E-liquid poll - DIY or not?

Do you DIY e-liquid?

  • I only use DIY e-liquid

  • I've tried DIY, but don't any more

  • I use a mix of DIY and pre-mixed e-liquids

  • I've never made DIY e-liquid, but might be interested in trying in the future

  • I've never made DIY e-liquid, and have no intention of doing so

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2010
Rochester NY
The first 6 months, I bought pre mixed or had someone mix for me. Now, I only use DIY, since I pretty much only vape a weird flavor not really offered by vendors, and am slowly stepping down the nic level. I vape blackberry champagne (PA blackberry, lorann's champagne both at 10%, 70/30 pg/vg at 10 mg/ml) I can't find that combo at any of the current vendors. Velvet Vapors came the closest, and I would buy from her again in a minute if I needed to.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 2, 2011
Anzio (Rome, Italy)
DIY costs much less than premixed. Here in italy we do not have a huge selection of e-liquid vendors, and purchasing overseas can be very expensive due shipping costs.
Not to mention custom, that can be a true pain in da a..
I purchase my concentrates from FA and from Eliquidproducer and high nic base. PG and VG from the pharmacy, and i try to do my own mixes. Some are very good, some other just go down the sink, but hey, it's fun!.
Also I can adjust my nic levels very easily as by now I am at 6 or 9mg/ml.
I have now 3 recipes for my daily vape, and I just experiment on my free time.
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