DIY Flavoring %

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2010
Hello Ya'll,

New to vaping. Or will be when my supplies show up later this week. I opted to go for the DIY right from the beginning. I'm a Field service Technician by trade, so tinkering is cool with me. I bought Nic juice(60mg 50/50,VG,PG, and some 0nic flavoring and I had a few questions for you yeterans out there:

1: Whats a good starting % of flavoring for single flavor mixing? (using the cool calculators that ya'll have put out)
2: I bought some Menthol crystals. The site I got them from says mix with PG but I am reading all sorts of threads about mixing with PGA. Which one should I use?
3: Are Vaporbomb flavors any good?
4: Scubabatdan's calculator is really cool, But what if I am using a 50/50 PG/VG Nic base?

Thanx in advance for the help


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 23, 2010
Rochester NY
Yep, tons of info already out but to get you started:
|20% flavoring seems to be a good starting point (and what I use)
|Menthol crystals will disolve in PG/VG or a mix of the two. I just plunk them into my bottle and warm it under hot tap water. Takes just a few minutes to disolve.
|I use the calculator from . I haven't had much time to play with Scubabatdan's for more than a's a bit too busy for me. I took OneStop's and slimmed it down to the bare calculator to use on my DroidX.
|Additionally, I use an atomizer and direct drip while testing flavors.
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