Electronic Cigarettes Cause Damage to Lungs, Study Finds

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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
just thinking out loud

what if... the big pharma companies inject some 'stuff' into the nicotine and sell it to some leading ejuice companies. which will cause something so horrific that it will cause ban on e cig everywhere in the world

Imagine how those corporations would stand to lose if they did so and people were harmed.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2012
I would like to see other studies in regards of this article:

1.- How much the airway resistance increases after constant smoking of normal cigarettes for 10 minutes?
2.- How much the airway resistance increases after using a nebulizer with just destilated water for 10 minutes?
3.- How much the airway resistance increases after taking a sauna bath for 10 minutes?
4.- How much the airway resistance increases after vaping 100% PG for 10 minutes?
5.- How much the airway resistance increases after vaping 100% VG for 10 minutes?

We tear our hairs out when we read negative comments on the news, but we don't do much about what we should be concerned, to learn more about the habit of vaping, we all want a happy ending story on this but we are expecting that someone else with different interests come to us with some appealing information. Maybe we can fund our own study using realistic and measurable metrics. I hate to be constantly beaten by pseudo-scientific studies that in the guts they are pointing to nowhere.
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Full Member
Dec 10, 2012
“This research helps us to understand how these products could be potentially harmful.”

This mindset irks me. I'm not saying it's bad that they're testing. After all they could even find a way to improve electronic cigarettes. BUT don't give us that "potentially harmful" BS. A fork can be potentially harmful if used incorrectly, and I don't see any legislation attempting to ban forks. I know I'm being a bit defensive, but things like this are just silly to me.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
This mindset irks me. I'm not saying it's bad that they're testing. After all they could even find a way to improve electronic cigarettes. BUT don't give us that "potentially harmful" BS. A fork can be potentially harmful if used incorrectly, and I don't see any legislation attempting to ban forks. I know I'm being a bit defensive, but things like this are just silly to me.
Yeah ...
But ya have to understand smoking has been so demonized and banned in so many places ...
Many now are frightened to death when they see anything that would even remind them of smoke.
BP and their employees at the FDA really aren't thrilled with e-cigarettes ... Go figure.
Common Sense is NOT part of the equation
Most Americans today are addicted to a Nanny State protecting us and telling us
how to walk, talk, think, what we should and shouldn't eat/drink, what to buy,
what to avoid, ETC ETC ... well, we can't make decisions for ourselves !!!
Welcome to the United Nanny States of America.
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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Belmont, NC
Vaporized propylene glycol, at least, has been extensively tested, in 1942. Not only was it found to be completely safe, test animals lived continuously in the vapor with no ill effects, and it was an effective germicide to boot.

Likewise, the pharmacological effects of nicotine, divorced from the effects of combusting a leaf to get at it, are well-studied and documented.

There's not really that much to confound the average man. The science and chemistry are bone-simple. So we must conclude that these "studies" are deliberate attempts at obfuscation. Why? Surely not because there is something dark and sinister about the device itself -- it is a device that, used normally, calms the nerves, focuses the brain, and promotes health by reducing airborne bacteria and viral agents that may be inhaled.

So we must ask: why would a government agency want its people not calm, unfocused, and unhealthy?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Not everyone sees the same adds. They appear based on your browsing history. First I saw Dragonfly, them later I saw Amazon glass bottles, something I was looking at a few days ago.:laugh:

Chrome + AdBlock = :banana::banana::banana:


I find vaping makes me salivate a bit more and cough up brown stuff but thats from smoking, some people have said its like having a personal humidifier but I can't see the negatives in that.

If vaping puts water in your lungs, Imagine what an hour in a sauna would do...
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2013
Livermore, CA, USA
I would like to see other studies in regards of this article:

1.- How much the airway resistance increases after constant smoking of normal cigarettes for 10 minutes?
2.- How much the airway resistance increases after using a nebulizer with just destilated water for 10 minutes?
3.- How much the airway resistance increases after taking a sauna bath for 10 minutes?
4.- How much the airway resistance increases after vaping 100% PG for 10 minutes?
5.- How much the airway resistance increases after vaping 100% VG for 10 minutes?

We tear our hairs out when we read negative comments on the news, but we don't do much about what we should be concerned, to learn more about the habit of vaping, we all want a happy ending story on this but we are expecting that someone else with different interests come to us with some appealing information. Maybe we can fund our own study using realistic and measurable metrics. I hate to be constantly beaten by pseudo-scientific studies that in the guts they are pointing to nowhere.

Vaping has been around for many years now. I'd like to see doctors offices and hospitals release a list of all vaping relented issues they have had to treat. All I've experienced is the sheer joy of not smoking tobacco; tearing up hills full blast on my bicycle...whistling no less...and realizing what a lousy cook I really am.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 31, 2013
New York, USA
My uneducated guess would be that the COPD and asthma sufferers had already developed a tolerance to PG or similar substances present in inhalers.

I don't know about that. I have asthma, and use an inhaler, which obviously helps open my airways. But I can't vape PG juice because it makes me not able to breathe, not slightly either, like really not able to, almost like an asthma attack. I would hypothesize that the small amounts of PG in some inhalers is not in a high enough concentration to bother me, but PG liquid has so much it closes my airways. I don't know if this is true or not, but my girlfriend was saying that fog machines and the like, basically PG, makes asthma worse(not worse and in forever....just not able to breathe good) I don't know where she read this, or if it's true, but it definitely happens to me at least.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 10, 2012
I don't know about that. I have asthma, and use an inhaler, which obviously helps open my airways. But I can't vape PG juice because it makes me not able to breathe, not slightly either, like really not able to, almost like an asthma attack. I would hypothesize that the small amounts of PG in some inhalers is not in a high enough concentration to bother me, but PG liquid has so much it closes my airways. I don't know if this is true or not, but my girlfriend was saying that fog machines and the like, basically PG, makes asthma worse(not worse and in forever....just not able to breathe good) I don't know where she read this, or if it's true, but it definitely happens to me at least.

Propylene glycol is the majority of the content of your inhaler. And if you have ever used a nebulizer, the liquid is also mostly Propylene glycol. Just check the ingredients list on the box your inhaler came in. Pg should be the first ingredient, it is on mine. The real difference is that the inhaler is administering a bronchodilator that may be counteracting any reaction you would normally have to pg.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 6, 2012
New England
I am having a problem with vaping these past few months. I have copd and had chronic bronchiolitis (evidenced as coming and going nodules on serial ct scans) which have dissapeared since I stopped cigarettes (and started vaping), so without question, the cigarettes were causing an inflammatory process that the vaping does not. Unfortunately, I'm having problems with my fev1 declining (measured at home and correlated with symptoms) when I vape. I tried 100% vg and 100% pg, I tried boge cartomizers, clearomizers, and atomizers, all to see if there was one element that was causing this. No matter what I use, the bronchospasm and decline in fev1 occurs. Of course this is temporary, but it's affecting the quality of my life, so I have no idea what the answer is. I think it's clear that vaping has helped a lot of us, certainly me, but inhaling anything I'm sure is not without it's pitfalls. If anyone knows of a ejuice that may be particularly 'neutral', please let me know. Banana has the worst effect on my, I've tried about a dozen other ejuices, and the least aggravating to my lungs is Vz's RY4, but even that causes problems for me if I vape frequently. By the way, I am off nicotine entirely.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Caution: Swimming and jogging cause extreme workload increases on the heart, stress the circulatory system, and may cause bronchial constriction in the lungs! Don't do it!

Bronchoconstriction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[h=3]Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction[/h] More generally termed exercise-induced asthma, the preferred and more accurate term exercise-induced bronchoconstriction better reflects underlying pathophysiology. It is also preferred due to the former term giving the false impression that asthma is caused by exercise.
In a patient with EIB, exercise initially follows the normal patterns of bronchodilation. However, by three minutes, the constriction sets in, which peaks at around 10-15 minutes, and usually resolves itself by an hour. During an episode of this type of bronchorestriction, the levels of inflammatory mediators, particularly leukotrienes, histamine, and interleukin, increase. TH2-type lymphocytes are activated, with an increase in T cells expressing CD25 (IL-2R), and B cells expressing CD 23, causing increased production of IgE. After exercise, the conditions will fade within one to three minutes. In most sufferers of EIB, this is followed by a refractory period, of generally less than four hours, during which if exercise is repeated, the bronchorestriction is less emphasised. This is probably caused by the release of prostaglandins.
The underlying cause of this type of bronchoconstriction appear to be the large volume of cool, dry air inhaled during strenuous exercise. The condition appears to improve when the air inhaled is more fully humidified and closer to body temperature.
This specific condition, in the general population, can vary between 7 and 20 percent. This increases to around 80 percent in those with symptomatic asthma. In many cases, however, the constriction, even during or after strenuous exercise, is not clinically significant except in cases of severe to moderate emphysema.

After three years of vaping which included light smoking after meals and with morning coffee during the first two years, I finally decided to stop smoking tobacco a little over a year ago. When I did stop, it was miraculous. I had no cravings, not one from the day I quit smoking and still can be around smokers without even thinking about actually lighting up a cigarette. I was immediately cured from the habit the day I stopped smoking.

What did happen after that was that I begin to notice that I could walk up to my mailbox on the street (a significant grade for about 200 feet) without huffing and puffing when I reached the mailbox. Last fall, I started a daily workout that includes 100 reps with a curl bar doing sets of 20 reps for various upper body parts, followed by a 5 mile stationary bike ride starting at 60% workload and ending in 80% workload according to the computer on the machine. I sometimes have to remind myself to breathe more deeply during the ride to further oxygenate my body. It's not involuntarily causing me to huff and puff, although I can feel heavy stress on my legs and body from the workout.

When I smoked, I would borrow my brother in law's pulse/oxygen monitor to check my oxygen levels during a visit. I'd be somewhere between 95 and 97. To get to 100% I'd have to deep breath for a minute. I don't have to do that anymore to be 100%. Do I think that the study found that people who inhale PG have slightly restricted bronchial tubes? Sure. It's a known irritant and something that your body wants to reject. Do I think that it's harmful to vape? No! It's probably better not to smoke OR vape. Common sense tells us that breathing only pure air (if you can find it) is better.

I was a two pack a day smoker when I found vaping. I could have put down those stinkies the first week had I known it would remove the cravings. It was my psychological addiction that made me wait for two years to put down the last 6 a day I retained after vaping. Just think, I'd be 3 years out from my last cigarette if I had just tried and found that I didn't need them. At least I went from 40 a day to 6 a day for the first two years. Being 1 year completely away from tobacco is still joyous and I thank vaping for allowing me to quit the habit.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 10, 2012
I am having a problem with vaping these past few months. I have copd and had chronic bronchiolitis (evidenced as coming and going nodules on serial ct scans) which have dissapeared since I stopped cigarettes (and started vaping), so without question, the cigarettes were causing an inflammatory process that the vaping does not. Unfortunately, I'm having problems with my fev1 declining (measured at home and correlated with symptoms) when I vape. I tried 100% vg and 100% pg, I tried boge cartomizers, clearomizers, and atomizers, all to see if there was one element that was causing this. No matter what I use, the bronchospasm and decline in fev1 occurs. Of course this is temporary, but it's affecting the quality of my life, so I have no idea what the answer is. I think it's clear that vaping has helped a lot of us, certainly me, but inhaling anything I'm sure is not without it's pitfalls. If anyone knows of a ejuice that may be particularly 'neutral', please let me know. Banana has the worst effect on my, I've tried about a dozen other ejuices, and the least aggravating to my lungs is Vz's RY4, but even that causes problems for me if I vape frequently. By the way, I am off nicotine entirely.

Have you tried vaping just straight PG or straight VG yet?

Not saying you'd want to vape that regularly, although you never know, some people like it.
But it would at least be an informative experiment.

thanks for the suggestion and I will try this.

I was going to mention that it seems "flavors" are your problem.
Keep us posted on your new experiment vaping without flavoring added. Thanks:)
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