Empiremods' LR306 atty with a drip shield on my ProVari

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Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
I've just received my LR306 atties with a drip shield from EmpireMods as well as bottles of Chocolate Covered Strawberry and Pacific Peach from BombayVaping this morning.

The draw on the atty with drip shield is quite stiff. However, the vaper production and the flavor I got were incredible. This is my first time ever to try any 306 atty. As I have read somewhere, the vapor is quite warm and the atty does get warm quickly. I know that a different combination of an atty and a juice provides unique result, but Chocolated Covered Starawberry(50/50 PG/VG ratio) with this atty gave me such a wonderful flavor and vapor production at 3.6 volts on my ProVari. It has more of a chocolate flavor than a strawberry flavor, but that might change with a different voltage setup. I wish I could try 3.7 volts on the atty, but my ProVari gives a "Current Limit Exceeded" warning and would not let me fire it.

I have tried a few chocolate flavored juices before, but this one certainly ranks high on my list. The chocolate flavor was definitely a real thing. Strawberry flavor was not as strong as the chocolate, but I think it worked out better for me since fruit flavor can be over whelming sometimes. I will reorder this juice again for sure. : )
On the other hand, Pacific Peach juice disapponted me with its perfumey flavor. Its vapor production was, however, amazing just like the other juice. But, I don't think I am going to order this one again.

I am certain that the drip shield is what causing the draw stiffness, but I can live with it easily. The LR306 turned out to be the best thing at this time of my vaping experience.


Michael Curry

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2011
Panama City, FL
I wish I could try 3.7 volts on the atty, but my ProVari gives a "Current Limit Exceeded" warning and would not let me fire it.

That sounds kinda odd. What's the resistance on that thing? I am using a carto right now that checks at 1.5 ohms, and I can vape it on the edge at 4.2 volts, but at 4.3 I get an E2 error. You must have seriously low resistance there.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
On the other hand, Pacific Peach juice disapponted me with its perfumey flavor.....

'Perfumey' is a prime candidate for steeping. It doesn't rescue everything, but it often does. I never leave the lid off when I steep, as oxygen interacts with the nic too much. Just toss it in a drawer and every few days, take the lid off and put it right back on, shake a little and toss it back in the drawer. Try it after three weeks, if it's still no go, try it again after three months. If it's still no go, toss it or give it away.

Congrats on the 306. I've got to try one of those one of these days.


Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
That sounds kinda odd. What's the resistance on that thing? I am using a carto right now that checks at 1.5 ohms, and I can vape it on the edge at 4.2 volts, but at 4.3 I get an E2 error. You must have seriously low resistance there.

Wow. Yeah, I can not use 3.7 volts on my LR306 atomizer. E2 warning comes up immediately. I checked its resistance and my ProVari read 1.4 ohms. It sounds like I need to contact ProVape.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Aug 9, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
That sounds normal for that device and no need to contact Provape. Below is a calculator you can use to figure out the amperage draw at a certain voltage.

Per the Provari Website: "Amperage Limiting to 2.5 amps - The ProVari will monitor and shut itself off if it detects any excessive over-current conditions. If this error occurs the ProVari will alert you by displaying E2 on the digital display.
Fix: Lower your voltage setting".

Using the calculator 1.4ohms at 3.6v pulls 2.57 amps current which is pushing it's limits and why any voltage over that is giving you the E2 error. You need to keep the volts down with an atty that low or go with a higher ohm atty which is recommended for the Provari or any other VV mod. Low ohms is for simulating HV vaping on a 3.7v or below device, you don't need that with VV and will basically have to use the Provari as a 3.7v mod when using an atty that low. Going back to the calculator an atty of 2.4 ohms or above should give you the full voltage range on the Provari.

Ohm's Law / Watt's Law Calculator
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