different barley and wheat grains, perhaps even hops, oak, and different spices. Has anyone tried anything like this? What would be the ideal methods? Health implications? Just looking to open the conversation in doing something like this.



Full Member
Jan 28, 2014
Very cool! I actually used to brew my own wine and got my boyfriend at the time to brew beer alongside me... now years later he's opened up his own brewery lol. As for making your own flavorings from them you might want to try soaking them in vodka for a few weeks (that seems to be the method I keep running into when researching). I'd be curious to know how they turn out though so let us know!
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