Do 510 Tank cartridges and 510-t atty fit into the standard PCC?

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Full Member
Mar 2, 2010
I posted this question in the 510 thread a few days ago but haven't received a response. I'm hoping to get some help by moving this topic into the general area.

I'm searching and finding some seemingly conflicting answers to this question. I've got a standard 510 PCC from way back when I started vaping. I've since switched to the eGo but it has recently kicked the bucket. So, I thought I might try the 510 tank system. I know the 510-t batteries don't fit the standard 510 PCC, so I thought I'd buy the standard 510 batteries, a 510-t atomizer, and some tank cartridges. However, before I do I'd like to know for sure whether I can stick the atty and tank cartridges into the slots in the 510 PCC. Can anyone confirm that they fit?
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