dripping a titan tank?

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Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
Birmingham, AL
i'm new to the forum but have been lurking around here for a few months now trying to learn more about other options in ecigs and more about them in general. first off, i would like to thank everyone on this site for all their input. i have learned so much just by reading this forum. that being said, i feel like the more that i learn about them, the more i realize that i don't know anything about ecigs. i have been using my greensmokes for 2 years now on and off but got tired of the stale tasting carts and thought i would explore other options. i read a bunch of reviews and decided on the titan tank. while i love my titan tank, i still wanted to explore more. so i got a drip tip and some tobacco pure juice from volcano and started dripping my titan. then i started to notice it leaking out the atomizer onto the battery and got nervous about it. i'm sure this is probably a dangerous practice but i've decided i absolutely LOVE the flavor i get from dripping and LOVE my new titan tank. i've been trying to find some good threads on here with people in the same situation as me, but haven't seemed to notice anyone wanting to use a titan to drip with (then again, i am new to this so i may have overlooked one or two). i read some good reviews on the BetterLife 510 3-Hole atty, IKV 510 LR Cannon, and the HH.357 Cisco 510. They all seem to claim to be leak free. So here are my questions: 1) is it safe to use these "leak free" attys with an automatic titan tank battery? and if so then 2) the HH.357 Cisco 510 description says that it is "designed for single cell 3.7 Li-ion battery mods or VV mods with outputs under 4v. DO NOT use on 5v or 6v mods or eGo/Riva batteries." what do all these numbers mean? is my titan tank compatible with this atty? any help is appreciated and i am open to suggestions. in light of recent events i decided i should probably start being more careful with how i use my ecigs (i.e. i'm hoping not to blow my mouth out). i'm looking for the best vape possible with the safest options. i hope all my ramblings have made sense :blush: thanks in advance.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Yes, it is kinda' hard to understand your post, but that is because my eyes are getting old and a bunch of text looks like someone spilled the scrabble game.

Your automatic battery has some kind of switch that is either activated by air flow or sound so the possiblity of juice getting to the switch and making life difficult is much higher than having a manual battery that is sealed at the battery-to-atty/carto connection. I was going to suggest a sealed adaptor until I could pick out the word "automatic" in the mass of text like 510-510 Adapter (Sealed) but that may stop the switch from activating. It does a great job in stopping attys from leaking from the threaded end under everything but the most excessive dripping errors.

I've only used one of Iken's Cannons, so I do know if they are completely leak proof, but I doubt it. Air has to come in the bottom somehow or there is no way to draw the vapor up and if air can get in, there is a way for the liquid to get out. I never had the Cannon I had leak, but "leak free" is more along the lines of leak resistant than leak proof.

I've managed to burn out 3 HH357's and they are difficult to get to leak, but it can happen. You have to work at it, but you have to work at burning them out too and I've got three there.

The safest way to drip is to not do it on an automatic battery. (Now autos are MUCH better than they were when I started, but problems are still more likely than with a manual.) Now, I have read about folks that drip without issues on auto batteries, but I haven't read posts like that in quite awhile. I don't know how they do it, I'm too messy/forgetful/clumsy to have a snowball's chance in hadies.

And the warning against eGo/Riva's applies to your battery. You are looking at high current drawing atomizers and they will damage the voltage regulation circuitry in your battery. Maybe not right away, or maybe not within a week or two, but it will damage the battery's circuitry or the battery itself.

But, I think the HH357 is a fantastic atty for dripping and so is the Iken I06. They are what I always have on my mods. (My mods are variable voltage and I use the 2.5 Ohm versions.) I get the best flavor and a good dense vapor which is what I need.

YMMV and mascara models may be wearing false eyelashes for demostration purposes only.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Thank you for the response. And sorry for the mass of text. It was 2 o'clock in the morning after researching atty's for 6 hours and it didn't even occur to me that it would be difficult to read.

I'm disappointed to hear that the HH357 will burn out my titan, but I guess that makes a good excuse to buy a new toy for my birthday :laugh:

So can you suggest a good battery and/or mod (not sure that I understand the difference yet) for me to drip with? What do you use?

Oh and I was wondering: what are mascara models?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
I can let you know what I use and let you go from there...

ProVari Variable Voltage Ecig: Best Variable Voltage E Cig Available! I use with the extension cap so I can run my AW IMR 18650 batteries in it.

VVPV ( includes batts + charger ) deliver is one week after release - notcigs.com Is running pretty well with the included batteries. I have the sealed adaptors and a drip shield on order from the link in my previous post on this thread coming to keep the occational drop from going down the side of it. (I use this one when driving and it has been great.)

Center Button VV Box Mod (EverCool) I have AW IMR 14500's in this and it is a backup and for use by my friends and family, who vape, that always seem to visit when their battery is dying. I have a different color scheme and wood than this one, but the same functions.

I have another VV mod that you have never heard of nor could you purchase one, so I'll leave it out as there is no link to it. It is not as nice as the ProVari or VVproV though, but I would place it above the VV Box.

I use Super T Manufacturing, Innovative manufacturer of electronic cigarette products. charger for all my batteries. (They also have pretty good pricing on the batteries at this site, and that's the real reason I posted this link out of all the ones that carry this charger.)

Mascara models are the women in TV and print advertising that have these eye lashes that are 4" long with text captions that if you use company X's mascara your eye lashes will look like that too. I contend that these women were either born with unusually long eye lashes, or they are photoshopped, or most likely, they are wearing false eyelashes in the first place. Being that I do not understand the fascination women have with long eyelashes in the first place, I find the ads to be a source of amusement. (My wife says I have a unique sense of what beauty is, but I never met a guy who said, "Wow, look at the eyelashes on that woman. I think I found the future Mrs. Y!")


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
No idea what a mascara model is. Mods has various meanings including any modification done by hand, but in this case mods means an ecig model that uses removable rechargeable standard industrial protected lithium ion or safe chemistry AW IMR batteries - the batteries come out and can be replaced the same way a flashlight's batteries work. The AW IMR would be preferable for extremely low ohms attys or for variable voltage mods.

This is a database of mods
Best e-Cig Mod List | e-Cig Mods Database

And I think most would recommend if you are planning to use ohms lower than 1.7 that the bigger mods are better - ones that use the higher capacity 16mm and 18mm diameter batteries like 18500 etc.

The basic types are 3.7v (a bit higher voltage than Ego at 3.4v), high voltage (ones that only do 5 or 6v and use 3-4ohm attys/cartos, not LR stuff), and variable voltage (you set the voltage to a suitable voltage for what you put on it, but some of these will refuse to use very low ohms stuff or will limit their voltage if you do).

My mods are cheap so I can't really help you on mods. I use plastic box mods. I have 3 14500-using 3.7v mods from ECF's Buying & Selling... Accessory and Mods vendor section, and one from Madvapes.com. And a couple of 18350-using 3.7v wood mods from ecigworkshop.com (Twig is the smallest wood one but a bit larger than I would want to pocket).

Check out the mod database then come back here and research opinions on ones that interest you.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Mascara models are the women in TV and print advertising that have these eye lashes that are 4" long with text captions that if you use company X's mascara your eye lashes will look like that too. I contend that these women were either born with unusually long eye lashes, or they are photoshopped, or most likely, they are wearing false eyelashes in the first place. Being that I do not understand the fascination women have with long eyelashes in the first place, I find the ads to be a source of amusement. (My wife says I have a unique sense of what beauty is, but I never met a guy who said, "Wow, look at the eyelashes on that woman. I think I found the future Mrs. Y!")

Ohhh! I thought mascara model was another type of ecig! :laugh: That makes more sense :blush:

Thank you for all the links. I'm going to have to do some more research I guess to figure out what will work best for me. The ProVari I have heard good things about + I like the style. It's definitely going to be on my list.
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Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
Birmingham, AL
This is a database of mods
Best e-Cig Mod List | e-Cig Mods Database

Check out the mod database then come back here and research opinions on ones that interest you.

Thank you for the information dormouse. This list is exactly what I was looking for. It's very extensive which is great, but it's going to take me awhile to go through it all.
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