dse 905 with 510 atty?

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ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2009
cumbria uk
has anyone tried this? i got my dse905 last week from heavens gifts, love the quality and the battery life but the dse901 atty just isnt as good as the 510 i also use imho. Ive sat there and vaped the dse905 then the 510 straight afterwards and theres definatly less vapour from the 901 atty, i have another couple of 901 attys and tried these, same story. So ive ordered some 901 to 510 adapators from heavens gifts so i get the best of both worlds. Has anyone else tried this? does it work ok?


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2009
cumbria uk
Yes, I use mine with the 510 atty (with adapter of course) and it is awesome. The 905 wasn't very good with the 901 atty, but with the 510 it rocks.

dont suppose you have a spare adaptor i could buy off you do you? ive ordered 5 off heavens gifts, but they wont get from china to uk before xmas and ill be in florida for 3 weeks from next week, i really want to try this but wont get a chance till the middle of january if i wait.
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