DeKang bubbilicious

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Hi guys. I was running low on eliquid the other day and i was doing long haul driving. I arrived in a service station which was selling DeKang juice. Curiosity got the better of me and i ended up buying some.

Now seeing as it was called bubbilicious and has a picture of a bubblegum machine on it i was expecting a fruity taste. However it tasted of very very strong menthol with little to no bubblegum flavour. Is it in anyway possible that it had been mislabelled or is this how it was meant to taste? Let me know if anyone has tried other DeKang juices and your experience with them please. Thanks in advance. Gav


Unregistered Supplier
Nov 10, 2012
Strange I don't have Bubbilicious on my flavor list... only "Bubble Gum". I do know Dekang had some copyright problems with some names in the past and changed to a more generic naming scheme. What is the birthdate/expiration date listed on the bottle? I wonder if that could be part of the issue. Does the cap have YNDK imprinted on it? If not, its not authentic. I have never tried Dekang's bubble gum, but I've had a similar experience with Hangsen's cotton candy before. It was unvapable to me. I was curious of the same thing... factory mess-up or bad flavor? I'm starting to wonder if this is a common theme with some of the sweet, candy flavors.
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