Done the research, still confused!

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New Member
Dec 13, 2009
Ok, I made the decision 2 days ago, E cigarettes are my best attempt to quit smoking. Thought it would be a simple process, I would just find one and buy them. literally 20 hours of research later and..... I have no clue which E cigarette is best for me! I have been smoking a pack a day of Marlboro reds for about 23 years. I enjoy smoking, but I am a fitness nut (I know its an oxymoron) at 38 years old, the 2 are not mixing well anymore.

Here is what I am looking for, and maybe you guys can help me decide: I would like for it to look and feel as much like a cigarette as possible.
I need the batteries and "carts" to get me through a 12 hour shift (like I said pack a day habit).
I DO NOT want to refill my own carts, I prefer to just buy them and throw them away.
I am looking to buy just one kit, I do not want to modify or tinker, just simple carefree easy.
I do like the idea of MANY different flavors to choose from, but want it to "feel" like I am smoking a cigarette.
I understand the science is not sure about "the vapor", and I am fine with that, but I am concerned with chinese manufacturers due to lead and other notorius unsafe manufacturing process in china.

What I have found so far from research: Green smoke is supposed to be the best, but it only has 2 flavors and sketchy supplies. A lot of people on here like the 510, but I have no clue what a 510 is? Vapor king on vapor for life seems to be my favorite, but some say that it is a BMW compared to green smokes ferrari? I thought the blu with it recharge pack was pretty nifty, but others say stay away from a 3 piece.

In short, if it is not realistic, I know myself, I will get fed up and just go back to the "easy" analogs, and let myself (and my wife) down once again. So any advice will be much appreciated, I plan to buy something before Monday morning, as I "quit smoking" 1 week ago, but just bought a pack an hour ago so "I could just have 1". I am not worried about price, I am not rich, but from what I have found any one of these products will be cheaper than cigarettes.

Thanks in advance,



Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
If it helps, my friend who quite smoking was a heavy smoker and loved the feel and look of the m401.

he started vaping on it and has zero desire to return to traditional cigs. some ppl still have the urge, but most that i have read will say that its GREATLY diminished. i know 3 ppl now, who have stopped using this system. given what i have seen, being a non smoker, i think you will be successful .

also, some people drip, rather than reloading the cart, and that is so fast and easy that alot of people prefer to drip a few drops on the atomizer in place of refilling the cart. i guess where im going with this is, i have been using the drip method and i do not find it difficult or inconvinient , but id have a full cart ready for the drives to and from work since your a smoker.

the only complaint i have heard so far has been not having a cart handy, and that's easily remedied by thinking ahead, just as you would with traditional cigs. good luck, i believe you'll do well

RamShot Rowdy

Battery Police
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Nov 6, 2009
Oklahoma, USA
I started on, and still use a RN4081 (Smoking Everywhere Gold)...that said I keep two fully rigged units at all times, and have to refill carts every 15 mins or so, change batteries every hour or two.

Refilling carts may not sound like fun, but it's but far the cheaper and easier way to go. Just fill them all at once then take a bunch with you to work or where ever and use them.

A lot of people swear by the 510, and from the looks of it, it's a good mini. I would suggest you open up to the idea of refilling carts, and get on board with a 510, 801, or 901...

Good luck, David


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IMHO I think you'll be happy with the "no muss, no fuss" of the Vapor King. Since I haven't tried the Green Smoke, I can't compare (never found a need to try it since I'm so thrilled with the VK) but what I can tell you is the customer service from V4L is outstanding.

Today is my 8 month anniversary of no analogs and it's all because of the Vapor King.

V4L also has a ton of flavors.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Ok, I made the decision 2 days ago, E cigarettes are my best attempt to quit smoking. Thought it would be a simple process, I would just find one and buy them. literally 20 hours of research later and..... I have no clue which E cigarette is best for me! I have been smoking a pack a day of Marlboro reds for about 23 years. I enjoy smoking, but I am a fitness nut (I know its an oxymoron) at 38 years old, the 2 are not mixing well anymore.

Here is what I am looking for, and maybe you guys can help me decide: I would like for it to look and feel as much like a cigarette as possible.
I need the batteries and "carts" to get me through a 12 hour shift (like I said pack a day habit).
I DO NOT want to refill my own carts, I prefer to just buy them and throw them away.
I am looking to buy just one kit, I do not want to modify or tinker, just simple carefree easy.
I do like the idea of MANY different flavors to choose from, but want it to "feel" like I am smoking a cigarette.
I understand the science is not sure about "the vapor", and I am fine with that, but I am concerned with chinese manufacturers due to lead and other notorius unsafe manufacturing process in china.

What I have found so far from research: Green smoke is supposed to be the best, but it only has 2 flavors and sketchy supplies. A lot of people on here like the 510, but I have no clue what a 510 is? Vapor king on vapor for life seems to be my favorite, but some say that it is a BMW compared to green smokes ferrari? I thought the blu with it recharge pack was pretty nifty, but others say stay away from a 3 piece.

In short, if it is not realistic, I know myself, I will get fed up and just go back to the "easy" analogs, and let myself (and my wife) down once again. So any advice will be much appreciated, I plan to buy something before Monday morning, as I "quit smoking" 1 week ago, but just bought a pack an hour ago so "I could just have 1". I am not worried about price, I am not rich, but from what I have found any one of these products will be cheaper than cigarettes.

Thanks in advance,


Your first post reads like many. There's the "I would like for it to look and feel as much like a cigarette as possible." There will be people that tell you that's possible. I'm not one of those people. The closest you can get to the is a Joye 510, DSE901 or a KR808D-1. And if you've done 20 hours or reading you may or may not know what those are. The 510 and 901 are 3 piece and the KR808D-1 is a 2 piece, although see below regarding adapters.

To see what they look like see:
and do a browser search for 510 901 and KR808D-1

The ecigs called 'superminis' are more the size of a cigarette without the full experience of a cigarette as far as vapor goes. The mini's (510, 901, KR808D-1 are longer than a cigarette 112, 115 and not sure the length of a KR808D1 but close to the other two, have greater vapor volume with the 510 being the most popular, imo, because of it's vapor production.

When you say "I DO NOT want to refill my own carts"... before adapters you would be directed to those ecigs that use cartomizers - KR808D-1 and greencig. But since adapters are available you can get cheaply at heaven gifts, eg. a 510 to cartomizer adapter to where you can use cartomizers on the 510 and the 901 (and others as well).

A cartomizer is a combination of an atomizer and cartridge (hence 2 piece - batt and carto) and is disposable - although you can fill them with a workaround. The cost more than filling 3 piece units with cartridges and juice you can buy really cheap in comparison to cartomizers. Cartomizes can last you from an hour to 2 hours in my experience. ymmv. Refills on my 510s will last me 1/2 hour but the refilling is just pulling the cart off the atomizer(atty) and dropping about 10 drops in it, putting it back.

Now for the "but want it to "feel" like I am smoking a cigarette." part, while the 510 for it's size can put out a fair amount of vapor, the devices that actually do what you want are mods - devices that use longer life batteries that hold the peak charge longer and that can have higher voltages than the mini's and the supermini's.

The day my 510 arrived was the last day I had a cigarette. I had been smoking 3 packs a day longer than your 23 years. That was close to 6 months ago. Lately I've been getting the closest to smoking experience using the Bartleby mod with a 510 atomizer. That doesn't fit your requirement of 'looking like a cigarette' but it fits the 'feels like a cigarette' better than anything I've mentioned so far. Still, you need a kit to start and I'd highly recommend getting a 510 for $35- that's 2 full ecigs, charger and cartridges and juice.

Joye 510 NO BOX

Then go to altsmoke for the adapter:
atomizer: 901/KR808D/greencig

AltSmoke | Personal Vaporizer Battery Adapters.

Then to Nhaler for cartomizers:
GreenCig Cartomisers 5 Packs ALL High Strength(16Mg)

or VaporKings/v4life:
Vapor4Life:: Because it's your life :: Electronic Cigarettes & Alternatives to Smoking

KR808D-1 2 piece e-Cigarette cartomizers

And for later:

my suggestions:

and read through that thread for the responses.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 7, 2009
north fla
MarlboroMan,Kent C has helped out alota folks in the past months!! you could'nt get better advice! One thing that has been found in this fourm over&over again are people going down the "it has to look like a ciggy road" Mark my words the farther down that same road you go the more you'll want performance!! A 401 has a long battery life by e-cig stadards & 2 batteries got me through the workday and with a white battery it looks like a ciggy!! after a 11/2 pack a-day for 43 years, I never smoked 1 ciggy from the time i got my 401 and that was 8 months ago!! I'm sure the 510 is also a good unit and you would'nt go wrong with it ether. Good luck to you!!

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
MarlboroMan,Kent C has helped out alota folks in the past months!! you could'nt get better advice! One thing that has been found in this fourm over&over again are people going down the "it has to look like a ciggy road" Mark my words the farther down that same road you go the more you'll want performance!! A 401 has a long battery life by e-cig stadards & 2 batteries got me through the workday and with a white battery it looks like a ciggy!! after a 11/2 pack a-day for 43 years, I never smoked 1 ciggy from the time i got my 401 and that was 8 months ago!! I'm sure the 510 is also a good unit and you would'nt go wrong with it ether. Good luck to you!!


Thanks. Appreciate your comments. And 'way to go' on the 8 months!!! I should include the m400 series along with the 510, 901, carto but I don't just to get Sludge's goat ;-) If he wouldn't come in on every 510 thread I'd reconsider though. lol. When the 510 to 400 adapter comes out I'm getting on and may pop for a batt too. Glad it worked for you and the other m400 folks.
marlboro man. Thanks for your post, i've been on this forum for days and i'm still confused. I want the easiest path as well. All the talk about voltage, milliamps, cats, carts, attys, zigs, zags, circles, and spins is way too much.

kent - isn't there one place to got to and buy everything? Currently we go to the store, get a pack or two (maybe a lighter) and fire up. repeat as needed.

Going to 4-5 websites and trying to track all purchases is not fun.

One site, one purchase to start - then order as needed. Money not really an issue (want good value but the amount spent is not a huge concern) - i'll spend a few hundred to start if it is simple and will keep spending money if it can help me stop smoking.

In reviewing my smoking needs/habit it appears that (of course the delivery of nicotine) TH is my main need, followed by something about the size of a regular cig.


Ultra Member
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Sep 13, 2009
So. California, USA
510 all the way... the 3rd I tried, and the best.

I ordered a CHUCK mod (for 510, e-bay batteries w/ chargers) and submitted the graphic... we will see...

510 I say to start. JC ( @ 11, 18, or 24mg depending what you want in nic LVL. Order the same flavor in 0nic and cut the high stuff if you want to lower it, because you can't raise it if you get like 8mg/ml. While using that stuff, buy some DIY (do it yourself) stuff like PG, VG, flavoring, & eLiquid to SAVE A TON of money!

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
what's a pcc?

Personal Charging Case. It's a case that has a place to charge an ecig battery on the go. The case itself has an internal battery - 4 hours to charge then take it off the charger and go. You can then charge an ecig battery off the charging case. Takes about an hour to recharge and it will recharge about 5 times before the internal battery is depleted and need recharging. You can get, depending on your vaping habits, iow, ymmv, 1 to 2 hours from a regular 510 battery, so you're 'good' for 5 to 10 hours with a PCC. It also has three other slots - one that will hold an extra atomizer and cartridge and two others for cartridges only. It doesn't hold a full ecig put together. It's about the size of a pack of slim long cigarettes. Uses a usb to charge. Cost $15 (china) to $28. You can get them in a package with a starter kit at for a good package price. Full kit +PCC and some carts, juice, etc. for around $62, iirc.

If you've got two mega batteries they'd last you 4 to 8 hours together, again, ymmv and you can get them for $13/piece at heaven gifts and near $17? at totally wicked. Check the prices - those were off the top of my head.


Ultra Member
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May 25, 2008
Ok, I made the decision 2 days ago, E cigarettes are my best attempt to quit smoking. Thought it would be a simple process, I would just find one and buy them. literally 20 hours of research later and..... I have no clue which E cigarette is best for me! I have been smoking a pack a day of Marlboro reds for about 23 years. I enjoy smoking, but I am a fitness nut (I know its an oxymoron) at 38 years old, the 2 are not mixing well anymore.

Here is what I am looking for, and maybe you guys can help me decide: I would like for it to look and feel as much like a cigarette as possible.
I need the batteries and "carts" to get me through a 12 hour shift (like I said pack a day habit).
I DO NOT want to refill my own carts, I prefer to just buy them and throw them away.
I am looking to buy just one kit, I do not want to modify or tinker, just simple carefree easy.
I do like the idea of MANY different flavors to choose from, but want it to "feel" like I am smoking a cigarette.
I understand the science is not sure about "the vapor", and I am fine with that, but I am concerned with chinese manufacturers due to lead and other notorius unsafe manufacturing process in china.

What I have found so far from research: Green smoke is supposed to be the best, but it only has 2 flavors and sketchy supplies. A lot of people on here like the 510, but I have no clue what a 510 is? Vapor king on vapor for life seems to be my favorite, but some say that it is a BMW compared to green smokes ferrari? I thought the blu with it recharge pack was pretty nifty, but others say stay away from a 3 piece.

In short, if it is not realistic, I know myself, I will get fed up and just go back to the "easy" analogs, and let myself (and my wife) down once again. So any advice will be much appreciated, I plan to buy something before Monday morning, as I "quit smoking" 1 week ago, but just bought a pack an hour ago so "I could just have 1". I am not worried about price, I am not rich, but from what I have found any one of these products will be cheaper than cigarettes.

Thanks in advance,


Do yourself a favor and just buy the KR808D1 at either Vapor4Life:: Because it's your life :: Electronic Cigarettes & Alternatives to Smoking or at LeCig, E Cigarette, Ecigarettes, Electronic Cigarette, E Cigs (the D1, not the D2 on that site). I have been vaping for a year now, have bought nearly all of the popular models: 901, 801, 401, 510, Janty Stick, Laser Mod, VP1, and now the Vapor King. I hated messing with refilling cartridges, failing atomizers, endless supplies of liquids and numerous cartridge fillers. I bought the Vapor King: no muss, no fuss, and it is the simplest and most realistic of all these previous models. If you don't refill, it costs as much as regular cigs but not more. One of the major drawbacks of vaping IMO is too much maintenance. KR808's eliminate that issue and you can be set to go all day with a couple of batteries and a couple of cartomizers just like a pack of Marlboros and a Bic.
I felt like you did about the desire for the taste and feel of a real cigarette, but funds kind of forced me into purchasing a pen style 801 and the 555 tobacco eliquid. Hind sight is 20/20 and now that I've had the experience I would go with the joye 510 with a manual switch. ( Which I have since ordered) The automatic batteries are too touchy in my opinion. It only took 3 days vaping to totally be off the cigarettes with no feelings of deprivation. I was a 1.5 to 2 pack a day for 30 years smoker. I had tried patches, gum, lozenges, even the evil mood altering chantix. Nothing worked. Vaping has worked! There is a learning curve and you'll get the hang of it. I have enjoyed vaping far more than I ever enjoyed smoking, and am looking forward to trying more flavors. Filling cartridges is not a big deal and like others have said you can do a bunch all at one time and carry them with you. It's a simple and pulling one out and putting another in. As easy and digging for that cig and lighter:)


Ultra Member
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Sep 13, 2009
So. California, USA
I felt like you did about the desire for the taste and feel of a real cigarette, but funds kind of forced me into purchasing a pen style 801 and the 555 tobacco eliquid. Hind sight is 20/20 and now that I've had the experience I would go with the joye 510 with a manual switch. ( Which I have since ordered) The automatic batteries are too touchy in my opinion. It only took 3 days vaping to totally be off the cigarettes with no feelings of deprivation. I was a 1.5 to 2 pack a day for 30 years smoker. I had tried patches, gum, lozenges, even the evil mood altering chantix. Nothing worked. Vaping has worked! There is a learning curve and you'll get the hang of it. I have enjoyed vaping far more than I ever enjoyed smoking, and am looking forward to trying more flavors. Filling cartridges is not a big deal and like others have said you can do a bunch all at one time and carry them with you. It's a simple and pulling one out and putting another in. As easy and digging for that cig and lighter:)

Ditto, good stuff!!!

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
I felt like you did about the desire for the taste and feel of a real cigarette, but funds kind of forced me into purchasing a pen style 801 and the 555 tobacco eliquid. Hind sight is 20/20 and now that I've had the experience I would go with the joye 510 with a manual switch. ( Which I have since ordered) The automatic batteries are too touchy in my opinion. It only took 3 days vaping to totally be off the cigarettes with no feelings of deprivation. I was a 1.5 to 2 pack a day for 30 years smoker. I had tried patches, gum, lozenges, even the evil mood altering chantix. Nothing worked. Vaping has worked! There is a learning curve and you'll get the hang of it. I have enjoyed vaping far more than I ever enjoyed smoking, and am looking forward to trying more flavors. Filling cartridges is not a big deal and like others have said you can do a bunch all at one time and carry them with you. It's a simple and pulling one out and putting another in. As easy and digging for that cig and lighter:)

I like this description:
"It only took 3 days vaping to totally be off the cigarettes with no feelings of deprivation."


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
marlboro man. Thanks for your post, i've been on this forum for days and i'm still confused. I want the easiest path as well. All the talk about voltage, milliamps, cats, carts, attys, zigs, zags, circles, and spins is way too much.

In reviewing my smoking needs/habit it appears that (of course the delivery of nicotine) TH is my main need, followed by something about the size of a regular cig.

For ease of use and best throat hit, Vapor King from Vapor4Life is your best bet. Those are two of the biggest reasons why I love mine. They have top-notch customer service as a bonus.

Refilling cartomizers takes very little time and is easy - and it saves you a lot of money. It also allows you to try any flavor out there. You can buy blank cartos and fill them with your favorite flavors. I buy my e-juices from several different vendors that were recommended on this site and I've had nothing but positive experiences.

Also, there may come a time when you don't really care if your e-cig looks like a traditional analog. Sometimes that's a big negative. You may also find that tobacco flavors lose their luster in a short period of time as you discover how delicious non-tobacco flavors can be.

It's a process.


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
I tried the gum and chantix without success in the past and on the advice of the girl who cuts my hair decided to give e-cigs a try. Here's my .02.

I was a pack and a half a day smoker for 20 plus years and wanted something as close to a cigarette as I could find. I bought the greencig G-300 since I thought the charging case looked so similar to a pack of smokes and the battery itself was close to the look and feel of a cigarette.

I've since purchased another G-300, a few Vapor Kings (shorty, regular and XL), and a KR808D-1 using different cartomizers. I've been off cigs now for 8 or 9 weeks and rarely get the urge for a cigarette. The greencig with greencig western tobacco cartomizers are hands down my favorite.

One bit of advice, though, no matter what e-cig you go with. Make sure you have extra batteries. One of my greencig batteries died before I purchased additional batteries. If the other had battery died, I'm pretty sure I would've gone to the store and bought a pack of smokes.

Best of luck to you!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2009
Washington State
I recieved my Dragon M401 from Truesmoker on Wednesday and I love it. It gives a pretty decent throat hit, has good flavor, and is pretty much as thin as an analog(But a bit longer than a 100mm analog). Priced right as $60 and has 2 complete e-cigs in the kit. I know it doesn't mimic an analog, but it's a blessing, since people won't tell you not to smoke where ever you are. The Green Smoke.... err... I READ that it could be owned by Smoking Everywhere.... just my 2 cents: Stay away from Smoking Everywhere. Half decent product, but priced $100 more than the actual model itself online(RN40-something). 510, I heard gives a great throat hit. I'm looking to get one as my next e-cig. I hope this gives you a bit more insight. Good luck!:D
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