ECF n00b

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What's up everyone, figured I should make an introductory post since I'm new to the forum. Been vaping and smoking cigs on and off for about a year and a half now, but recently decided to quit the cigs all together and just vape. I started like most with the blu or njoy ecigs ----> to ego with tank ----> k100 w/ RDA ----> to ego twist with tank ----> MVP2 ----> provari mini ----> IPV w/RDA (what I currently use). Right after i got my first ego my friend (who I consider a vape connoisseur) told me to buy a k100 and kind of just left it at that. It was cool at first but I was such a n00b it was overwhelming and i started smoke again. A few months later I wanted to quit smoking again and bought the twist then the MVP shortly after and so on. Within the past month it has helped me quit smoking completely and has also become a hobby of mine. I currently build all my own builds and enjoy it. I'm going on 3 weeks now with no cigs completely and enjoying every bit of it.....Well, that's my vape story shall we say and I'm glad to be apart of such a great forum. ECF has helped educate me quite a bit so far and look forward to learning more....
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