Devonschmoker’s Review of the RN4072 (pen style) From

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
Portland, OR USA
The device: RN4072 with a four hole atomizer.
I have fallen in love this device! I have steered clear of pen styles until just recently do to their looks and bulk but I figured I might give it a try. It turns out the good far out weighs the bad. Jason at has really sold me on the idea of pen styles. As far as looks go I am actually quite happy. He set me up with an all black one with a blue LED. (My favorite) I opened the box and I was quite impressed, the pictures just don’t do it justice.
Now for the important stuff, the performance. The RN4072 has outperformed all of my other devices including the kiss box in the vapor department. I didn’t like the hard draw that much (I personally prefer a lighter one.) if you like a heavier draw you will really love this device. As a reference I would say it is the equivalent of a tightly packed analog, like an American Spirit. The cutoff is 5 sec which isn’t much of a problem unless you are a direct inhaler. Even I had to direct inhale to find it. I found that a primer puff is in order but not completely necessary. The battery life is excellent at a massive 9 hours of chain vaping (approximately). I also found that the battery seems to die about the time that the cart goes dry which I really find to be really convenient because you just have to change your cart when you battery dies. The switch is very reliable. As far as dripping goes I really don’t see a need for it with this device I tried it and there really isn’t any difference, the atomizer feeds really well.

Customer service: The customer service is great as this is a small one man owner/operator site. Jason is extremely helpful and seems to take great care and pride in what he carries. Also, if you contact him he will respond very quickly.

The RN4072 is an excellent device and I would especially suggest it anyone who is a former chain smoker like myself. It is also the most reliable device that I currently have. The service at is excellent but their stock supply is rather small. However, I understand that they will be carrying a stainless “901” (RN4075) that is expected to be in stock around 3/18/09 he is also working on getting this device (RN4072) back in stock as soon as possible.

Vapor =Excellent, lots of it and it is consistent.
Throat hit = Excellent, it is there and it is consistent.
Draw = Hard, like a tightly packed analog.
Battery life = Excellent, approximately 9 hours. It is very consistent with no drop off.

In a very twisted way I am kind of sad that there is no autopsy for this one. It works so well that I don’t think it will be necessary for quite a while. (I hope) I will keep you updated as always. – Devon Schmoker

Here is a link to their site.
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