Easy Method to Clean an Aspire BDC Coil Head

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Nov 22, 2013
Boise ID
this tread has been very helpful to me. I just gotmy first Aspire ET-s BDC and am loving it! Up to this point i rinse and dry burn between flavors and every couple tankfulls if i use the same flavor. Prior to my new Aspire's i have used EVODs, Kanger T2's, iclear 30/16's and am wicked excited about my new Aspires. Have been grappling with what to do about cleaning them though. I, up to this point, have not gotten into rebuilding my coils. Anyway, i was afraid to dry burn because i can't see the coils. Tonight i wanted to switch flavors so i rinsed the it under hot water and just filled it hoping that i wouldn't be able to taste the flavor that was previously in the tank. Unfortunately, it just didn't work... (don't laugh to loud please :oops:) I will try some of the methods here. I don't mind a little extra effort because i really like Aspire. as always, people on here have the answers

That was my experience as well. But my Aspire came with 3 coils so I've just been rotating them with flavor changes. I ordered 2 extra tanks so going between flavors won't be an issue.

I totally don't mind that you can't get into the coils because the Aspire is way better than my Kanger tanks.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
Do those Aspire BDC heads come apart enough that you can get at the wicks and coils to replace them? (at least the wicks). I haven't seen any detailed pictures or videos of them.

PBusardo's review of the Aspire includes him tearing one apart if you want a look at it.


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Oct 20, 2013
Calgary AB
I have rebuilt a few of the Aspire heads, Easiest way to get into the head is screw it into the base, Take pliers (Don't squeeze to hard on it) grab onto the top cap and gently pull straight up.

I will tell you it's not an easy rebuild on these, the coils are resistance to non resistance wires, But it can be rebuilt using standard resistance, The leads are also insulated with tiny plastic sleeves, but can't be used if you're going to use non resistance wire because they will burn.

The real trouble starts when you go to put that cap back on... These heads have an odd cotton wicking material that sits around the inner part of the head under the cap and it isn't fun to get back in, In fact I only got one back in that was used and that still wasn't perfect, I find replacing the material to be far easier.

Now that I made you read all that, I rebuilt mine for fun and because I have a need to do things I shouldn't, I really wouldn't recommend doing it as an everyday activity. Oh, and I guess some of you might want to know what I used to replace that material... I used organic cotton paint clothes, Zero-Chem cloth, Be sure it doesn't stick out when putting the head cap on or it will distort the cap and leak.

Have fun with it &... Vape On!!!


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Oct 20, 2013
Calgary AB
I like to soak the heads in cheap vodka, rinse enthusiastically, let dry and then do a dry burn..... Once that no longer works.... I rebuild!! :vapor:

How are you rebuilding yours, I would like to compare notes, As they say there's more than one way to skin a cat. lol

Oh, And I clean mine with 99% isopropyl alcohol, I take a carto condom and fill it with alcohol then slip the head into the condom and fire the atomizer and watch the gunk fall out... lol, boiled in alcohol.

Edit: After thought... Maybe there should be a word of caution in there somewhere... :evil:
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Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
I think i messed up most of a 30 mg bottle of my favorite juice by using isopropyl 91 % to clean the heads . I generallly rinse with warm water, leave in iso for a few hours and the sinse again thoroughly with warm and air dry over night. But with the aspires it left a horrible taste in the back of my tongue for a long time even after dry burning. So i put a brand new head and still the same. Put the juice back in bottle and washed the whole tank and the new head again without isopropyl. Put the juice back in and still the same result. A third head and still the same until i figured i probably ruined the juice. Oddly enough if the juice is in the tank for a while the first toot is fine but after that the same horrible taste that just sticks to the back of my tongue. I'm guessing that the alcohol on the wick has evaporated.

I have a feeling that the carto like filler material in the heads absorb the alcohol more than the wicks on other clearos


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Oct 18, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I think i messed up most of a 30 mg bottle of my favorite juice by using isopropyl 91 % to clean the heads . I generallly rinse with warm water, leave in iso for a few hours and the sinse again thoroughly with warm and air dry over night. But with the aspires it left a horrible taste in the back of my tongue for a long time even after dry burning. So i put a brand new head and still the same. Put the juice back in bottle and washed the whole tank and the new head again without isopropyl. Put the juice back in and still the same result. A third head and still the same until i figured i probably ruined the juice. Oddly enough if the juice is in the tank for a while the first toot is fine but after that the same horrible taste that just sticks to the back of my tongue. I'm guessing that the alcohol on the wick has evaporated.

I have a feeling that the carto like filler material in the heads absorb the alcohol more than the wicks on other clearos

I did the same thing tonight with some 91% IPA, but I did it a little differently:

I rinsed the heck out of the heads (one 1.8 and one 2.1) under hot tap water, then blew into them like clearing an atomizer.

Lots of water came out, so I decided to keep clearing the water out and then did a dry burn.

Once I had all the gunky material burned to the corresponding ash (while switching batteries to keep them cool, I would allow the metal part that houses the head to cool as well to prevent any possible grommet overheating), I immediately dipped the still-scalding (used a dry napkin to undo the head) hot head into the 91% IPA. Repeated the same process with the 1.8 head, which seemed more fickle for some reason.

After swishing them around in the IPA for a few moments, I proceeded to use the sink's sprayer head (very close to the bottom of the drain catch to avoid excessive water spray-back) and blasted them with scalding hot water, making sure to aim into the head. This seemed only to knock the gunk loose and a stinky IPA/dry burn odor was still present.

So...I thought, "What would I do if my kanger heads were still gunked up and I needed to get good waterflow through the head in order to rinse the remaining dry-burn flavor out"?

I was hesitant, but removed the bottom pin of the 1.8 head and inspected it. Two wires were visible, and angled outward enough that I wasn't horribly worried they'd get bent out of shape. I decided to throw all logic aside, tossing them back into the ipa for a few more moments. Figuring that if I'd ruined the taste the damage would have already been done, I removed the heads after another quick swish in the IPA, and held the top directly against the tap.

This produced a more effective rinse directly over the coils, and showed me that these things soak up way more liquid than I had suspected initially.

After carefully re-inserting the base pins, I blew out the remaining (and reeking of dry-burn) water until none remained.

I found that it helped to cover the bottom hole with my finger as to force the water out the sides, since this was the last spot where I could detect water. It took a couple of minutes. I then let them dry a couple minutes and replaced the 2.1 head straight back into the ETS, and sat it upright- bubbles were immediately detected, but I decided to give the abused coil a few minutes to rest while I rested.

I'm just finally sitting down after a long day.

Gimme a sec, will take a toot to see how the 2.1 head turned out.

EDIT: at 3.9v; tastes almost like a brand-new coil. Let's bump it up to 4.3 and see if the flavor changes.

Seems to be performing as I'd expect- the juice I'm using has a tiny bit of caramel base in it, so that tends to cook a little above 4.3- for me, at least.

It's a rather complicated frankenstein blend containing NET Perique (GeJ), Nicquid Daybreak, and a little MVS 'Smooth Tobacco' (I find I absolutely MUST thin my NET's or use a higher PG version or the air holes don't wick fast enough- this is with 50/50 starting in the NET & the other juices are there to mainly thin it out a little).

Hope this helps you a little in your ventures.

Also, if you leave that bottle of juice that has the IPA 'taste' in it open, the stuff will evaporate pretty quickly (it's quite volatile). Just pop the cap off and stick it somewhere nobody will mess with it- preferably somewhere cool and dark. I guess you'd kinda be 'steeping' the IPA out of the juice?
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Ultra Member
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Mar 21, 2014
The Bluegrass
I find I absolutely MUST thin my NET's or use a higher PG version or the air holes don't wick fast enough

I have found this to be true as well. I have 3 Aspire ET-S BDC tanks. Two use 50/50 or thinner juices, the other is a 60/40 VG/PG mix (which is also a dark juice) and with the thin/clear(er) juices the tanks burn awesome, but with the thicker dark juice I get a burnt hit every 2 or 3 draws when I vape on anything higher than 7 watts (and this is with brand new heads). When I put the same juice in my Aspire Nautilus, it vapes great all the way to 9 watts. I'm thinking it's because there are only 2 very small holes in the head which wicks to the coils and the juice simply can't get in there fast enough when I'm vaping at higher wattages (which burns more juice faster).

I'd advise using these tanks only with 50/50 or thinner juices if you want to use anything more than a an eGo type battery at the lowest voltage.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2013
I think that one of the keys to the Aspire coils, in a many cases, is the wick and filler material inside the cap...they get so gummed up that they cant wick the liquid into the coil properly or just black and nasty tasting. I take the cap off, if the wicks are discolored its time to rebuild The filler material can be cleaned or replaced . I wrap it around the base and hold it there with a drop of juice and pinch the top a bit and carefully slip the cap over it.
Do this about 10 times.......and you end up tossing all of em..... cuz its a bit of a pain and theres nothin like a new coil


Full Member
Sep 10, 2013
Erie, PA
This is a great thread. I personally just rinse mine in water and let dry over night, but for people looking to get a more thorough clean this will prove useful. For a while I was unsure about cleaning these heads at all but after seeing all of these methods I am confident I can do anything to this that I would to my kanger coils (even though I don't touch that piece of garbage since I got my Aspire.)


Full Member
Oct 20, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Very useful thread! I keep separate flavours in separate clearomizers so in my case a 5 minute soak in hot water is enough to clean the coils.
I let it dry for a few hours on a paper towel. I reuse the coils 4-5 times each before throwing them away.
It's a good way to save money on replacement coils. Even if they sell cheap it adds up pretty quickly if you change them every week!
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