e-cig-china = counterfeits?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD

Ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies in "rebuttal" do not negate the facts of my previous statement, you sarcastic little agent provocateur...


ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
Ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies in "rebuttal" do not negate the facts of my previous statement, you sarcastic little agent provocateur...

ok then, ---- this behavior must extend beyond just vaping supplies and equipment, We as a consumerist nation must extend your thinking to everything we buy, By going to walmart or best buy and buying whatever you buy made in china no matter what you feel this trend will not stop.
by getting upset at such a small percentage of the actual monetary output from a relatively small segment of the population while still supporting the chinese factories with the other devices you own you are in fact just being hypocritical in your statement, to chastise one person for buying chinese junk then going and buying your own chinese junk you present a relatively weak argument to stop buying anything.
until we as consumers as a whole can convince American companies to start producing their products here in america, no amount of getting upset in a forum will change anything, i feel many companies can learn a lot by going to a company like provari and taking notes about how it can be done right here at home. becuase they prove everyday that quality not price is the deciding factor.

Until more american companies can step up to the plate for vaping products we as a whole will always be at the mercy of the chinese and unable to dictate anything they want to feed us as long as we on the whole go "oh look cheepos 3 for 5 dollars!"
Proof of this is some of the companies that make carto tanks, while producing the tanks here and the parts here ,we dont ask that they create a better carto, we receive our tanks and then search for the cheapest/best chinese carto we can to stick in it.

and in the end my sarcastic comment still stands, you cannot chastise one when you continue to support the same activities in other areas of your life.

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Jul 19, 2011
Planet Earth
I just checked the site and saw 30 mg juice for a low, low $3.00. Hmmm..........., I wonder what's in it? I think I'll pass on it.

I recently bought 2 different flavors of juice from China. Peanut butter and Milk Chocolate. I was planning on mixing them to make... Oh, you know. :)
Anyways, they were supposedly zero-nic juices. I wetted the tip of my finger to taste it (fearless or dumb, IDK) and immediately felt the familiar nic-induced tingle on my tongue. So much for zero nic... (at least I HOPE it was nicotine!)
As for the flavors, the "Peanut Butter" just tasted like roasted peanuts. Pretty damn accurate peanut taste, but not what I wanted.
The "Milk Chocolate" tasted exactly like... chocolate milk. Again, very convincing chocolate milk taste, just not milk chocolate.

Thankfully, I did not mix them before tasting them individually, as I don't think I'd like drinking chocolate milk while munching peanuts.


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Everyone needs to understand that counterfeiting is NOT a rarity or an exception to the rule in China--it is the fundamental business model for their entire approach to doing business with the West.

I've known that for a long time. I also know that I regularly see people on the forum with Vivi nova knock offs who are having problems with them. While some of the vivi knock offs work, some are terrible. The Vision vivis are very good. I won't touch the knock offs. Nothing to do with China's business model for me, but simply about knowing which is the quality one.
There are the good, the bad, and the ugly in manufacturing everywhere.
I also am interested in vaping and vaping equipment, and will continue buying vaping supplies made in China as they have kept me off cigarettes for nearly 8 months and have lasted me well.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
ok then, ---- this behavior must extend beyond just vaping supplies and equipment, We as a consumerist nation must extend your thinking to everything we buy, By going to walmart or best buy and buying whatever you buy made in china no matter what you feel this trend will not stop.

OK, first off, I haven't shopped at WalMart for anything except cat litter, toilet paper and ammo in years. All those things are made here in the USA, and all of which are bought SPECIFICALLY at Wal-Mart to show them what I think of their business practices. For my consumer electronics, clothes and hardware I tend to buy from small locally-owned stores or medium-sized chains. My TV is a high-en Toshiba (made in Japan) that I bought through a high-end, locally-owned shop in NC. My stereo gear is all Carver and Martin Logan--made in the US and bought second hand or from reputable small audiophile stores, with a few Sony (made in Japan) components.

I have never bought a piece of consumer electronics at WalMart, nor will I ever.

by getting upset at such a small percentage of the actual monetary output from a relatively small segment of the population while still supporting the chinese factories with the other devices you own you are in fact just being hypocritical in your statement,

Not at all. I try to buy USA when I can. Some products are simply impossible to buy without parts sourced from China. And SOME products made in China (Like Vision Vivi's and REAL eGos) are actually pretty decent products. The issue I have is that the Chinese government tolerates--no, ACTIVELY SUPPORTS and facilitates a massive industry of counterfeiting, which hurts the consumer, the marketplace, and devalues brand stability.

to chastise one person for buying chinese junk then going and buying your own chinese junk you present a relatively weak argument to stop buying anything.

I did not chastise someone for buying Chinese products in general, which is what you are conflating my argument with. I was chastizing people for knowingly buying counterfeit products because they might save a few dollars on an itme that costs less than $15 to start with. This sort of knowing and complicit participation in the counterfeits industry only serves to harm legitimate manufacturers, causes confusion in the marketplace, and gives newbies the impression that just because a fake product sucks, that the legitimate ones must not be any good either.

until we as consumers as a whole can convince American companies to start producing their products here in america, no amount of getting upset in a forum will change anything, i feel many companies can learn a lot by going to a company like provari and taking notes about how it can be done right here at home. becuase they prove everyday that quality not price is the deciding factor.

Agreed. There ARE American and European companies that are jumping into the marketplace. But they are mostly focusing on high-end gear aimed at the "vape-o-phile" market--collectors, tinkerers and DIY people. Just like audio gear, the vast majority of consumers in the vape world aren't really concerned with optimum performance, high-end construction and engineering, or cutting-edge technology--they just want something that will work for a while, an is cheap enough that when it craps out, they can toss it an go buy another one.

and in the end my sarcastic comment still stands, you cannot chastise one when you continue to support the same activities in other areas of your life.

You have no idea what my life involves. You have no idea what sort of consumer products, clothing, food, or furniture I buy. You have no grounds to criticize my consumer habits.

I make a concerted effort to NOT buy Chinese-made stuff if I can avoid it. I go out of my way to get products that are made here in the US, or in nations that do not rely on slave labor and unethical business practices as a matter of course like China. We get most of our groceries from farmers markets, local farm co-ops and small, locally-owned organic groceries.

So you can keep on making assumptions about me, and looking like a fool, or you can back the "f" off, and understand that I am not comng down on someone who was duped or fools into buying something by mistake. I was aiming my vitriol at the Chinese government, unscrupulous Chinese businesses, and the cheap, politically ignorant consumers here in the US who think that saving $2 by knowingly purchasing a counterfeit Vivi Nova is somehow a good thing.

No. You are still a knee-jerk reactionary who appears to know little or nothing about global geopolitics, has no understanding of international economics, and hasn't the first clue about patent rights, consumer confidence issues, or international trade.

I'm not made at you. I pity you your ignorance, and hope that your self-righteous reactionary attitude doesn't infect new vapers. I hope that new vapers will instead, see the value in patronizing authorized vendors, buy legitimate products, and avoid counterfeit crap if they can by doing a little research and homework.

That is all...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
OK, first off, I haven't shopped at WalMart for anything except cat litter, toilet paper and ammo in years. All those things are made here in the USA, and all of which are bought SPECIFICALLY at Wal-Mart to show them what I think of their business practices. For my consumer electronics, clothes and hardware I tend to buy from small locally-owned stores or medium-sized chains. My TV is a high-en Toshiba (made in Japan) that I bought through a high-end, locally-owned shop in NC. My stereo gear is all Carver and Martin Logan--made in the US and bought second hand or from reputable small audiophile stores, with a few Sony (made in Japan) components.

I have never bought a piece of consumer electronics at WalMart, nor will I ever.

Not at all. I try to buy USA when I can. Some products are simply impossible to buy without parts sourced from China. And SOME products made in China (Like Vision Vivi's and REAL eGos) are actually pretty decent products. The issue I have is that the Chinese government tolerates--no, ACTIVELY SUPPORTS and facilitates a massive industry of counterfeiting, which hurts the consumer, the marketplace, and devalues brand stability.

I did not chastise someone for buying Chinese products in general, which is what you are conflating my argument with. I was chastizing people for knowingly buying counterfeit products because they might save a few dollars on an itme that costs less than $15 to start with. This sort of knowing and complicit participation in the counterfeits industry only serves to harm legitimate manufacturers, causes confusion in the marketplace, and gives newbies the impression that just because a fake product sucks, that the legitimate ones must not be any good either.

Agreed. There ARE American and European companies that are jumping into the marketplace. But they are mostly focusing on high-end gear aimed at the "vape-o-phile" market--collectors, tinkerers and DIY people. Just like audio gear, the vast majority of consumers in the vape world aren't really concerned with optimum performance, high-end construction and engineering, or cutting-edge technology--they just want something that will work for a while, an is cheap enough that when it craps out, they can toss it an go buy another one.

You have no idea what my life involves. You have no idea what sort of consumer products, clothing, food, or furniture I buy. You have no grounds to criticize my consumer habits.

I make a concerted effort to NOT buy Chinese-made stuff if I can avoid it. I go out of my way to get products that are made here in the US, or in nations that do not rely on slave labor and unethical business practices as a matter of course like China. We get most of our groceries from farmers markets, local farm co-ops and small, locally-owned organic groceries.

So you can keep on making assumptions about me, and looking like a fool, or you can back the "f" off, and understand that I am not comng down on someone who was duped or fools into buying something by mistake. I was aiming my vitriol at the Chinese government, unscrupulous Chinese businesses, and the cheap, politically ignorant consumers here in the US who think that saving $2 by knowingly purchasing a counterfeit Vivi Nova is somehow a good thing.

No. You are still a knee-jerk reactionary who appears to know little or nothing about global geopolitics, has no understanding of international economics, and hasn't the first clue about patent rights, consumer confidence issues, or international trade.

I'm not made at you. I pity you your ignorance, and hope that your self-righteous reactionary attitude doesn't infect new vapers. I hope that new vapers will instead, see the value in patronizing authorized vendors, buy legitimate products, and avoid counterfeit crap if they can by doing a little research and homework.

That is all...

I agree with being careful about being ripped off by the knock off products, there are vendors out there that don't know better or just don't care what they sell, this is an exploding consumer market and china knows it.

but not everyone has the technical prowess or enough experience or time to hunt down every little piece of vendor information the way some of us do.
The is why they call this section here the new members forum. You know so people can come and learn what to do what not to buy and so forth.
Instead of riding in here on your white horse denouncing how the chinese govt works and spewing your zealotry about what a great american you are, you could actually, umm I don't know. actually help newer people find these pitfalls and maybe teach them how to not make these same mistakes and learn about the products they use so they know who they can trust, be it a supplier, a vendor or their local store.
instead of rambling on with a reply that actually has no basis to the questions being asked.
people do have to start somewhere and posts like yours do nothing to help them beyond showing us your hatred for chinas govt.

Think how you will about me.... i just wanted to get the reaction out of you,and I knew I could, tee hee (which by the way proves your exactly like I thought you were ) ;)
and even when I'm upset with someone and don't agree with them I cant say I have directly tried to insult anyone on these forums.....................................
You Mad Bro?
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