Dead Space 3

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hi everybody. I am hoping there are some other gamers out there that picked up Dead Space 3. I just finished up my first solo playthrough and I would like to try co-op on PS3 with someone who can stick it out for the long-haul. I imagine it will take multiple sessions over the course of several days to complete since this is a rather long game (took me 25-30 hours, but I like to play slow and look into every nook and cranny). Is anyone out there up for it? I never play games online so I don't have any "friends" that I can connect with, unfortunately.

Alternately, this thread can serve as a general discussion of the game. I am a huge fan of the series and I am kind of confused by the official reviews (78 on Metacritic right now) because I had a blast. There were some odd design choices and I certainly wouldn't give it a 100/100 but I think reviewers are being a little harsh. The one major issue, from my perspective, is that all of the original guns from the past two games were over-nerfed. For example, in DS1 and DS2 I primarily used the Force Gun, Line Gun and Plasma Cutter which was a deadly combo. In DS3 the Force Gun (my personal favorite) and Line Gun barely did anything to enemies even when upgraded, and the design of the game called for weapons much more powerful than the Plasma Cutter. For those unfamiliar, the Plasma Cutter is a staple in the series so it was really strange for it to be so under-powered. That said, I ended up making some really cool weapons that served me well throughout the game (Mini Gun/Shotgun with damage/reload/clip upgrades and an Acid Bath modifier / Tesla Chain Gun/fully auto submachine gun with damage/reload upgrades and an Electo-shock modifier), and weapon crafting as a whole was a really great addition.

Also, they could have added a better tutorial for the scavenger bots. It wasn't until halfway through that I figured out how to use them properly which set me back a bit. Once I "got it" I really liked the addition since it made for a fun mini game.

One last complaint pertains to the save system. In both of the past titles there were save stations throughout each level where you could log your progress. These are entirely gone in this entry and in their place is an auto-save system. This would have been fine except that auto saves happen so infrequently that I would be playing for HOURS in between each one. Fortunately, I never died at an opportune moment but I read on other forums that people literally lost 2-3 hours of progress and had to replay large portions of the game. Also, there is an option to "save and quit" within the menu and this is a bit deceiving. You can use this option at any time but it will only save your inventory, not your progress, so if you use it between auto-saves you will go back to where the last auto-save happened when you boot the game back up. I only used this feature right after an auto-save but I'll bet a fair number of people screwed themselves over.

Other than that, this was a really fun game and the developers did not let their fans down (this one, at least). I am looking forward to bringing some overpowered weapons into New Game+ and getting all of the unlocks. Hopefully some of you will want to join me in co-op!
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