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Full Member
Aug 18, 2014
Uh oh. Its not just speculation. These are real cases!


In Vermont, a 60-year-old man suffered an acute lung injury and was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis last year after vaping red hot cinnamon flavored e-cigarettes.
A 31-year-old West Virginia woman with no lung disease contracted what doctors say is a rare form of pneumonia after inhaling vapor from electronic cigarettes.

The woman had been vaping for about three months before being admitted to a hospital this year with a chronic cough. Soon after, she went into respiratory failure and was put on a ventilator, according to the doctors who treated her.

In Vermont, a 60-year-old man suffered an acute lung injury and was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis last year after vaping red hot cinnamon flavored e-cigarettes.

The two cases are among the first to surface highlighting severe lung injuries that physicians say are related to the use of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices.

“We are all very curious about this,” said Frank Drescher, the doctor who treated the man at the White River Junction VA Hospital in Vermont. “I am certain this is an underreported diagnosis.”

A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigation in September found high levels of diacetyl and a second chemical known to cause permanent and sometimes fatal lung disease in locally made e-liquids and exposed inadequate testing that results in manufacturers claiming their products are diacetyl-free when sometimes they are not.

There are no requirements that manufacturers test e-liquids, nor are there any standards to meet.

Known for its links to injuries and deaths of microwave-popcorn workers, diacetyl destroys the lungs’ tiniest airways, leading to scar-tissue buildup that blocks airflow. An earlier Journal Sentinel investigation found potentially dangerous levels of the chemical in coffee-roasting facilities and exposed cases of lung disease in commercial coffee roasters and grinders.

Raquel Rutledge
Drescher and his colleague, Graham Atkins, who was also involved with the Vermont case, said they believe diacetyl may have played a role in their patient’s illness. They said the man first came to the hospital with weakness, chills and a cough. He was treated with antibiotics and went home three days later feeling normal.

He returned a month later with the same symptoms, this time with a fever. A CT scan showed an injury to the lungs that appeared to be related to a chemical exposure. When doctors asked the man what he had been doing, he said he had been vaping strongly flavored e-cigarettes — on both occasions before his illness.

Doctors diagnosed him with a severe allergic reaction called hypersensitivity pneumonitis — more commonly known as “farmers’ lung.” The disease was prevalent among farmers in Wisconsin in the 1970s and ’80s. It is often triggered by inhalation of dust with fungus spores from moldy hay, bird droppings or other decomposing organic compounds. It’s treatable when caught early but can cause permanent scarring and damage if exposures continue over time.

The man stopped vaping and recovered within several days. A follow-up three months later showed normal pulmonary functioning.

The case was documented in a recent issue of the journal CHEST.

A flavor called Hawaiian Blast made by Maryland-based MaddCatt was the likely culprit that sickened the woman in West Virginia, according to doctors at West Virginia University Health Sciences Center.

In an interview, the doctors said the woman had started vaping the flavor — described as a “tropical fruity mix with a touch of creaminess” — a few months earlier in an effort to quit smoking conventional cigarettes.

She arrived at the hospital and was quickly transported to the intensive-care unit, her lungs failing. Her symptoms were similar to those of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: shortness of breath, cough, weight loss and labored breathing.

But after seeing stains on her photo imaging indicating she had inhaled something fatty or oil-based, they diagnosed her with lipoid pneumonia. She remained on a ventilator for several days.

The woman recovered within about a week and was sent home with supplemental oxygen. She stopped vaping. Tests three months later showed normal pulmonary functioning.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
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Jan 24, 2014
And that one that said they suspected diacetyl was involved... Sorry, but the only thing that diacetyl inhalation MIGHT cause is bronchiolitis obliterans, and it does not simply go away; it requires a lung transplant!

I'd say it's very obvious that none of these stories have a single grain of truth, and were written by those with a very obvious ax to grind against vaping.



Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Am I the only one thinking how convenient it is that these cases show up now. And a whole two cases out of thousands of vapers.
I'm sure this is only a coinsidence.:facepalm:

I was thinking that too, "only TWO?" And it's actually MILLIONS of vapers. I'd say the numbers are firmly on our side.

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ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
And that one that said they suspected diacetyl was involved... Sorry, but the only thing that diacetyl inhalation MIGHT cause is bronchiolitis obliterans, and it does not simply go away; it requires a lung transplant!


So we have confirmed smokers (how many years of smoking?) with healthy lungs (?!?!?!?) who suddenly develop mysterious lung diseases after a few months of vaping?

How much diacetyl from regular tobacco smoke had they inhaled prior to picking up an e-cig? :facepalm:

And then they quit vaping and what? Go back to smoking and their lungs miraculously heal from bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung)?



ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
Uh oh. Its not just speculation. These are real cases!

Seriously???? The cases may be real, but the diagnoses suck. :facepalm:

However, cinnamaldehyde is a well known respiratory tract and mucous membrane irritant and it's possible that the woman had a reaction to it. Some people do. Many vapers use cinnamon flavored juices and have no problems.


I avoid cinnamon and diacetyl and generally try to vape clear and clean eliquids because I believe that it is a safer way to vape and it suits me just fine. I often vape unflavored.

That said, any physician who looks at the lungs of a lifetime smoker (and short-time vaper) and concludes that vaping is to blame for whatever lung condition the patient presents with is either an idiot or a political operative.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
For the first 5 mos. of vaping one of my favorite juices was a red hot cinnamon concoction that I savored because I couldn't taste much else. Finally, the ol' buds kicked back in plus learning to rewick with cotton and I was on a tear to try lots of different local flavors. Didn't take long that I could barely vape what was once my favorite, but never was sick during those 5 mos. while vaping it.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
For the first 5 mos. of vaping one of my favorite juices was a red hot cinnamon concoction that I savored because I couldn't taste much else. Finally, the ol' buds kicked back in plus learning to rewick with cotton and I was on a tear to try lots of different local flavors. Didn't take long that I could barely vape what was once my favorite, but never was sick during those 5 mos. while vaping it.

I used to add a little cinnamon redhot ejuice to my Virginia, when I first started. But after being smoke-free for +/- 6 mos, anything with cinnemaldehyde started tasting like burnt metal to me, I can't vape it at all, it's like the taste of a "dry coil" hit.

I have some TFA Cinnamon Spice that's supposed to be non-cinnemaldehyde, more like baking cinnamon, but I haven't tried it yet.

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