Dekang Tobaccos, Banana, and Strawberry

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2011
all 11mg nic

DK-TAB - My favorite tobacco juice so far (for what that's worth). Bold in tobacco flavor, with an underlying sweetness of caramel/vanilla and a slightly nutty flavor. Definitely worth checking out. Good TH.

Flue Cured - Same bold flavor as DK-TAB but dryer and without any of the sweetness. Slightly spicier than TAB. Definitely a straight up bold tobacco flavor. Good for those analog cravings (don't get them much anymore though). High TH.

Tobacco - Sweeter than Flue Cured but less sweet than DK-TAB. Milder flavor than both the above but tobacco is the main flavor here. Good TH.

USA Mix - Least favorite so far of the Tobaccos. A fairly sweet mild tobacco. No nutty flavor but too sweet and the tobacco is too mild for my taste. Med TH.

Banana - Literally tastes like the banana laffy taffy candies and leaves the exact same after taste in your mouth. It's really good if you like banana laffy taffy.

Strawberry - The Strawberry tastes like strawberry gummy bears. It reminds me of a strawberry hookah without the tobacco flavor. Good vape if you're interested in sweet ones.

I don't have any other manufacturers to compare the sweet flavors against. The tobaccos I like better than several USA made juices. I have 2 more USA vendors' juices coming in the mail this week, and I can tell you if none of those are a hit, I'm settling on DK-TAB and Flue Cured as my all day tobacco vapes. There are a few USA juices that I like, but these are my main go tos right now.

Hope this helps some!
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