Ease my conscience

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
I will say that I have consciously vaped tobacco/havana gold flavors around children so it still has that "bite" in the smell. i started cigs around 15 years old and thought nothing of it, so I don't want to influence a youngin to put anything in their lungs that they don't need, and lets be frank, but blowing out plumes of candy vapor is pretty cool. At least I think so :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2010
Jville, AL
I just read a couple of studies on this stuff and here's what I interpreted them to mean: tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) is being studied as a preventative medicine to combat the effects of stroke and angina. It seems that a bunch or rodents were starved of oxygen somehow and the ones who were given TMP before the study fared better than the ones who weren't given anything. I found three different studies that say basically the same thing. One used rats, one used mice, and one used hamsters. So do with that info as you wish.

so TMP could be the next "cureall" for smokers...........take your $10.00/pill FDA approved medication to eliminate/minimize the effects of the CarbonMonoxide poisoning you are voluntarily inflicting on yourself by smoking tobacco. LOL.

This could be BIG!!!

Tobacco continues to make billions, Pharma continues to make Billions, and Govt continues to collect Billions of dollars in tax revenue on said products. All as the Mice (smokers) spend even more money on what the govt tells them is more healthy; only so that some CEO, beaurocrat, or politician can spend an extra week in the bahamas every year.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2011
Sherwood, AR
I don't care as much about kids being attracted to ecigs vs attracted to cigs. Ecigs can be vaped with 0 nicotine, cigarettes cannot. I would be more concerned about their existing attraction to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

You know, I'm really surprised to read this. It's one of those thoughts in the back of my head that I don't voice because I figure I'd get flamed for it, but I started smoking in high school myself and think I would have been better off if I'd have had the option of something without nicotine. My friends wouldn't have really known the difference.

That being said my nephew's tried numerous times to get me to concoct him some zero-nic rootbeer flavored ejuice so he could try it. I told him to dream on so I suppose I'm a bit of a hypocrite.
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