Ego-T tanks and Ms. T's Juice

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Full Member
Dec 20, 2010
Denver CO
Ms. T's Bakery is now offering Ego-T tanks with her juices as samples. On the Ego-T forum there has been a long discussion about VG/PG ratio and dark juice issues with the tank.

As we know Ms. T's juices have more VG then PG base ratio. What I have read about the tanks is the recommended ratio PG/VG is 65/35 but I have read success stories with 50/50 ratio. There is also been post that the dark juices burn and or leaves residue.

If anyone has tried the ego-t with Ms. T's juice I would like to know how it went.
I am on the verge to update my ego to ego-t.

Tempus Fugit

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ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2009
Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Outer Rim
Ms T has one and mine is on the way Higuchem. We are going to use them ourselves and see what kind of results we get. Ms T has been using hers for a couple of days with a dark favorite juice of hers, and has experienced no problems so far. We'll see how it works out over the long haul. I can't wait to try it myself!

Ms T's Bakery


Full Member
Dec 20, 2010
Denver CO
My experience is slightly different. I have several of Ms. T's juices and after about 6 good puffs I get one puff that tastes burnt (like the juice isn't wicking properly). After a good drag or two without setting off the battery it's good for another 6 good drags or so.

The 50/50 juice I have I don't have this problem with.

Did you by chance know if was more burnt taste occurrences when the juices were darker?

Tempus Fugit

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2009
Mos Eisley, Tatooine, Outer Rim
I received my Ego yesterday and have tried out a couple of flavors in the tank. Here are my impressions:

I had never even seen an Ego up close (I am used to a Bartleby, a GLV2 mini, and a Vypr 510) and I REALLY love the size/quality/button/etc, but this is not a review. I will say that it is an outstanding device, and the tank is as good as I had hoped. What I wanted to know, and what many others will too, is how close it comes to dripping. Well, it is pretty close. DEFINITELY closer than any carto or cart I have ever seen. I have been using only Ms T's juices. The vapor production is outstanding. Flavor is way up there. Throat hit is within the range of what I like. There haven't been any wicking problems at all, and the juice seems to feed more smoothly than I expected. I did have the opportunity to learn a few useful lessons.
Lesson 1: Energy Drink has a pretty strong flavor (comes out great in the Tank). HOWEVER, this flavor may stick in the cartridge or atomizer long after you have switched flavors!

Lesson 2: So of course I tried to remedy Lesson 1 by putting Red Hot Cinnamon Candy in the tank. Not really the best two flavors together in my opinion. The Energy Drink flavor stuck in the atty for about 1/2 the tank of Red Hot Cinnamon Candy. It did strange things to the flavor.

Lesson 3: Once the flavor changed over the Red Hot Cinnamon Candy came through very nicely. Excellent flavor, TH, and vapor. I was impressed. Much better than from a carto. Not as hot or strong as a LR carto, but still excellent. But. It is another very strong flavor that will stick in an atty for awhile. I only have one atty at the moment and I think they hold more liquid than standard atomizers. Lesson learned, get more atomizers, and devote one to Red Hot Cinnamon Candy (worth it)!

Lesson 4: I keep a bottle of Unflavored around to run in between flavors I'm dripping sometimes if they are very different. Sort of a palette cleanser I guess. I ran a couple of tanks of it and it seemed to work through most of the Cinnamon flavor. I put in a tank of a new melon flavor (that does not yet exist) and the flavor has stabilized.

Lesson 5: As soon as I am done with my last few cartos, I am done with them for good. I will still drip for the most part I think since, in my mind, nothing compares to it. The Ego Tank is most definitely going places with me for sure though.


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Aug 9, 2010
I finally tried mine with some other vendor's 70/30 and Ms T Irish cream. I had been waiting anxiously since I loaded them about a week ago. I was afraid it wouldn't meet my expectations after some of the mixed reviews I've read. Well the very preliminary findings are that it works very well if you like a nice cool vape. Wicking doesn't seem a problem so far but I've not chain vaped the heck out of it yet...LOL

However, there may be something to the leaching thing. The flavors do not seem as strong as normal with all three juices. I think once I'm through the 7 tanks I've loaded with different juices I'm going to try to not load them until the day of or day before using and keep it away from pants pocket storage, etc. We'll see if that helps. If not, then it's just the system I guess. I'm primarily a mega XL cylinder and cone atty user with cart and also some LR 510 Boge cartos and some Royalsmokers CE2R4s. This is the coolest vape, similar to the Royalsmokers temp wise.

It's been so long since I did a T juice, I've been testing and using up some of my lesser was nice to taste that lovely Irish cream again.

I may also try rinsing them before use with water and/or soaking in real scientific method behind this other than throwing the excrement against the wall and seeing what sticks. Don't know if that will accomplish anything since there is no plastic taste to me. Dripping is best taste wise but for me the PITA factor is way too high unless I'm doing nothing but sitting in front of the tube.
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ECF Veteran
Aug 2, 2010
Seattle, WA
Just an observation, but when I'm using Ms. T's on the Ego Tank, I seem to wind up having to clean the atty's out every single day or they get gummed up :( I do not have this problem at all with pure PG juices. Since Ms. T's is my favorite vape this is kinda a major bummer for me. If nobody else is experiencing this, maybe I'm unique, but I've gone through 6 attys at this point with the same results, form 2 different manufacturers. So it's not one bad atty. Mostly what I'm vaping is Vanilla Custard and Banana Foster's Coffee which are my faves.
I'm very much hoping that there is some fine-tuning possible for Juices made specifically for the tanks, I get insane amounts of smoke and throat hit from plain PG, which is new for me, and the tanks seem to love it. High concentrations of VG in the tank system are giving me no love at the moment.
Is this just me, and nobody else is experiencing any probs?
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