E-Cig Success Rate?

E-Cig Success Rate?

  • I've completely quit analogs with e-cigs

  • I've cut down on analogs use with e-cigs

  • I only use e-cigs where I can't use analogs

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Posted some information elsewhere about the dangers of the patch, in general. Its not safe. Many people have died.

Yes, I was able to quit smoking altogether (a PureSmoke user from day one who refills), and,

According to the web, the actual Quit-Rate seems to have no official statistics to support it, but one poll provides the following:
View Poll Results: E-Cig Success Rate?, polling 1730 voters, as of August 9, 2010.
I've completely quit analogs with e-cigs 1,434 (82.89%)
I've cut down on analogs use with e-cigs 285 (16.47%)
I only use e-cigs where I can't use analogs 11 (0.64%)

Quit-Rate for the Patch
"Real-World" Nicotine Patch and Gum Rates
In the Shiffman "Real-world" study, only 3% of those using the Rx nicotine patch and 9.2% of those using the OTC patch were not smoking at six months. In the nicotine gum groups, only 7.7% of the Rx gum group and 8.4% in the OTC gum group were not smoking at six months. Sadly, the average for the four groups was just 7%.
The patch rates obtained in this study are frighteningly consistent with the 24 week results produced in the 1998 Davidson OTC patch study (8.2%) and the 1999 Hays OTC patch study (7.7%).​
Just some interesting stats. The patch is not only dangerous, but terribly ineffective.

My blog: Staying (and Living) Smoke Free


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2010
California US
I was a smoker for 10 years and have been using e-cigs for about 9 months now. At first you kind of teeter back and forth from electric to analog, but then you get your sense of taste back. But really going from analog to electric is like changing brands, it just takes a little while until you start preferring the new flavor. When I was a smoker I started with menthol then went to Marlboro, then Camel. Every time I changed there was a teeter factor, but now I couldn't be happier. You can actually have your cake and eat it too....
Since charging my first ecig, I have not smoked an analog. Had smoked for 30 years a pack to pack and a half a day.

^^My experience is almost identical.

Last analog (over a month ago) was during first battery charge, I smoked for nearly 31 years at avg of 1.5 PAD.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2011
I smoked about 2 packs a day for over 40 years and tried to quit countless times. I tried everything except e-Cigs. I tried e-Cigs - stopped immediately - and I haven't looked back. I enjoy the flavors - I don't miss the cigarette stink - I don't miss the nasty ash-tray - my taste buds are working again - I don't have to worry about hurting anyone else now - and it's much less money once you settle in with something you like. In short, I think that e-Cigs is the ONLY way I could have quit. Once you quit for several days, cigarettes taste and smell NASTY. Finally, my wife, kids, and grandkids are really happy that I quit. Did I mention that I can breathe better and that I feel better without cigarettes? I also don't miss the coughing and sinus trouble issues associated directly to smoking. I honestly think that anyone can quit smoking with e-Cigs if they give them half a chance.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 8, 2011
I smoked (light smoker) for 12 years. Haven't had an anolog in 2 weeks since I started vaping. My tastebuds are working again, and I have zero desire for a regular smoke anymore. I've tried the gum (gave me a headache, massive tummy ache and still wanted a smoke). I needed a little proof that I was healthier , and I did my regular hot yoga class with no huffing for air, it was amazing. I'm so glad that I found this forum,, you guys have helped me find an awesome PV and juice. Feel good about yourselves right. F'ing. NOW!
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