Every time I clean an atty (510 atty's) I kill it, no matter what method I try. What am I doing wrong???

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Jun 21, 2010
Reno, NV
So I've tried a few different methods to clean my 510 atomizers, and everytime I end up with a completely worthless atomizer when I'm done.

Lately my main problem with atomizers has been that they clog up SUPER quick. Like within 2-3 days. They get SO clogged that it gives me a headache to even try to suck through them. So that's why I've tried to clean them. For a while I gave up and so I've been spending a rediculous amount of money on atomizers, because each one lasts me less than a week, so tonight I gave it another shot with another method.

The methods I've used prior:
  • rubbing alcohol (both 70% and 90% isopropyl), and also denatured alcohol - I've tried soaking them overnight, soaking them for only 5 minutes or so, and also just dripping the alcohol in and letting it pour out and doing that until it pours out clear. After soaking/pouring I blow them out, let them dry for a little bit (15 or 20 minutes, though the first time I let dry for 24 hours), and when I try to use them, they're dead. Either they don't fire at all, or they barely fire, like they're trying to but miserably fail.
  • polydent - I trie soaking for a few hours, rinsing and blowing out, and I've tried soaking for 3-5 minutes, rinsing and blowing out, and again, same end result. Dead worthless atty's.
  • then tonight, I attempted to clean them out with just water. I've heard to boil them, or to force water through with a turkey baster or a coke bottle, or to use the spray nozzle on the sink. I used the spray nozzle on the sink, and sprayed hot water through 3 atty's for 2-3 minutes each. The video I saw on this technique said to blow dry them and then you could use them right away or wait 15 minutes or so and then use. I blew dry, waited a couple minutes and then tried them. One is completely dead, won't fire at all. One of them worked for one puff and then quit (it seems to be trying to fire, but not suceeding), and the other seems to be firing, but isn't making vapor, and it tastes like ....
Oh, I've also attempted the dry burn using my regular eGo battery, and all it did was destroy the atty making it tastes like burnt plastic .... The same taste you get if it fires in your pocket and you don't notice until it burns you. When I did this, I fired it for about three seconds, let off, fired again... did that like 3 times. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the dry burn method, as a lot of people seem to use it. Do I have to do it with a high voltage mod?

What am I doing wrong???? This is driving me crazy, and as much as I don't want to go back to analogs because they're disgusting and make me feel like crap, I've been seriously contemplating it.

Also, any clues as to why I'm clogging up so quickly? I don't remember having this problem up until the last few months, and I've been vaping for just over a year. I used to blow them out more often, but that's because I'd always flood them. Now I almost never do, and it seems like when I blow them out, they're more clogged afterward than they were before I did it. I need help.... :censored:

Papa Lazarou

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2008
I've had many atty's die quite "young" but not to the same extent you seem to be experiencing! First thing I have to wonder is what e-liquid are you using? Are you making it yourself, or is it pre-made? If it's something that's very dark and strongly flavoured, that might be contributing to the problem. Unflavoured e-liquid leaves very little in the way of deposits (it vaporises cleanly), but some e-liquids can leave thick deposits on the coil after a short period of time. Try something else maybe?

As for cleaning, the only method I use now is something similar to this - http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/tips-tricks/69834-my-atty-resurrection-method.html The burns are quite a bit longer than 3 seconds each (at least to start off with), and I use either a 5v passthrough, or an 18650 mod as the power source (18650 only for low resistance atty's). It needs careful monitoring to make sure you are no overheating the coil, as that will cause it to break. Occasionally I will pop an atomiser, but this cleaning routine is not something I do every day, generally they've had a few weeks use at least by the time they need to be 'restored'.

Another possible solution is try using cartomizers as they are cheaper to replace. I don't even bother cleaning these, I just use them until they taste bad, or vapour production declines significantly. Just keep them well topped up. My current favourite is the Echo, and get a few weeks use out of one. There are many other carto's available, the Dual Coils, Boges, C-E2 Ultimates, Kanger horizontal coil etc are all decent performers. Nearly all cartomizers perform best with thin e-liquid, they don't like thick gloopy VG liquid, so if you are a VG vaper, you might need to thin the liquid with some vodka etc. Good luck!
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