Dramatic loss in taste and smell of EVERYTHING since vaping

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Dec 17, 2013
toronto, ontario, canada
I put emphasis on 'everything' as I see many threads talking about losing taste for one particular flavour, but I am experiencing this with all tastes/smells.

I bought an eroll last week and I am loving it, well I was. I have had some analogues but very few (maybe 12 cigs in this last week vs my normal 1 pad)

The eliquid I have is 70/30 and bought some menthol 12 mg and 0. I also bought some vanilla and regular cig flavour but I'm not too fond of that.

In this one week, I've already experienced this three times. It happened most when I was chain vaping. I was chain vaping 0 mg just because I enjoy the act of vaping. The first night I bought the eroll I was chain vaping 0 mg (but also some 12 mg in between) just to use the device and was happy with my purchase. The menthol was very strong in taste and I enjoyed it. In the morning I vaped and could barely taste it. I thought, that's strange, but going to work and by midday it tasted strong again and didn't think much of it. I vaped casually the next couple of days and then on saturday,it was a night of drinking and vaping, and the next day when I woke up, I had a can of gingerale and I could barely taste it. It tasted like carbonated water with the lightest hint of ginger. I vaped and same thing, could barely taste the menthol.

Then I tried other foods and everything had a really subdued flavour and I know taste and smell are connected and smelt some perfume that I know is strong and could barely smell it! This kind of freaked me out. But again the day went on and I didn't vap much and it was fine again.

Yesterday I thought, maybe nicotine is doing this somehow in liquid form, so I hadn't planned to yet but vaped 0 mg all day yesterday and no analogues. It was a little tough but got through it. Because I was using 0 again, I pretty much chain vaped all night (well not constantly, but a lot) in the evening.

Well I woke up this morning and could barely smell or taste anything!! It scared me and I said no vaping today. Well, I started to jonze and gave in and bought a pack of smokes. I'm sure most of you have tried quitting before and when you have that first smoke, it's shocking how strong it tastes, both the awful real taste that you normally don't taste, and the rush of having a smoke.

Well I bought a pack and had a drag and could taste absolutely nothing! My first real smoke in three days and it has no taste! I know that's not normal.

I've seen other posts say that your taste buds get crazy sometimes and need to assimilate to not smoking, but I find that somewhat suspect. I've quit smoking 3 times before and each time smells/tastes get more pronounced, and this happens pretty quickly. I most certainly never experienced any loss of taste or smell when quitting.

I can't say how good my sense of taste/smell is compared to a non-smoker, but I've always found my smell/taste to be pretty good so to experience this is disconcerting.

On another note, something I've suffered from for years is a pasty white tongue, I assume smoking did this to me. My tongue is never pink, it's either somewhat white, or really white. When I cut back on smokes it gets almost pink. I probably never quit long enough for it to go completely pink. Oral health is important and is something that shouldn't be ignored, but as a smoker we justify these things.

I also hoped that I would have a nice healthy tongue but when I chain vape I can't believe how white it gets. Yes I've already read drink more water as this dehydrates you, well I already drink a ton of water all throughout the day. When smoking my tongue is white and I get really bad breath sometimes, well now it's even more white but no bad breath, but now that I think about it, maybe it's because I can't taste it!

So I'm left with either, try without menthol if that could be doing it, (I already tried a day of 0 mg and that didn't work) or don't do this at all. All the posts about loss of sense of taste to flavours and the recommendation is to rotate flavours, but I think there should be more concern as to why this happens. What other food/liquid does this? I can drink coke all day (I don't anymore, just water, but as an example) and the last coke taste like the first coke. So becoming assimilated to one flavour doesn't jive with me as the cause.

So in my case it's either menthol or something happens when inhaling vg/pg. Part of me wants to see how it goes, but I'm very concerned about doing that because say I'm without taste/smell for weeks? That can't be something healthy to do.

Otherwise I'm going to give up vaping when I barely got started, but was hoping if anyone had any insights as to why this actually happens besides rotate flavours.

I think vaping on the surface seems fantastic, the geek in my loves the tech, but I'm seeing things in usage that I wasn't initially aware of and now have second thoughts on this tech.

Dakota Jim

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Apr 14, 2013
in a warehouse buried near Univille SD
I sometimes need to "reset" my taste buds with a strong flavored food when this happens to me - dill pickles work for me so this may be something to try

and welcome to the ECF


Vaping Master
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Sep 23, 2013
welcome sark666 ... just give it some time ... I can tell you from experience (I am fairly new myself and went through the same) ... it is the chain vaping, plus you are just not used to vaping yet.

Just stay the course and don't give up ... drink lots of fluids and take a break with some eats more often ... this will pass.

Cheers from a fellow Torontonian ... who also chain vapes an eRoll :2cool:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 17, 2013
toronto, ontario, canada
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and responses.

To answer some questions, I've been a smoker for twenty years, unsuccessfully quit 6 or 7 times (longest 4 months, shortest a week) On all occasions smell/taste got better, which I felt was pretty good to begin with.

The eroll is the only one I've used. So I'm using the atomizer/battery it comes with. I would say it works fantastic and get good TH and a good amount of vapour) One asked if this affects just vaping or food as well. It affects everything: food, drinks and vaping (and even smoking analogues!). Surprising how dramatic it happens. I would say when I chain vaped I had 10% of my normal taste/smell in the morning. I doubt I got bunk juice. From what I've read, they are reputable in the Toronto area. And the menthol tastes really strong at first, this is after chain vaping where taste/smell is impaired.

When I swirl my tongue around, it feels slightly sensitive, kind of like when you burn your tongue after eating something too hot.

I read this about menthol to use a remedy when you burn your tongue " containing menthol, a compound which acts to numb affected areas by making your tongue feel cold" I guess I want to lean towards blaming menthol because then I can just use other flavours and avoid menthol, but when so many talk about flavour switching because of something simliar, I think that's not the case.

Some seem to only have it with the vaping flavour (and not food, drink) but isn't anyone concerned? It sounds great to wait for it to pass or cycle flavours but when I see so many posts such as this, it makes me think something else is at play here and not just a matter of getting used to a flavour.

I'm leaning towards taking wonner's advice and lay off a few more days. I'll try again, but I'm going to grab a very mellow flavour, something the opposite of menthol. I wouldn't even mind trying flavourless eliquid (that would eliminate if it's a matter of the flavours).

Damn I was very happy when I got this, but this took the wind out of my sails a bit. At a minimum I'm going to stop chain vaping (my thought was, 0 nic! vape all I want)

One question I have for others. For those that have experienced a loss of taste of one particular eliquid, has it not affected the taste of any food, drink or just that particular eliquid? I wonder if some might not even notice that this is happening, but maybe it is just not as dramatically as I'm experiencing.


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Mar 13, 2013
Hi Sark,

Welcome to ECF.

Okay, so as wonner pointed out ... seek medical advice and make sure this is not a medical problem. My guess is that you have "burned" your tongue with the hot vapor (cigarettes do this too with the hot smoke). That would account for the white color. It happened to me when I smoked, but no more since I vape now. From what I have read, the eRoll atomizer gets quite hot, and it is a tiny tank, so the distance between the atomizer and your tongue is very short and the vapor doesn't have much time to "cool" before hitting your tongue, thus causing it to "burn" with repeated usage. This in turn may very well affect your sense of taste and smell since it is all interconnected. Again, this is my guess, and only a guess.

Please seek medical advice from qualified medical personnel to rule out any possible health related issues.



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Oct 17, 2012
swampscott ma
Dearest Wonner, a white tongue, is not a healthy tongue and I would not relate it to smoking or vaping.. better check out your nutrition. I have reactions to probably the content of the flavoring, as pg/vg are pretty safe.. flavoring and it's content are being questioned. I get very dry skin and thirsty.. Drink extra water and don't downplay the power of dehydration, it's is the most important aspect of vaping. Dehydration is a very serious matter.. Vaping can be scary and questionable when you start, but after months of it and changing ratios of pg/vg/flavorings, you will find your vape.. don't get crazy and don't smoke butts.. educate, educate, educate... continue to research and ask anyone and everyone.. Happy Vaping.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 17, 2013
toronto, ontario, canada
And the cure for dry mouth is??? I would love to know because I've had this for years. I drink a lot of water and then some. And unfortunately, vaping makes dry mouth worse. I drink tons of water, eat well, and exercise, in other aspects I'm in great shape. My tongue only starts to turn pink as I lay off cigarettes, but if something else could be the cause I'd love to know. And it could be something else, as I know many a smoker that has a healthy pink tongue, so maybe some are more sensitive than others.

And devauto, I think you may be right on the eroll. I read many reviews about how hot it gets, I felt the heat wasn't too bad for holding it, but the vape is hot going into the mouth. I actually liked that but maybe chain vaping with a ecig such as this can cause issues. As I mentioned earlier, my tongue feels a little sensitive, almost like when one has scolded their tongue. I'm going to cease vaping until that goes away and my smell is back in order, then try a different flavour and not chain vape. if that works out well, maybe I'll get another device for home that doesn't have the heat issues the eroll has.


Ultra Member
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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
I put emphasis on 'everything' as I see many threads talking about losing taste for one particular flavour, but I am experiencing this with all tastes/smells.

I bought an eroll last week and I am loving it, well I was. I have had some analogues but very few (maybe 12 cigs in this last week vs my normal 1 pad)

The eliquid I have is 70/30 and bought some menthol 12 mg and 0. I also bought some vanilla and regular cig flavour but I'm not too fond of that.

In this one week, I've already experienced this three times. It happened most when I was chain vaping. I was chain vaping 0 mg just because I enjoy the act of vaping. The first night I bought the eroll I was chain vaping 0 mg (but also some 12 mg in between) just to use the device and was happy with my purchase. The menthol was very strong in taste and I enjoyed it. In the morning I vaped and could barely taste it. I thought, that's strange, but going to work and by midday it tasted strong again and didn't think much of it. I vaped casually the next couple of days and then on saturday,it was a night of drinking and vaping, and the next day when I woke up, I had a can of gingerale and I could barely taste it. It tasted like carbonated water with the lightest hint of ginger. I vaped and same thing, could barely taste the menthol.

Yeah, I did that to myself once. Had this new juice I just loved and chain vaped the daylights out of it. My taste buds went on strike for just over a week.

"Vaper's tongue" is a known but, fortunately, transient phenomena. Nobody's quite sure what the heck is going on. There's a lot of speculation and tons of advice (and, what the hey, try it, might work) but nobody's clear what's up. But it goes away. Did you say how long you've been vaping? If you did, I missed it. If you're new or fairly new, it's just "one of those things". You get annoyed with it but get through it. The usual advice (and what I did) I see is to vape liquids you're not as fond of or use flavorless for a while. Let your taste buds get over whatever they're doing that causes this.

One thing I can tell you that caused it for me was when I was inhaling the vapor, the way I was inhaling had the hottest vapor hitting my tongue dead on. This yields a lot of flavor but it seems related to the vaper's tongue I developed. It occurred to me along the way that when I saw photos of experienced vapers here on ECF, they had their PV to the side of their mouths, not the middle, not aimed right at the tongue. So I deliberately started developing the habit of vaping from the side of the mouth, often with the mouthpiece up against a tooth and shifting my tongue a bit out of the way so the vapor doesn't hit it dead on. Haven't had the problem since. Yet I'm prone to chain vaping still.
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