Does "cap off" steeping include removing the dripper assembly part of the plastic bottle?

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Full Member
Sep 14, 2014
Hong Kong
I have found "Closed Threads" regarding removing the caps off the bottles for steeping but none of them mentioned if "cap off" includes removing the plastic dripping part. No I'm not talking about Halo bottles. I mean the typical plastic ones where you have to turn them upside down to drop off the dripper. The hole is so small with the dripping assembly attached that i find liquid trapped in between the very narrow dripping tube even after overnight. I don't think any air will get inside to the main body of the liquid below in the plastic bottle. Let me know how you guys do it.


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Oct 8, 2013
New York
What you're describing with caps off is referred to as "breathing". Breathing the liquid is for those liquids that have a perfumey smell to it, like it's a bit too strong. Doing this will mellow out the taste. This can also be done to liquids with flavors that are extracted with alcohol and may still smell a bit like alcohol. I've had liquids that smelled like the flavor described and rubbing alcohol, they burned my throat a bit. I let them breath for 6-12 hours, letting the alcohol evaporate, and they were much better.

If you want you can breath them for a bit, but not too much because it will loose it's flavor. I'd say 12 hours max for breathing. Then let the steep in a dark cool place caps on for as long as you want with caps on.
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