Expromizer V4 problems

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 21, 2017
I recently picked up an ExVape Expromizer V4 and I´m having some issues with it.
On paper it´s nearly perfect: MTL only, top airflow, nice easy to coil deck. The taste is very good, BUT:
1. Airflow control ring does not move at all. I managed to open it completely with force but not it seems I can´t move it at all...
2. Airflow is very very tight, even with all holes open. I do only MTL but boy do you have to suck on this...
3. While flavor and vapor production is good I can´t get a satifying thoat hit. Tried to move the coil a bit higher over thw airflow but not much change
4. the most annoying thing: it constantly spits up hot liquid up the mouthpiece... Tried different wicking methods and materials (cotton, rayon) but not much has changed. I´m MTL vaping a 1 Ohm Kanthal coil with 9 watts....

Any tipps from owners of this tank are appreciated.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
Wow, nobody? This forum seems almost dead, did everyone move on to another forum or stop vaping?
Just curious, I´m fine with noone answering to my problem.
Hi Mate,
Which devices had been building/using before the V4?

A photo of the build is going to go far in getting to the bottom of the issue.

But until then:
What is the ID of your coil?
How many wraps?
How high is the coil above the air flow?
Have you removed the air adjustment ring and lubricated the o rings on the tank? Re-placed with new spares?
Is the draw resistance the same with the tank clean/empty and coil-less as it is "ready for battle"?
What is the nicotine level of the juice you are using? The VG/PG ratio?
Which battery device are you using and in which mode?


Lex White

Unresolved Status
May 11, 2022
  • Deleted by Misty
  • Reason: unregistered supplier
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