Diabetes and Vaping?

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Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
No they should not affect your glucose levels, since they are not actually sugar. Even if you vape juices with VG in them, which metabolizes to glucose in the body, no significant increase has been measured. Many here are diabetic, and there has been no negative reports, even with blood tests. A low carb diet will give you more glucose that vaping will, and if you vape PG juices, there is zero glucose entirely.


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
I am also diabetic (Type 2 for the past 8 years) and IMO (Yes- My Personal Opinion) "Vaping" and the effects of certain "Niquids" on Diabetics should be a concern of yours and every other diabetic person who is currently Vaping, especially if the "nicquid" contains any and all forms of sugar or sugar substitutes . . . that includes all the ones made from food flavoring that are derived from certain Fruit Juices that contain fructose, etc. . . . These and other flavors that have a sweeter taste have had a sugar like effect on people - so you might want to be careful with those.

Matter of fact, there are many studies happening currently to the affects of sugar substitutes and their effects on people with diabetes . . . Nothing is conclusive as of yet, but you should be concerned and aware of what effects may happen to your sugar levels when "Vaping" certain "Niquids", especially when you do not know what they are made from and have in them . . .

This was also discussed in the New Memembers Forum a litle while ago, You may want to chack that thread out (here:http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/new-members-forum/296724-vaping-diabetes.html) and also a reply I made to one poster about ingesting "vapor" in the same thread (here: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/new-members-forum/296724-vaping-diabetes.html#post6100929).

I do hope this information is helpful and assist you in your search for an answer - Not the only answer - but an answwer to your question and if "Vaping" effects the sugar levels of those with Diabeties . . .

PLEASE NOTE - DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR - nor do I have any Medical Degree - Like anything I post any and all information I provide concerning issues such as these are from personal experience and my own research . . . If You have any questions about the validity or content of my personal statements - JUST READ "My" Banner below . . . And as with anything - Please continue to do your own research on the subject . . . Information Is Your Only Way To LEARN and Gain Knowledge . . .

BTW: I have also post information about using Cinnamon and Diabetes in a couple of threads that you may want to check out also . . . If I can find them I will try to post one of them here or possibly as a Blog . . .
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Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Here is "My" Previous the post that I mentioned about the effects of Cinnamon and Diabetes . . .

WOW - More Diabetics in the house . . . Who really knew, well none of us until YOU decided to come out of the closet too (AND - NO I don't mean if You're "Gay" or not . . . ) . . . I think most people here know I am Diabetic too - so hearing about others doing what is right for them is great . . .

Just to share and let you know you are not alone here and to tell You all about something that has helped "Me" . . .

Diabetes is also a heredity characteristic in "My" Family (Grandmother died of Diabetic alcoholism; Mother Type II then Type I & Insulin the last year of her life, Older sister Type I from the start & on Insulin {Very Bad Off}, and Older Brother Type II and all find out within the same year - '98) . . .

Besdies all that is physically wrong with "me" and "my" other health problems . . . I found out on "My" Birthday in 2004 and was diagnosed as being "pre-diabetic" with an A1C of 7.3 (and in reality, to me that is like being "pre-pregnant" - either you are or your are not . . . hopefully there are some that know what I mean . . . ) . . . AND within a year it went up to as far as A1C of 9.8 so I was now diagnosed as Type II Diabetic . . . My problem was not "Sweets" as in candy and desserts, but "fresh fruit" (One of "My" BIGGEST DOWNFALLS - LOVE FRUIT) & Pepsi (at least 2 - 2 litters a day . . . I know - I know - My BAD ) . . . SO after giving up eating a lot of Fresh Fruit everyday & the "Pepsi" (almost as hard as it is giving up analogs right now . . . again I Know - I know - My BAD ) I lost almost over 40 lbs (weight still fluctuates) and I am able to maintain "My" Diabetes fairly well . . . I get my blood test every 3 months (don't do test daily) am back down to an A1C count that falls between 6.8 - 7.2 which given "My weight and size both "My" Doctor & I are very happy with (especially given everything else I have to deal with physically, including Cholesterol problems) . . .

So "WHY" am I telling you all this, well to let you know that I am able to do this all with the help of a little KNOWN Secret too that I want You to know about . . . It just might help YOU too as it has "Me" . . .

Besides all the medications I take for Diabetes & Cholesterol (which have been helpful) there was no Big Changes till I started using "Cinnamon" (Both in Supplement form and powered what you just buy in the store) . . . I accredit "Cinnamon" in helping me not only maintaining "My" A1C to the lower levels - it has also help with "My" Cholesterol . . . it has increased "My" HDL from 28 to 37 (almost got it above 40 Now) & lowered "My" LDL from 174 to 59 (which is very Good) - And to top it off "my" Total Cholesterol Levels from 249 to 129 . . .

I take either a 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon mixed in with something I am eating or 2 "1000mg" Capsule/Tablets with every meal - plus 1 "1000mg" in the morning & at night . . . AND it has been working for "Me" . . .

SO check it out for yourself - all you have to do is a search on the Internet about "Cinnamon - Diabetes & Cholesterol" and read up about it . . . I do hope this information is useful & helpful to others as I have found out it to be for "Me" . . .

EDIT: Thanks to a reminder from "IThrenodyI" post . . .


I am not a medical professional - I am just sharing what I know and found out works for "Me" . .


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I just posted on another thread. I've been a T2 food-controlled diabetic for 40 years. That means I take no diabetic meds that would change my readings. I have seen absolutely no changes in my readings vaping. VG, in fact, is a staple doing my own baking. I use it to keep cakes, cookies, breads, etc moist. Most diabetic commericial baked goods contain it. As for flavorings, I use those too in food. They contain zero carbs in any form. Only the bioflavinoids are are extracted from fruits... not carbs/sugars. Sugars, in fact, will not work with an atty that's exactly why "sweet" juices usually contain ethyl maltitol (sp?) as a sweetener or use sucralose (popularly branded Splenda) and no sugar. I use those in both my food and vaping.

PS... and JMHO... one must watch for anti-vaping "plants" on the forums. In my view, vaping is an AID for a diabetic. I could never eat some of the lucious desserts juices are patterned after but I can enjoy the taste of them vaping! *tiramisul here I come*
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