DFWvapor.com Cinnamon Coffee Cake

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Jul 8, 2011
Johnson City, TN
DFWvapor.com Cinnamon Coffee Cake tastes like cinnamon candy. I'm not impressed, but it doesn't make me want to gag, either. Rating 3/5


The Order
The order was pretty much drama-free, except my mail man delivered the package one street over. This wasn't DFWvapor.com's fault. My address was clearly legible on the label. I guess my mail man was drunk or something.


This is my mail man.

The juice
It's straight up cinnamon candy. I'm not sure that that's what it's supposed to taste like, but it is what it is. I've tried a dozen combinations of voltage settings and different atomizers, and no permutation gives me anything other than a cinnamon candy heart or a stick of Big Red gum. Oh, about every fifth draw or so I catch a hint of... something... some sort of completely nebulous... otherness, maybe? It's like waking up, getting distracted by something unpleasant, then trying to remember what you were dreaming. I dreamed something, didn't I? Was I dreaming? Did I just taste somethOMG CINNAMON CANDY HEART!!!1 Maybe I'm just picking up subtle layers of disappointment.

It's not bad, as far as cinnamon candy goes. It's just not what I would expect when ordering Cinnamon Coffee Cake. Coffee cake is supposed to taste like yellow cake with a rock candy sugar crust and a ribbon of cinnamon toast crunch in the middle, right? That's not this juice.

The Verdict
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