do we consider heat not burn devices to be vaporizers?

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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2018
the states of unitedness
i've never used one of these so called "heat not burn" devices but i understand they heat tobacco instead of burning it, which has left me wondering: are these vaporizers? if they're vaporizers, why not just call them vaporizers? it seems like they invented another way to say loose leaf vaporizer but the technology is basically the same. am i missing something here?

also, has anyone used them that can compare their output to what's created by an average e-cig? better? worse? harsher? smoother?
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Jul 24, 2014
Bedfordshire, England
If heat not burn devices are lumped in with vaporizers that will be very bad news for vaping. It would legitimise approaches such as EU Tobacco Products Directive that quite unreasonably pretends vape products are part of the tobacco industry.


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Dec 14, 2013
It's funny, Heat not Burn devices have been around for a plant other than tobacco for quite some time. In fact, Juul was spun off from a company that got its start with such devices. I can honestly say that I've never used such a device, but I know they exist, and the crowd that uses them refers to them as "dry herb vaporizers".

They use 'em for the exact same reason that HnB devices are now getting popular for tobacco: The lack of combustion means inhaling fewer nasty byproducts.

I suspect we're gonna see several such products. I was vaping in a smoking lounge at an airport in Germany yesterday. I was the only vaper there, but during my three quick stints in there (my plane was two hours late), I saw two people using IQOS and one (probably Japanese) guy using a device I didn't recognize. It turned out to be a GLO.
glo from BAT - iQOS's latest rival - Heat Not Burn
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I personally consider HNB products to be vaporizers, just like any other method that doesn't use combustion, I have no idea what else I could legitimately CALL it, that is what it IS.

Whether they will be a subset of vaping on a broader basis remains to be seen, but I hope they do and that technology continues to improve. . I don't personally care for them for a variety of reasons but just as I don't want someone taking my vape, I similarly do not want HNB to be taken away from the folks who find them useful on the harm reduction spectrum and to work for them if other vaping methods have failed.



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May 8, 2014
Ypsilanti mi
Gotta say I'm with Rossum on this one
The tech for this has been around for years.
It's just now being applied to tobacco in a way that's practical for the average smoker.
That being said, I don't have any reason, or intention to try one.
My vaping experience is MORE than satisfactory and far exceeded the expectations I had when I started.
Anything that helps a smoker reduce the harm of cigarettes is a good thing, but I think that we should be wary of allowing these devices co-opt the term "Vaping" in today's regulatory climate.

Pete M

Senior Member
Aug 5, 2018
Most people who have only a casual awareness of vaping (the proverbial man in the street) will think it's pretty much the same thing for better or worse. It will be another question to answer when people talk about your vaping ("Hey, you know those things still have tobacco in right?")

I haven't seen one in action but by the sounds of it it will look exactly like someone is vaping and most people won't know the distinction or care about knowing.

From a user point of view I'm for them for the people it works for. Not something that interests me but if it helps people quit it's fine by me.

From the point of view of encouraging a wider acceptance of vaping amongst the population I suspect it could muddy the waters.

From a legislation point of view I could see it giving the more anti-vape governments the excuse they need to crack down on the whole vape thing, as I strongly suspect HnB is worse for your health than vaping but they'll lump everything together...
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Vaping Master
Feb 7, 2018
It would be very hard for a legislator to equate hnb and vaping, one heats a solid (in fact plant matter) the other a liquid. For governments relying on hard facts (not meant as a joke :D) that doesn't make a case to treat them equally and for governments who are just looking for any excuses to ban vaping - they'd find something anyways, if it's kids, hnb, "looks like smoking", "you can do drugs in there" etc etc, doesn't change anything.
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ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Well apparently there is going to be a "hearing" about non vape products being vaped in vapes?

Do these people know nothing? You need totally different COILS and sometimes a different battery to do that, it's ridiculous! Even teens know that wasting their substance on a substandard in fact USELSS delivery device is pointless, don't they?

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